Sentences with phrase «unfair attack»

It is not only receiving appropriate scrutiny, but is also responding to unfair attacks by setting the record straight.
The justice system should not be permitted to disregard the laws that protect sexual assault complainants from unfair attacks on their credibility and unfounded assumptions that they gave consent.
When asked about Alexey Navalny, Khodorkovsky cautioned against unfair attacks against Russia's prominent opposition leader and refrained from calling Navalny a «nationalist», while admitting that some scrutiny of his convictions is well justified.
Microsoft probably felt that they had to defend their brand from this slightly unfair attack from the President, which in all fairness was likely to not have been so intentionally direct.
Yepsen, 56, endured a series of late and some say unfair attacks in a campaign in which she eschewed support from Saratoga PAC, a new political action committee made up of influential business owners.
Conversely, the shrill, vitriolic, self - serving, and obviously unfair attacks on administration officials by the civil rights lobby has drained their criticism of much of its legitimacy.
Main The Times launches unfair attack on David Cameron's attempts to promote women»
It's a baffling, unfair attack wherein evasion is pure luck.
It has diverse manifestations: People who ask for data are assued to be interested in generating unfair attacks on their interpretations by non-peer reviewed means.
Hannity said he's tired of the media's unfair attacks against the president and his family and he thought Kimmel went too far.
«The Government's unfair attack on child benefit is now unravelling.
This unwarranted and unfair attack on Alberta sets a dangerous precedent for Canada with long term repercussions for all Canadians» said the senator.
And, true to form, an ever compliant media fronted his cause with an unfair attack on the family.
The meat industry has been trying to raise awareness of other foods that contain ammonia, in response to what it has characterized as an unfair attack on a safe and healthy product.
If you have been the victim of an unfair attack online or elsewhere in the press, you might need both repairing and future proofing.
By donating now we can show that we are much stronger than the special interest driven money that dominates Albany and we will make sure Bill has the money he needs to put together a strong Election Day operation and withstand the negative, unfair attacks.
Business and employer groups felt uncomfortable with what they saw as a broadbrush and unfair attack.
Trump strongly defended Dr. Jackson, the White House physician, as «one of the finest people that I have met,» but he hinted that Jackson might soon withdraw from consideration, blaming Democrats for mounting an unfair attack on his nominee's record.
Paladino had to respond immediately, and Rabbi Levin was the only one who offered to defend him against the unfair attack, orchestrated by the Cuomo campaign.
During oral questions yesterday, he made an unfair attack on James Paice, Shadow Minister for Agriculture.
The City Council is considering new rules for «crisis pregnancy centers,» which defendants say is an unfair attack.
The allegations by Kent and the others center on what the plaintiffs claim was an unfair attack on them by Spence and his allies regarding charges that a Rockland County council leader, Stephanie Lee, had misused a PEF bank card, making numerous personal purchases, which led to a court judgment of $ 64,104.88 against her.
Yvette Cooper, Labour's shadow works and pensions secretary accused the government of carrying out a «shocking and unfair attack on children and families.»
The final boss is, once again, a giant head with hyper armor with a ton of health and unfair attacks.
As far as I know, none of them subsequently apologized for offering a mistaken and unfair attack on our educational system once the economy recovered, nor did anyone credit teachers for the turnaround.»
But jumping on someone who breeds dogs for show or pets and making generalizations about why they do it is an unfair attack on the wrong person, we should be focusing our energies into decrying that the conditions in puppy mills and puppy stores are even allowed to exist under the law, instead of attacking someone who obviously cares for her dogs and where they end up.
Indonesia considers environmental and climate concerns to be nothing more than economic discrimination, and civil society campaigns against deforestation and industrial plantations to be unfair attacks.
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