Sentences with phrase «undue expense»

I took the initiative to dig out the basic reason behind undue expenses that were made in the logistics department.
«We believe the E.P.A.'s handling of this matter aggravated the situation, causing undue expense to our agencies,» read the letter, which was signed by Dr. Zucker and Basil Seggos, the state's environmental commissioner.
«Notwithstanding DOL's current efforts to extend the BIC Exemption's applicability date, its own guidance recognizes that regulated entities such as Thrivent «may incur undue expense to comply with conditions or requirements that [DOL] ultimately determines to revise or repeal,»» the Nelson opinion reads.
Chief Justice Scott Bales established a Committee on Civil Justice Reform that is considering the CJI Recommendations and making recommendations to ensure that Arizona courts are forums for the fair and efficient resolution of disputes without undue expense or delay.
«We believe the EPA's handling of this matter aggravated the situation, causing undue expense to our agencies, and the EPA should reimburse the state for the extraordinary costs incurred due to the EPA's mishandling,» Zucker and Seggos wrote.
And although he was bringing with him a few typical issues like ear infections, «hot spots» and the need for a good dental cleaning, we weren't overly concerned at the time about any undue expense warranted for his basic veterinary care.
Fortunately, however, the medical professional (s) responsible for the facial paralysis might be held accountable for these undue expenses and burdens if a family chooses to pursue a medical malpractice lawsuit.
In other cases, the exposures complained of could not be covered without unfairness or undue expense to the practising bar as a whole.
«Lack of legal knowledge in a particular area will not always prevent a lawyer from acting since it may be possible to acquire the requisite knowledge within a reasonable time at no undue expense to the client.
My passion for these processes comes from the personal experience of a divorce where there was litigation, accusation, pain, stress and undue expense.
My passion for this process comes from the personal experience of a divorce where there was litigation, accusation, pain, stress and undue expense.
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