Sentences with phrase «unfamiliar car»

Of course, that's true of every driver in every race, but when those races involve changing to several different types of unfamiliar car on a dusty and narrow makeshift circuit in a stadium, there are going to be incidents.
Now, with the advent of the rear - facing cameras in almost all cars, some of the utility of the rear - view mirror has gone away, but it's still the first thing that a smart driver adjusts in an unfamiliar car so some things never change.
Our personalities are tied to body image and being placed into another body would be akin to driving an unfamiliar car.
manner, that tentative feeler that you send out in an unfamiliar car long before you actually need to slow things down.
We got a taste of the car on Bedford Autodrome's long, flowing south west layout, which packs a mix of slow, medium and fast corners, virtually no elevation, and a smooth surface - all ideal for exploiting an unfamiliar car.
I'm pleased, but I'm also instantly concerned about the prospect of feeling my way around a strange circuit in an unfamiliar car on cold rubber.
Being in an unfamiliar car is perhaps one of the single greatest appeals of the Alfa Romeo Giulia sedan.
As a conversation piece as an unfamiliar car that a market hasn't seen in over two decades and just feeling different, the Giulia is in a class of its own.
You don't need power to run cars on a track, but dry pavement is helpful, especially when driving an unfamiliar car in an unfamiliar place.
Unfortunately, the wet and unfamiliar roads create an unsafe environment in which to examine the performance capabilities of an unfamiliar car rolling on wet tires, and that means the definitive answer to the question of whether or not the Camry XSE V6 is a legitimate sport sedan must wait for another day.
The only new driver in an unfamiliar car is Ryan Dalziel, who has signed on with Extreme after leaving Starworks, which is still trying to decide what to do for 2014.
Driver unfamiliarity — unfamiliar cars driving on unfamiliar roads with unfamiliar signs — is a big contributor to car crashes abroad.
Since driving an unfamiliar car in a different state or country can increase your risk of accidents, this kind of coverage is helpful and lets the you focus on getting where you want to go instead of worrying about how you are getting there.
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