Sentences with phrase «unfair assessment»

That's a totally unfair assessment because plenty of foreign airlines have programs that sometimes provide better value than programs affiliated with domestic carriers.
The fact that law schools do not now take and never have taken an interest in statistics sufficient to make a truly valid determination of students» relative standings leads to a wildly unfair assessment of students.
As a result he now occasionally seems to crop up in lists of the worst F1 drivers ever, but despite his dismal races with Ferrari, and the fact that no other driver has started more races without scoring a point, it's a grossly unfair assessment.
Even students who overwhelmingly favor PBL cite team dynamics and seemingly unfair assessment as the biggest frustrations.
I think it isn't a terribly unfair assessment to say the GM LS / LT engine family in RWD applications are darn good — some of the best in the industry.
Because of that, a lot of people see Ultimate Team as merely a side dish to the main FIFA course, but that's an incredibly unfair assessment of a mode which possesses many qualities the other big modes fail to capture.
Whether that's a fair or unfair assessment of Klein's influence over Republican Leader Dean Skelos is almost beside the point.
But my opening statement is not at all an unfair assessment.
As I said if it's based on form then he is deserving of a call up, I agree with the slow as a cart horse comment but think it's an unfair assessment given the amount of goals he has scored this season.
Last week, three New York state assemblymembers from Westchester penned a letter to the state Board of Regents chancellor asking for the Common Core - linked tests to be discontinued, saying the tests were unfair assessments and costly to school districts.
They say the tests are unfair assessments and costly to school districts.
However, this is an unfair assessment of the sleeveless jumper.
On the possibly unnecessary renumbering of «Hulk» # 1: That is not an unfair assessment.
This may be an unfair assessment, however, because research shows that beef, dairy, and wheat allergies are far more common in dogs.
That is an unfair assessment that may cause you to misjudge and miss out on the right dog for you.
Be sure that your insurance company is not indicating that «17c»» is the only way to determine diminished value, as in Georgia, many believe it is an unfair assessment tool, including Georgia's Insurance Commissioner, John Oxendine.
Since scale isn't obvious in most marketing materials, and most consumers would likely assume that the model with the «Plus» moniker is the largest available, this isn't an unfair assessment to make.
If, AFTER thinking about it, you find that it is an unfair assessment, consider talking to the person calmly, and illustrating ways in which you feel they have misjudged you.
My heart broke reading on as his penned words seemed such an unfair assessment of the particular woman.
And that unfair assessment could give your buyer a reason to try to negotiate down the sale price.
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