Sentences with phrase «unemployment crisis»

Eight opportunity Panels around the world will co-create opportunities to un-lock the youth unemployment crisis.
Today, an equally intractable unemployment crisis demands that Ben S. Bernanke, the current Fed chairman, stage a quiet revolution of his own.
Mervis used data from two National Science Foundation (NSF) surveys to show that, despite recent headlines about a Ph.D. unemployment crisis, the vast majority of recent Ph.D. recipients are «gainfully employed» 2 to 5 years after earning their degrees.
In lots of places where layoffs were not on the table, it allowed school districts to give teachers raises, at a time when America suffered through the worst unemployment crisis in a generation.
Today, a conservative think tank ran an ad against de Blasio in the New York Post, arguing that raising the minimum wage to $ 15 would make the city's «youth unemployment crisis» worse.
So will 2013 be another year of painfully slow and steady improvement in the employment situation, or will we finally start seeing life in the labor market that will put a serious dent in our unemployment crisis?
In the context of an unemployment crisis, informal workers saw this attack on their livelihoods as especially unfair because it came without alternatives in the form of job prospects, a blatant failure to take citizens» wellbeing into account.
«Retrenchment both in the public service and the private sector also continue to worsen the unemployment crises
The basic idea was to provide work during an unemployment crisis, while at the same time solving national problems with massive amounts of unskilled labor.
«And repeating the bank bonus tax to fund 100,000 jobs for young people is a fair way to help tackle the unemployment crisis facing our country right now.
«If we don't tackle this, we won't tackle the very wide and damaging gap in performance between the best and worst schools - a gap that is creating an unemployment crisis for the future,» the spokesman added.
The unemployment crisis is a source of bottomless suffering around the world, and the millions upon millions of jobs that would be created by a global emergency climate mobilization are anything but incidental.
The unemployment crisis is a source of bottomless suffering around the world, and the millions upon millions of jobs that would be created by global emergency climate mobilization are anything but incidental.
«Years of rising consumer debt and low savings rates, combined with the housing and unemployment crises, are causing bankruptcy levels not seen since the 2005 amendments to the Bankruptcy Code,» ABI Executive Director Samuel J. Gerdano said.
They may even be contributing to the unemployment crisis and certainly play a role in the so - called «skills gap» employer complain of («We have plenty of vacancies; we just can't find skilled people to fill them.)
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