Sentences with phrase «unfamiliar material»

Those summers were very productive, also because you were working on totally unfamiliar material that nobody else worked on.
As a result, all those familiar - looking features are constructed from decidedly unfamiliar materials.
The approaching season of museum shows promises more unfamiliar material than usual, with exceptionally high ratio of exhibitions devoted to artists who are not white or male.
Possibly the largest mass of unfamiliar material headed this way is «Paint the Revolution: Mexican Modernism, 1910 - 1950» at the Philadelphia Museum of Art (Oct. 25 to Jan. 8).
Use of current cartoons / news stories designed to remove the double burden of acquiring skills and thinking about unfamiliar materials.
Titan looks surprisingly familiar, although it is a cold, dimly lit world made from unfamiliar materials, says planetary scientist Elizabeth Turtle of Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Baltimore, Maryland.
Such «cognitive mobility» is «costly» in time, Borjas and Doran claim, because people must familiarize themselves with unfamiliar material before being able to contribute to a new field.
By reinforcing learning from discreet, randomly selected, brief pieces of information, TAAS ignores research findings that children's understanding is best developed through the building of cumulative skills that can be applied in an unfamiliar setting or to unfamiliar material in the future.
Edutopia blogger Matt Levinson, recognizing that students get overwhelmed by unfamiliar material and choke up on assessments, offers four confidence - building strategies: verbalizing, brain dumps, non-linear thinking creativity.
Some excellent ways to prepare ELLs to comprehend unfamiliar material include experiential activities (e.g., science experiments, nature studies, or examination of historic photographs); accompanied by rich talk using key vocabulary from the reading material.
In New York, teachers witnessed students brought to tears (Hernandez & Baker, 2013), faced with confusing instructions and unfamiliar material on Common Core tests.
The captive bird's ability to make the right tool for the job from unfamiliar materials and using quite different manufacturing methods suggests some understanding of the properties of the material and what might be achieved with a hook.
In Japan, 41 percent of students» time in math class was still spent on basic practice — churning through one problem after another — but 44 percent was devoted to more creative stuff: inventing new procedures or adapting familiar procedures to unfamiliar material.
So when a student told him about an unfamiliar material with unusual properties, Miyasaka had to try it.
Artists rose to the challenge in a number of ways: some working with unfamiliar materials, some experimenting with different styles, some capturing subjects that were strange or unknown to them.
Picton argues that the popularity of Shonibare's work in the Western world can be at least partly attributed to the very exotic spectacle that the artist seeks to critique, as he relies upon theatrical staging and the dramatic effects of unfamiliar materials.
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