Sentences with phrase «unfair stereotypes»

"Unfair stereotypes" refers to beliefs or assumptions that are not accurate and are unjustly applied to a particular group of people. These stereotypes can lead to misunderstandings, discrimination, or unfair treatment based on false assumptions about a person's abilities, characteristics, or behavior. Full definition
They both stem from the same sources: a lack of acceptance and inclusion coupled with unfair stereotypes.
Unfortunately much of the hatred is based on unfair stereotypes and biased reporting of a few bad actors.
Considering that millennials will make up 75 % of the global workforce by 2030, it is time to forget unfair stereotypes and embrace these learning differences.
At first, amid all the silky - looking film's dark corners and deftly handled cuts, it's unclear whether Stephon was an innocent bystander or somehow mixed up in the illegal activity, although that ambiguity — indeed, all the film's ambiguities — have been deliberate, asking audiences to question whether they're holding the teen to certain unfair stereotypes.
Although comedic in nature, it was heartbreaking and reflective on child and domestic abuse issues and the consequences of undeveloped talent and unfair stereotype practices in women's figure skating in the previous years.
Sadly, the NAACP's decision perpetuates the kind of unfair stereotypes it was originally created to fight against.
And when people do adopt a dog labeled as Pit Bull or Pit Bull mix, they face unfair stereotypes and in some cases, discriminatory laws that put them at risk of losing their pet.
In addition, judges, law enforcement and other authority figures can respond differently due to unfair stereotypes toward bikers which can sometimes make winning a claim difficult.
After a devastating crash, motorcyclists and their families not only have to wrangle with stingy insurance companies, but they also have to deal with unfair stereotypes.
Long story short, those were all unfair and childish reasons for avoiding someone (not to mention being based on unfair stereotypes), and I resolved to go ahead and send her a message once I activated my subscription.
I think that's an unfair stereotype — at least for many of the most successful salespeople I've known over the course of my career.
We need to push back against this and acknowledge that these are unfair stereotypes that often lead to cruel behaviours (fat shaming) and unhealthy behaviours (disordered eating and exercising).
Affronted by his perception of me as an unfair stereotype, and with a circle of friends and lifestyle that in no way matched that stereotype, I felt insulted.
There is an unfair stereotype running around Hollywood and some clubs, suggesting that once a black man is successful he only goes after white women.
Still, motorcyclists have to deal with this unfair stereotype when they have been injured in a crash.
For example, in an effort to make you seem liable for your crash, insurers may rely on inaccurate and unfair stereotypes about motorcycle riders being reckless and dangerous.
Given the false reputation that motorcycle riders have for recklessness, it is important that you have someone on your side who can fight this unfair stereotype with a case based on the facts of the accident.
And this is very often an unfair stereotype.
Others feel anxiety because they live with unfair stereotypes that label therapy or counseling as unnecessary or weak.
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