Sentences with word «undiagnosed»

"Undiagnosed" means that a medical condition or problem has not been identified or determined by a doctor or healthcare professional. Full definition
«There's a vast number of people who go undiagnosed with this condition,» said James Park, Fitbit's co-founder and chief executive officer, said in an interview with The Verge.
This is especially useful with undiagnosed cases of cough.
As someone who suffered from arthritis, add, reproductive problems and ibs as a result of undiagnosed celiac disease - and because my mother ended up with Crohn's disease as a result of years of lack of diagnosis as well — I can't wait to send this post to everyone I know that has a hard time understanding what it really is and does, and what gluten sensitivity is (partially because I'm so tired of trying to explain it with my limited non-professional knowledge!)
Both conditions went undiagnosed for a number of years, and her symptoms manifested over time in her body, and included: weight gain, hair loss, hormone imbalances, anxiety, depression, and infertility.
If you are waiting for the results of a medical test for undiagnosed disease and you want to apply for travel insurance, it is advisable that you show the insurance company a medical statement from your doctor.
At present, three children per average classroom has a diagnosable mental health problem, with many more struggling with undiagnosed conditions such as anxiety.
It is estimated that about 60 % of Ebola infections remain undiagnosed in the community; while 60 - 90 % of untreated patients with Ebola die, supportive medical care could reduce this rate to below 30 %.
Your sex drive may actually be taking a hit from something medical: anything from undiagnosed thyroid disease or diabetes to drugs you're taking, such as certain antidepressants.
As diabetes rates increase (and especially as the number of undiagnosed cases of pre-diabetes and diabetes increases), the number of women who have trouble breastfeeding their babies is likely to increase too.
If left undiagnosed for a year or more, our options become much more limited.
If you are sensitive to gluten (approximately 6 percent of the population is) or if you have the autoimmune disorder celiac disease (it is suspected that there are more people with undiagnosed celiac disease than diagnosed), even small amounts of gluten can set off an inflammatory response in your body.
Sometimes supply issues are easy to address, but they could also be caused by undiagnosed medical conditions.
Although it was Anna's decision to leave the show at the height of her character's popularity, the haste of her departure and the way that she was written out (a previously undiagnosed heart condition striking her down while on remand for her father's killing) left something of a sour taste in the mouth.
Whether you are currently suffering from undiagnosed illness, have received unsuccessful treatments for your symptoms or are just seeking a moreproactive way to ensure your future health, the Waller Wellness Center offers the highest level of personalized care to meet your goals.We are a healthcare practice for the 21st Century, with a science - based, natural approach that combines conventional medicine with advanced Functional Medicine and Anti-Aging principles and therapies.
Gifted children with some kinds of undiagnosed learning disabilities will be very disorganized, messy, and have difficult social relations (Baum & Owen, & Dixon, 1991; Olenchak & Reis, 2002).
Although hair loss is common among American - American women, Dr. Lenzy says, this problem often goes undiagnosed because patients don't know they should visit a dermatologist for evaluation; the vast majority of survey respondents (81.4 percent) indicated that they had never seen a physician about hair loss.
Because of this link, researchers say, anyone who's had a stroke or a transient ischemic attack — also called a mini-stroke or TIA — should be screened for undiagnosed sleep disorders.
Professor Teede said these are the peak reproductive years when undiagnosed diabetes could have significant risks for mothers and babies.
Your adoption fee will be refunded to you if you choose to return the animal to the shelter within two weeks from the date of adoption due to a previously undiagnosed medical condition documented by a licensed veterinarian.
It's key to remember that 1) progress takes time, but also 2) this is just one small change to your diet — for example, if someone has irritable bowel symptoms prompted by undiagnosed food intolerances, simply adding gelatin isn't like to do all that much (those food intolerances are going to need to be identified and addressed, and then gelatin can help with the gut healing).
I have seen women struggling to feed the baby, then pump (when they have finally settled the baby) around the clock when, for that particular woman, this can be an unsustainably stressful experience; I have seen women with wrecked nipples that cause toe - curling pain at the very thought of a baby coming near them, often because of undiagnosed issues such as a baby with tongue tie.
The 4 - year - old NIH Undiagnosed Diseases Program (UDP) has evaluated about 500 patients who come to NIH's clinical center for clinical and genetic tests.
So get some sun responsibly, ease up on the antibiotics and stock up on the probiotics, and test for undiagnosed food allergies or sensitivities.
The malignancy often remains undiagnosed until the cancer has spread, leaving patients with a bleak prognosis and a five - year survival rate of less than 30 percent.
Women, on average, did not live as long because of routine complications during childbirth and from undiagnosed infections afterwards.
The symptoms of meningitis in newborns may be subtle at first but may become more severe if undiagnosed.
First, many other disorders, especially gastrointestinal disorders (such as undiagnosed celiac disease, atrophic gastritis, lactose intolerance, malabsorption in the small intestine, and Helicobacter pylori infections) may impede the absorption of thyroid hormones (such as levothyroxine) you may have been prescribed.
Because gluten sensitivity is largely dismissed and conventional testing for it is so inadequate, many patients unnecessarily suffer from undiagnosed gluten sensitivity.
We have three psychiatrists here today that can attest to the fact prisons are full of people with undiagnosed mental health disorders.»
The book has a foreword by Dr. Sarah Myhill, who says: «I would recommend this book to any patient with undiagnosed health problems or hypothyroidism.»
But new research suggests that many college students who misuse stimulants aren't doing so to turn that A-minus into an A. Rather, these students may be struggling to survive the semester due to attention problems or even undiagnosed ADHD.
When my daughter was born she had a serious undiagnosed tongue tie, she was so in - efficient at removing milk that I completely lost supply in my right breast (never to return), and she dropped a lot of weight.
Being told I was lazy growing up when I was showing symptoms of undiagnosed dyslexia lended itself to carrying false guilt.
Since I have a recently adopted dog with as yet undiagnosed allergies, I liked the fact that these Zoe pill pops do not contain any...»
The largest ever genetic study of children with previously undiagnosed rare developmental disorders has discovered 14 new developmental disorders.
«Now that mainstream media is finally onboard, it's up to us to give more parents some peace of mind in protecting their kids from otherwise undiagnosed brain injury.»
One of the major reasons for this is many undiagnosed celiac cases assume their symptoms are just a gluten «sensitivity.»
Brain injuries are one of the most misunderstood and undiagnosed injuries in Canada.
Many people unknowingly develop heart disease due to poor eating habits, and engaging in physical activities when undiagnosed heart conditions are present can be fatal.
The I - CCAaN project (Improving Community Coordination, Access and Networks) involved developing and trialling an innovative intervention in General Practice for the identification and care of previously undiagnosed depression and anxiety in patients with chronic physical illness.
If you are experiencing undiagnosed pain or are currently being treated for a chronic condition, you should obviously consult a doctor before making any changes to your lifestyle or taking herbal supplements.
PCOS is a devastating condition that goes frequently undiagnosed, and Insulite Health is on a mission to make sure that every woman with symptoms of PCOS around the world is supported in a profound way.
Still, the authors conclude that the number and uniformity of the patient population in this study make it possible to comment on the risk of undiagnosed cancer in apparently noncancerous colorectal polyps and the consequences of not making that diagnosis preoperatively.
There was speculation that he suffered from CTE, caused by undiagnosed concussions he suffered while playing 19 seasons in the NFL.
I have been working with Andrea to help me with undiagnosed GI issues.
The most undiagnosed sleep disorder in the country may also be the most dangerous: Obstructive sleep apnea, a condition that robs more than 20 million Americans of rest every night.
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