Sentences with phrase «undue focus»

Such a danger comes from undue focus on method to the exclusion of direction or content.
My hope is that we can move on to focus on the problems that I hope are generally accepted to be real and that undue focus not be spent on criticism.
Further, trying to create a lengthy explanation to correct the mistake, will just cause undue focus on it and will distract the interviewer.
There is undue focus on the roots as the whole deal.
He taught that treating illness from a purely allopathic approach put undue focus on symptoms without going to the root cause of disease.
Woodman has reached wide posthumous acclaim, but her parents aver that interpretations of her photographs are overshadowed and limited by undue focus on her suicide.
In the Collaborative Divorce process, the focus is on the future of the individuals and their children, without undue focus on the past, resulting in a process that keeps private information out of the Court system, seeks to preserve the mental health of the children, and allows the parties to better control their own destinies through a respectful team approach.
However, undue focus on on unverified worst case scenarios as a strategy for building political will for a particular policy option constitutes undesirable alarmism.
I wonder if an undue focus on technology has sometimes prompted us to ignore this critical point.
«undue focus» on anything is a mistake, of course.
You hide this increase behind an undue focus upon natural fertility rates.
As with the barriers to the making the change, undue focus on the presumed negative consequences can paralyze action before it even begins.
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