Sentences with phrase «undue hardship»

The term "undue hardship" is a legal concept that refers to an exception or exemption from performing certain duties, obligations, or responsibilities. Full definition
The outer limits of undue hardship in accommodating the use of medical marijuana are unclear and will likely generate significant debate (and litigation) in coming years.
You must declare Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy and demonstrate that repayment would impose undue hardship on you and your dependents.
A loan discharge in bankruptcy is rare, but possible if the bankruptcy court finds that it would impose undue hardship on you and your dependents if you kept your student loans.
The association recommends, «An act for accommodation without undue hardship in the administration of government services and other establishments».
This enables a homeowner to catch up on their mortgage without undue hardship on their monthly budget.
This expense will carry over to the next person when you leave and that can mean a lot of undue hardship for that person.
As a result, most undue hardship claims are difficult for borrowers to prove.
As such, costs constraints did not constitute undue hardship which would justify a lack of accommodation of persons with disabilities.
The employer might be able to claim undue hardship if a significant risk still remains after taking these measures.
Yes, yes, we know that many of you are suffering undue hardship as a result of the breakdown of your relationship.
Where providing a reasonable accommodation is within the sole control of one entity that fails or refuses to provide it, the other can show undue hardship.
The only way a paying parent can lower their child support payments for a child would be by establishing undue hardship under s. 10 of the Child Support Guidelines.
To show this, the employer must demonstrate that it is impossible to accommodate the person without imposing undue hardship upon the employer.
However, employee complaints that are inconsistent with specific human rights, such as complaints that an accommodation is simply «special treatment,» will not assist in establishing undue hardship.
Staff morale may also be factor in assessing undue hardship if other employees have well - founded concerns.
Each bankruptcy court varies by state, and this means that the tests used to evaluate undue hardship also varied greatly.
To discharge federal student loans in bankruptcy, you must prove to the bankruptcy court that you would experience undue hardship if you were forced to repay your loan.
It is the failure to accommodate needs to the point of undue hardship which results in discrimination against persons with disabilities.
Where undue hardship is claimed, cost and risk estimates should be carefully examined to make sure they are not excessive in relation to the stated objective.
In spite of attempts to provide some standards to define undue hardship, bankruptcy courts have been left to create «tests» which have only created more controversy.
Although student loan debt can be discharged in bankruptcy, in most jurisdictions borrowers must demonstrate undue hardship, meeting a legal definition that critics have characterized as too narrow.
There was no evidence of undue hardship from the employer.
It can be a lengthy legal process, and you'll have to prove that you're facing undue hardship to succeed.
A covered entity is required, absent undue hardship, to provide reasonable accommodation to an otherwise qualified individual with a substantially limiting impairment or a «record of» such an impairment.
If undue hardship conditions truly do exist and are successfully proven to the courts, then child support obligations can be changed to reflect the individual's new circumstances.
The hearing focused on problems with the current undue hardship system.
There are limits to this duty, and these limits are called undue hardship.
Classes are designed to prevent undue hardship on the children by teaching parents to love their children more than they hate one another.
Each bankruptcy court varies by state, and this means that the tests used to evaluate undue hardship also varied greatly.
Once again, just try the items on to ensure that your baby is in proper position, and your back is spared undue hardships.
One example of an economic undue hardship might be a 55 year old retail worker getting paid minimum wage.
We agree that consideration of educational value as a separate factor in analyzing undue hardship would improperly place too much emphasis on this evidence.
While it could provide needed relief for many families struggling with their federal student loans, it could also cause undue hardship later down the road.
The discussions and examples in this section assume that there is only one effective accommodation and that the reasonable accommodation will not cause undue hardship.
Although knowing how to prove undue hardship for student loans is important, filing for bankruptcy is a major financial decision.
Third, the standard must be reasonably necessary for the employer to accomplish its purpose, and it would be impossible to make accommodations without imposing undue hardship upon the employer.
What constitutes undue hardship varies based on the circumstances surrounding each individual case.
It does not undermine existing religious rights and provides the proper guidelines to determine under what conditions a special accommodation without undue hardship should be given.
Accommodation must be offered to the point of undue hardship.
No matter what your financial situation is, you will find that making the loan payment can cause some stress and undue hardship on you and your family.
This duty stops short of the employer experiencing undue hardship.
It is technically not impossible, but demonstrating undue hardship is very difficult.
Legal decisions have set a high threshold for establishing undue hardship.
To qualify for student loan discharge via bankruptcy, you'll have to prove you face undue hardship.
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