Sentences with phrase «unfair settlement»

As experienced trial lawyers, we refuse to accept unfair settlements.
An experienced attorney can protect from these rushed and often unfair settlements.
Usually, in personal injury cases, the 93A demand is against an insurance company for unfair settlement practices.
A Massachusetts superior court has recently ruled that an insurance company choosing to appeal a jury's decision to a higher court rather than extend a formal settlement offer after a verdict has been entered against them is NOT a commission of unfair settlement practices.
Making matters worse for victims, insurance companies often use their position between the victims and the money they and their families need to get accident victims to agree to unfair settlements as a way to pay the immediate expenses related to the accident.
A Seattle family mediation attorney lists four common issues that couples may face during divorce mediation — from unfair settlements, to biased mediators.
Yesterday evening, the Competitive Enterprise Institute's (CEI) Center for Class Action Fairness objected on behalf of a class member to an unfair settlement and an excessive attorneys» fees request in In re Petrobras Securities Litigation, pending before the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.
But even if they do not, it will be a good thing for others to know that under the Class Proceedings Act, 1992, the court will not approve an unfair settlement.
The Injury Trial Lawyers have decades of experience dealing with insurance companies and know how the tactics they will use to manipulate accident victims into agreeing to unfair settlements.
When individuals or small businesses are forced to pay hourly attorneys» fees, the parties» financial disparity allows the wrongdoers to use the prospect of a drawn - out, expensive lawsuit to extract an unfair settlement.
Professional representation during this time can make all the difference, because insurance companies know that they won't succeed in pushing a personal injury attorney into an unfair settlement.
Having legal representation or advice early on in the divorce process can protect you against an unfair settlement and receiving less than you are entitled to.
It is well known that ICBC will treat you one way, when they think they can build your trust into accepting an unfair settlement, and then all of a sudden they treat you differently once they know that a lawyer is advising you.
Instead, they will try to get injured accident victims to agree to unfair settlements.
The legal basis for claiming punitive damages based on a systemic practice is found in Whiten v Pilot Insurance Co. 1 In Whiten the Supreme Court of Canada upheld a $ 1,000,000.00 punitive damage award against the insurance company Pilot's denial of the claim was designed to force the plaintiff to make an unfair settlement for less than the plaintiff was entitled to.
We don't hesitate to go to trial, and we don't back down from insurance companies that want to bully you into an unfair settlement.
Put our Georgia law firm in the ring, and we will punch out any unfair settlements that get in the way of obtaining the recovery you deserve.
You should never agree to an unfair settlement offer.
Sometimes that means negotiating with the insurance companies to ensure you don't get stuck with an unfair settlement.
Hiring a lawyer when negotiating an insurance settlement or any other type of settlement will help avoid receiving an unfair settlement.
Mostyn J favours privacy unless, albeit with the media in attendance, because the business is private business and without privacy a party may feel compelled to agree to an unfair settlement for fear of publicity (DL v SL [2015] EWHC 2621 (Fam), [2015] All ER (D) 114 (Sep)-RRB-.
Without an attorney, you risk accepting an unfair settlement that will leave you paying out of pocket later.
Many times, these unfair settlements arise simply because people are generally hesitant of taking a case to court.
Your Louisville personal injury lawyer can also help you take your claim to court if the insurance company denies it or attempts to offer an unfair settlement.
Such obstacles increase the cost to the reasonable party, and therefore increase the pressure to accept an unfair settlement.
Claims adjusters can also use their company's financial strength to their advantage by pressuring an accident victim into accepting a quick and unfair settlement.
Sometimes a divorcing individual accepts an unfair settlement and finds that a few years later he or she is experiencing serious financial challenges.
In mediation, the risk is that an incompetent mediator will allow the less financially sophisticated spouse to agree to an unfair settlement.
For non-custodial parents, an attorney can help you determine how much child support you can expect to pay while ensuring the other party has provided complete and accurate financial information to avoid an unfair settlement.
Divorce Advice For Men — Just Because You're A Man Doesn't Mean You're Going To Get An Unfair Settlement
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