Sentences with phrase «unfair question»

He was repeatedly dogged with unfair questions from the press about what he would do if the pope told him to do something.
I think you are a little unfair questioning Alexis believe and attitude.
Chief adjudicator Sir Philip Hunter said many schools were asking unfair questions on application forms such as parents» occupation.
There's been an understandable but unfair question being raised by many in my circles regarding Home Depot as it became the latest high - profile company embroiled in a security breach.
Perhaps that's an unfair question.
Do they blame you for an unfair question?
Others thought I was trying to sabotage the president's re-election chances with an unfair question.
Perhaps this is an unfair question because «then» is a time word.
It wasn't an unfair question exactly, but it seemed to me to lack insight.
Well that's an unfair question for a start, because clubs can be run well and be successful at the same time.
Denise knows I considered this an unfair question.
So it's kind of an unfair question, because I produced the show, but I will say, for my twins, they were a thirty five week, so they came out a little early and then when they were first born they couldn't latch properly, they were not quite yet at that stage yet, because they were premees.
It's not an unfair question, especially in light of the recent near - shutdown of the Government.
What an unfair question.
Favorite piece of literature: Unfair question!
Unfair question!
hmmmmm...... this is an unfair question, I don't have just one.
This is an unfair question.
AB Maybe this is an unfair question, but what would you like people to see in the paintings that might not be obvious?
Yep, it's an unfair question to most of us.
An unfair question.
Unfair question!
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z