Sentences with phrase «understanding of the condition»

For the home buyer, having a good understanding of the condition of a property is crucial to making informed decisions during a real estate transaction.
Results they report this week advance understanding of these conditions in situations where multiple stars are very widely separated.
We also need to gain a better understanding of the conditions under which such statistical methods can be expected to yield unbiased predictions of educational impacts.
The hope is that their accomplishment may lead to a molecular - level understanding of conditions such as infertility.
Learn more about anxiety to have a deeper understanding of the condition and how you can help improve the situation.
While PTSD - like symptoms were recognized in combat veterans following many historical conflicts, the modern understanding of the condition dates to the 1980s.
These discoveries not only enhance our fundamental understanding of these conditions, but also point to potential therapeutic strategies for treating them.
However, everyone benefits from increased understanding of the conditions as well as the treatments available.
However, using the wrong reward card — or not clearly understanding all of its conditions — can cost more than it gives.
He or she will have a full understanding of your condition and the progress of your recovery, along with any limitations you'll have.
It works to improve diagnosis, treatment and community understanding of these conditions.
This may lead to a better understanding of the conditions prevailing in the families in which these children develop.
If you have a significant allergy to a certain food or ingredient in food chances are you don't need to read this article to get a better understanding of your condition.
Our Builder's Warranty Inspection gives you a comprehensive understanding of the condition of the property across a dozen major categories: Exterior, Roof, Structure, Water Control Systems, Insulation and Ventilation, Interior, Electrical, HVAC, Plumbing, Fuel Services, Appliances and Environmental Systems.
Improving educational opportunities for all will mean moving forward with the School's ambitious agenda to change the methods by which practitioners are trained, while simultaneously deepening understanding of the conditions necessary for learning.
Our home inspection gives you a comprehensive understanding of the condition of the property across a dozen major categories: Exterior, Roof, Structure, Water Control Systems, Insulation and Ventilation, Interior, Electrical, HVAC, Plumbing, Fuel Services, Appliances and Environmental Systems.
In a study by the Georgia Institute of Technology, pediatric patients who were asked questions about their symptoms and provided information about asthma via SMS text messages showed improved pulmonary function and a better understanding of their condition within four months, compared to other groups.
I have been inspecting homes for 16 years and enjoy helping people like you to gain a thorough understanding of the condition of their home.
The hope, it would seem, is that the term employed by itself, and evocatively, will help tease out some general understanding of the conditions for artmaking and its reception today.
Remember: Those who dispense and administer medications must be able to read and understand written prescription and medication orders and possess a solid understanding of the conditions under which certain drugs may, or may not be prescribed (i.e. pregnancy, breast - feeding, allergies, side - effects, age and weight risks).
The implications of a common control element in sodium and calcium channels are vast, Yue says, including unified understanding of conditions that spring from defects in the calcium control of these channels.
«This is a good case study in that it starts big, bringing together our general understanding of the conditions during the little ice age, then looks at regional comparisons, then zeroes in on the local historical records and archaeology... together, they provide a convincing argument.»
However, I have felt that my personal understanding of the condition needed to continue evolving to be able to present a more helpful and comprehensive dialogue for those who may be searching to find answers for themselves or their patients.
Through expertly selected stories of people on all sides of the violent conflicts, readers will gain a larger understanding of the conditions that incubated the Klan's terrorism; how profoundly the freed people and their sympathizers suffered; and how the legacy of that fear, racism, and brutality runs through our own time.
In recent years, Ms. Dillon has been focusing on issues that will advance awareness and understanding of the conditions faced by Montana's vulnerable children and families, all the time emphasizing the need for evidence - based decision making and the importance of using and understanding data.
Research on fetal tissue is currently furthering scientific understanding of conditions that affect maternal and fetal health, like Zika virus, preeclampsia, and fetal chromosomal disorders.
In a new game - changing Canadian study, a research team from The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) and the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI - MUHC) has uncovered strong evidence for genetic causes of cerebral palsy that turns experts» understanding of the condition on its head.
«Funders and grantees alike are yearning for a better understanding of the conditions under which effective innovation and reform can happen.
Our home inspection gives you a comprehensive understanding of the condition of the property across a dozen major categories: Exterior, Roof, Structure, Water Control Systems, Insulation and Ventilation, Interior, Electrical, HVAC, Plumbing, Fuel Services, Appliances and Environmental Systems.
Armed with the numbers and the distribution of a species, as well as a thorough understanding of the conditions it needs in order to thrive and reproduce successfully, we can, with enough resources, intervene to save wild species from extinction.
Before discussing the possible treatments available for reducing and resolving premenstrual syndrome it is important to have a solid understanding of the condition itself.
Our Builder's Warranty Inspection gives you a comprehensive understanding of the condition of the property across a dozen major categories: Exterior, Roof, Structure, Water Control Systems, Insulation and Ventilation, Interior, Electrical, HVAC, Plumbing, Fuel Services, Appliances and Environmental Systems.
With better understanding of the condition and causes, it is now thought that most cPRA is / was probably a non-genetic condition that resulted from inadequate nutritional balance.
Make sure that you understand all of the conditions and terms of the rewards.
The notion of dimensions or levels of reality within nature has introduced into this later mode of evolutionary thinking qualitative distinctions which alter one's understanding of the conditions under which evolution occurs; such a concept also alters the implications of the notion itself.
Given his early Marxism as well as the influence of Collingwood and Wittgenstein, it should not be surprising that MacIntyre grew to find in Aristotle's account of the virtues and practical reason an understanding of the conditions necessary for our actions to be intelligible.
Moreover, share your knowledge to the whole family so that they can develop an understanding of the condition.
Michael Banissy at University College London welcomes the new «building block» in our understanding of the condition.
The results are important, according to the authors, because they deepen our understanding of conditions on Earth when all life consisted of single - cell microbes and their metabolisms that we know today were only just emerging.
The results were compared to observations carried out using the powerful Spitzer Space Telescope, probing our understanding of the conditions within the atmospheres of these planets.
If the working of the brain includes a mechanical element, as Anil Ananthaswamy's article indicates (31 August, p 32), could this help our understanding of conditions such as memory loss and dementia?
Comparing the social features of the two conditions could lead to better treatments and a deeper understanding of each
This research is also applicable to the understanding of conditions such as Tourette's syndrome and obsessive - compulsive disorder.
Performing experimental weather forecasts using the Stampede supercomputer at the Texas Advanced Computing Center, researchers have gained a better understanding of the conditions that cause severe hail to form, and are producing predictions with far greater accuracy than those currently used operationally.

Phrases with «understanding of the condition»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z