Sentences with phrase «unfamiliar context»

When placed in unfamiliar contexts, surrounded by people we don't usually see, and put under internal or external pressure to behave in unfamiliar ways, we feel stressed out.
«In particular, while the Internet and social media give rise to issues involving copyright, trademark, defamation and employment law (just to name a few), courts are still working to apply existing laws — many of which were enacted long before the Internet — to these unfamiliar contexts, and to interpret newly enacted laws without any precedent to guide them.»
Setting her film in Japan, Coppola creates an uncanny world for Bob and Charlotte, who discover in one another familiarity within an unfamiliar context.
After a certain point, though — I'd rather not say exactly how — «Table 19» extricates its characters from their prison, and from there, the film becomes something I did not expect: a movie about characters who've been thrown together in an unfamiliar context, and find that the new experience encourages them to deal with emotional issues they've been refusing to address for a long time.
The attempt to provide students with some knowledge about a wide range of topics can lead to «mile wide inch deep» curricula that result in superficial learning, incomplete understandings of core concepts and limited ability to transfer and apply knowledge to unfamiliar contexts.
I don't mean transfer in the sense of applying something that you've learned in a new and unfamiliar context, but rather taking something that you've learned here and applying it there.
apply knowledge and understanding to select information from a range of sources to investigate business organisations and concepts in familiar and some unfamiliar contexts, using some appropriate subject specific terminology
apply knowledge and critical understanding to select relevant information from a wide range of financial and non-financial sources to investigate business organisations and concepts in familiar and unfamiliar contexts, using a wide range of subject specific terminology
True to form, the new GCSE syllabus puts more emphasis on applying and using knowledge, with a significant proportion of marks awarded to students who can showcase an application of knowledge in unfamiliar contexts.
These strategies help teachers take students beyond the mere mastery of facts to the ability to apply learning in new and unfamiliar contexts.
If the 1960s cartoon plumbed comedy from putting the familiar in an unfamiliar context, the comic thrusts contemporary constructs like politics, consumerism, the military, and TV news into a Stone Age setting to encourage a frank reevaluation of perspective.
Known for his thought - provoking images, Magritte used such ordinary objects as green apples, bowler hats and pipes in unfamiliar contexts, giving new meaning to familiar things and challenging the viewer's perception of reality.
When faced with something so familiar in an unfamiliar context, the viewer is forced to call upon unaccustomed skills for approaching art.
The Translators were paired with «Profiles», or Slovenian cultural practitioners whose job it was to guide the designers in their unfamiliar contexts.
The unfamiliar context, and their attempt to decipher how administrative law applied to that context, led them to miss obvious aspects of what they were looking at.
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