Sentences with phrase «unfair contracts»

Two in five (40 %) respondents said they felt powerless to do anything about unfair contract terms because the supplier was too important or powerful to challenge.
So in today's post, I'm going to lay out several examples of authors signing unfair contracts as well as authors getting their rights stolen from them.
Domestic building contracts are also regulated by the consumer legislation concerning unfair contract terms and so on.
The «leading» team is experienced in a range of cases involving consumer protection regulation, trading standards, environmental health and unfair contract terms.
New research from the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) suggests half (52 %) of small firms have been stung by unfair contract terms with suppliers, costing nearly # 4 billion in the last three years.
Comment Following JP Morgan Chase v Springwell Navigation [2008] EWHC 1186 (Comm), [2008] All ER (D) 167 (Jun) this case was the second in 2008 where a client attempted to challenge a bank's contract terms under unfair contract terms legislation.
What always amazes me is why publishers still try to force authors into unfair contracts, when there are so many other options these days.
The Consumer Rights Act 2015 (Act) has now received Royal Assent, bringing about an overhaul in the law regarding the sale and supply of goods, services and digital content and the law on unfair contract terms.
On the issue of Miss Ghana's unfair contract which GhanaCelebrities.Com has published several pages, Margaret confirmed what the others have already said — saying, Inna Patty read the contract to them in a room and asked them to sign the contract instantly.
Ben has significant experience in advising on commercial / consumer regulation in areas such as unfair contracts, distance selling, advertising regulation.
«If someone buys a good off Amazon and it doesn't work and if Amazon say for example you have to return it in ten days or it is too late, that's illegal in Australia so unfair contract terms and consumer guarantees are the two issues we will be watching Amazon on very closely.»
Mr Sims said the ACCC will be watching Amazon on other competition issues including unfair contracts and consumer provisions, including guarantee rights which international retailers including Apple have allegedly breached.
UK Competition and Markets Authority Investigates Online Dating Agency — The case, outlined on GOV.UK, concerns potential unfair commercial practices and potential unfair contract terms.
Its evocation of the challenges for authors in publishing contracts is couched in a document called Unfair Contracts: A Blueprint For Change from February 2014.
Tackling unfair contract terms would lead to a more efficient and competitive economy.»
Considering the terms of the Miss Ghana Contract as sighted (below) and also the fact that Giuseppina Baafi, Miss Ghana 2013, claims she was stripped of her title because she failed to sign a contract without her lawyer first looking at it, one can say, the scheme's organizers intentionally set off to manipulate the winners on the back of unfair contract terms.
Watching contract clauses like hawks and refusing to sign unfair contracts, be they with publishing houses, cover designers, e-tailers, and so on.
We empower authors, rather than cheating them and tricking them into unfair contracts.
There's no better case to illustrate the issue of unfair contract terms than the Bank Charges campaign.
I'm constantly amazed at the unfair contracts consumers are forced to sign during simple transactions with large corporations.
Many such couples are hurting because of lopsided, unfair contracts.
In November, GDI reported (1) that the UK Competition and Markets Authority had begun an investigation into an unnamed online dating operator for suspected unfair commercial practices and unfair contract terms.
Pointing out that «authors remain the only essential part of the creation of a book and it is in everyone's interests to ensure they can make a living», it tells publishers that «unfair contract terms, including reduced royalty rates, are a major part of the problem».
Many self - publishing companies cheat authors with unfair contracts, hidden fees and low royalty payments.
Lenders» excuse was contract clauses allowed them to «vary the fee over time», but the FCA said that as this was done without the consumer agreeing, it fell foul of the unfair contract laws.
To find out more see ASIC's webpage on the Australian consumer law - unfair contract terms.
Laws also prohibit misleading and deceptive conduct, unfair contract terms and unconscionable conduct.
The unfair contract terms law assists ASIC to perform our role in promoting investor and financial consumer trust and confidence, and ensuring fair, orderly and transparent markets.
The unfair contract terms laws do not apply to a contract to supply goods or services, or financial products or services, from one business to another.
Argos can not contract out of this, as the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 states.
The FSB research, «Treating Smaller Businesses Like Consumers — Unfair Contract Terms», sheds light on the scale of the problem, suggesting 2.8 million small firms have suffered because of unfair contract terms.
This case highlighted the importance of clarity in agreeing the terms upon which subcontracts are made and demonstrated how an exclusion clause can fall foul of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 («UCTA») even where both parties were commercial entities and not dealing as consumers.
Whether the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 (UCTA 1977) could hold that the clause capping liability in the context of the case could be deemed unfair.
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