Sentences with phrase «understanding on one's part»

It results in a commitment, through greater understanding on the part of both teachers and learners, to giving a greater global dimension to the learning going forwards.
This mutual exploration, meaning - making, and feedback often lead to better understanding on the part of students, and to the creation of new understanding as well.
But a basic understanding on the part of policy - makers and voters can be a significant contributor to the vitality of public schools and our democratic society.
The concept of presenting the best possible version of yourself to employers requires empathy and understanding on your part as a candidate.
Since its addition to the psychiatric manual, the diagnosis has remained largely unused because of a general lack of awareness and understanding on the part of clinicians.
If I plead for more understanding on the part of Christians for those who have not enjoyed a Christian upbringing, I would also plead that the agnostic should know much more accurately than he appears to do what the Christians of today, particularly the young Christians, really believe.
It is present only in the kind of action I took as my example — action that issues in rational speech and is therefore characterized by an intelligent understanding on the part of the agent.
If this remains just an intellectual understanding on our part then we haven't yet really gotten to caring about others For us to care about others, what happens to them must matter to us.
To say that the analysis (which shows scores of Bast vs. Gleick that differ by a factor of 3) does not prove the case and then to provide metrics to 16 digits is simply absurd and demonstrates lack of numerical understanding on the part of Otto.
Well, most problems are connected to the discrepancy between the understanding of ICOs and the related technology on the side of the team working on the project and on the other side the low understanding on part of regulatory bodies, banks, etc..
Finally, and sadly, because I have the utmost respect, and I think we all do, for the practicing teachers, the level of understanding on the part of teachers and above all of math educators — that is members of the educational schools throughout the country — that is required for teaching mathematics in K - 12 is just not there any more.
«When I spent less time asking about and talking about certain departments at Fab, those functions perceived it as a lack of interest and understanding on my part,» he writes.
Especially when the self - understanding was a reflective one, any understanding on our part should take it with utmost seriousness as we attempt to describe the structure of existence that it brings to expression.
The idea that Nuns of any religion, can act outside of the body politic of that religion is ridiculous and shows a total lack of understanding on the part of the reporter.
«There was no dialogue or understanding on our part to keep it to any limit to avoid anything,» Coschignano said.
Galluzzi: Well, it will be totally renewed, there will be new rooms, new plans, new systems of communication; we are using and exploiting a lot of information technology in favor of understanding on the part of the visitors; new graphics, new concepts, so everything will be fairly new.
But for those who've faced similar experiences, there is hope that family ties might be refastened with a little time and understanding on the part of both parties.
Although never fully explained, most of the action sets off from a secret that Louise harbors regarding a possible experience dealing with rape in the past, and the lack of sympathy or understanding on the part of the legal system that, one presumes, did not do justice in her case.
This has been attributed to the understanding on the part of the students that the tablet contains far more interesting forms of entertainment than ebooks, and that rushing through to the end will afford the students the opportunity to play games or engage with social media.
The report outlines problems experienced by borrowers who made rehabilitation payments to debt collectors, describing a lack of communication and understanding on the part of the borrower.
Perhaps it's just a lack of understanding on their part.
4 The approach used in the organization's presentations is not aimed at developing an understanding on the part of the intended audience or readership because it does not consider their background or training in the subject matter.»
Information is provided again, and the defence may well be correct in that there is no evidence of understanding on his part this point.
We hope that the following few pointers would help in enhancing the understanding on the part of the insuring public and ensure that they get their just dues when claiming under the policy.
It may be because of fear of loss or may be because of lack of understanding on the part of some of the principals involved why the provisions of some policies are not clearly described but I am finding that more and more of some of these reputable organizations find themselves on the wrong side of a law suit..
Research suggests that this approach is critical if capacity building initiatives are to be sustainable.12 Such an approach can also facilitate greater cultural awareness and understanding on the part of non-Indigenous policy implementers, thereby assisting in the broader reconciliation process.
When family therapy is sought, there is an understanding on the part of the family — arrived at on their own or through a recommendation — that their challenges exist in and of a family.
But the lack of understanding on my part and from some in the medical community and beyond for what would truly make me or our family healthy at various times in our life has at times been confusing, frustrating and even utterly heartbreaking.
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