Sentences with phrase «unemployment rate in the country»

This he said would help end high unemployment rate in the country as well as help the growth of the economy.
The increase in unemployment rates in the country had an impact on real estate prices and Canadian mortgage rates as well.
Click to see if your state has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country.
Richmond residents with a college education have one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country at 2.4 percent, and they can expect to make 69 percent more than if they had only a high school diploma.
In the period from April 1993 to March 2002, the youth unemployment rate in both countries averaged 14.7 %:
Iowa posted the lowest unemployment rate in the country at 2.1 %, while South Dakota reported 2.3 % and Missouri posted 2.4 %, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Now instead of sitting at home and complaining about the increasing unemployment rate in the country (sorry but I think conventional employment is a dying trend), you can use your skills to make money from home.
This forms part of the government's strategy for Technical and Vocational Education and Training in the country to help reduce the alarming unemployment rate in the country.
There is a 20 percent unemployment rate in the country, and the CSIC budget is down 14 percent for 2010.
For example, in the area of unemployment, Swift Current, Sask., had the lowest estimated unemployment rate in the country (2.5 %).
Not only do residents have to contend with alligators, various manners of swamps and a daily onslaught of weird news stories, they're also faced with the third highest unemployment rate in the country and the seventh worst commute.
In 2013, Osun had the lowest unemployment rate in the country and the second lowest poverty rate.
Aside the efforts to establish an independent prosecutor's office, Nana Akufo - Addo indicated that, his main priority will be fixing the economy and addressing the youth unemployment rate in the country, which the world bank has pegged at 48 percent for persons between ages 15 and 24.
«It's a shame that we are celebrating those who had contributed the increased unemployment rate in the country, lack of healthcare services, dwindling standard of education and failed democracy among other challenges.
Although a simple comparison of the unemployment rate in both countries would clearly highlight the faster pace of US labor market recovery, our view is that this fails to consider how significantly more volatile the US labor market has been.
The Fed also lowered its estimates for the unemployment rate this year to 3.8 percent from the previously announced 3.9 percent, while for 2019 the unemployment rate in the country is expected to fall to 3.6 percent from 3.9 percent.
The unemployment rate in the country was unchanged at 17 - year lows in February of this year.
Again, the NDP is raising the cost of everything at a time when over 200,000 Albertans are looking for work and Edmonton and Calgary are tied for second for the highest unemployment rates in the country.
The average unemployment rate in countries of the OCED, situated around 4 % during the «70s, has at least doubled during the «80s.
As part of moves to reduce the unemployment rate in the country, the National Youth Employment Agency (YEA) has initiated moves to recruit 15,000 youth under the Community Policing Assistants (CPAs) module.
This, according to the Acting CEO Kobina Beecham, is to help reduce the unemployment rate in the country.
Some members of the governing National Democratic Congress (NDC), want their party's manifesto to have a blueprint for tackling the unemployment rate in the country.
«It will include the private sector in ensuring massive growth in reducing the unemployment rate in the country.
The Chief Imam, Sheik Dr. Osman Nuhu Sharubutu, has called on government to address the high unemployment rate in the country.
Faced with the highest high school dropout, foreclosure, and unemployment rates in this country, only one out of 10 students in the state of Nevada will earn bachelor's degrees.
had the lowest unemployment rate in the country (1.6 %).
For one thing, it seems like everybody has a job in Salt Lake City - it's got one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country.
The city's unemployment rate is just a point above Bismarck, N.D., which has the lowest unemployment rate in the country.
Since Alaska has the highest unemployment rate in the country, it's no surprise that thousands of its residents are in severe credit card debt.
Despite the fact that Saskatchewan had a 2.9 % increase in jobs in March over the same time last year and despite the fact that it has the lowest unemployment rate in the country, the headlines still focused on the negative and reported a growing unemployment rate.
Utah has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country, and our growing population will keep the need for homeownership at a high level in 2018.»
I think if there is a recession, things might even get crazier here as people become more mobile and flee to jobs, and we currently have the lowest unemployment rate in the country (it is really easy to get a good job here...)
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