Sentences with phrase «unfair policies»

First we heard about Sen. Delgado sponsoring an amendment to ban charter schools from charging fines for disciplinary infractions, in direct response to the efforts of PURE, VOYCE and the Advancement Project to challenge the absurd and unfair policy of CPS's pet charter company, Noble Network.
«We need healthcare reform — including promised Medicaid reform in New York where we spend more than Texas, Florida and Pennsylvania combined — but it shouldn't be done on the backs of already overburdened City residents who will undoubtedly have a tax increase forced on them to pay for this eminently unfair policy
You're part of a society — one that has systemic and far - reaching issues with financial literacy and one that gets taken advantage of far too often by unfair policies that hurt average families and low income families the most.
«Nick Clegg marched his MPs through the voting lobbies in support of the harsh and unfair policies of this Tory - led government in anticipation of receiving Lords reform in return.
And it means calling out unfair policies and manipulative behavior that hurt people.
I would love to hear the Minister say that his Government will reverse that unfair policy.
When it was voted upon in 2010, I voted against this measure, and I have been fighting hard to eliminate this unfair policy since that time.
The «granny tax» — an unfair policy leaving pensioners paying more while the highest earners pay less.
When I became chairperson of the Council's Committee on Education, I committed to grappling with the question of how I can level the playing field after years of unfair policies and unequal investments.
We will be fighting hard over the next few weeks to change this unfair policy as the budget process continues.
To A3K, Its nice to see someone who gets the concept that America's prosperity is not based on exploitation and unfair policies, but on the productive capability our democratic and market values that make America great.
While some might consider this to be an unfair policy outcome that unduly favours occupiers at the expense of consumers, this protection is expressly provided for in the OLA, and there can be little doubt that its specific provisions prevail over the general scheme of the CPA.
Unfair policies that allow juvenile mistakes to adversely affect good people for a lifetime.
This unfair policy that is being practiced by auto insurance company nowadays is a violation of the rights of the American people.
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