Sentences with phrase «undue credit»

Mr. Okudzeto Ablakwa also the Deputy Minister of Education under the former NDC administration, Thursday responded to Dome - Kwabenya MP's claim that cited the esrtwhile Mahama administration allegedly taking undue credit for the Kwabenya Community Senior High School (SHS) established in her constituency.
In contrast to the Bush's tardy and seemingly insensitive response to Katrina, Trump responsibly steered clear of the worst of it in Houston while ordering massive federal relief in coordination with state and local rescue officials, without taking undue credit for it.
Bernanke inverts the yield curve, incenting banks to take undue credit risk.
While building a bond ladder may help you manage interest rate and reinvestment risk to some extent, there are 6 important guidelines to consider to make sure you are diversified and to attempt to protect yourself from undue credit risk.
Vaccination often receives undue credit for disease prevention, and we often hear raving about the lifesaving benefits of vaccination.
But they are under attack — from some conservatives, because President Obama has taken undue credit for their adoption, and from some liberals, because, well, because liberals hate standards and testing (and many educators don't love accountability, particularly when applied to themselves).
The lawsuit also cites an incident with this reporter as evidence that Lipkin took undue credit.
«Throughout their professional relationship, Lipkin made clear that he expected [Hornig] to be his largely - silent and always subservient partner, forced to work almost exclusively on his projects and to give him undue credit for her own work,» the lawsuit states.
In my haste and excitement to see show off solar power — I've given it undue credit.
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