Sentences with phrase «unfamiliar noises»

Great for blocking out unfamiliar noises while you're traveling too.
It is also very quiet, which is great for dogs that do not like unfamiliar noises.
This designer dog breed will alert their families of any newcomer or unfamiliar noise in the home, which may be an issue for apartment dwellers living under strict noise restraints.
I've read too many articles about students who, during a field trip to a park or wilderness area, were frightened by unfamiliar noises or the possibility that some beastie might creep up and devour them.
I love it for traveling to muffle unfamiliar noises, but don't feel like it's created a long - term dependency.
The findings suggest that a captive whale's ability to deftly mimic unfamiliar noises hints that imitation likely plays an important role in building orcas» unique «vocal traditions.»
Please understand that some dogs do not show well in these types of adoption events — too many unfamiliar noises and smells just are too stressful for them, and we will not put them through that.
Chaz was very afraid and would jump whenever he heard unfamiliar noises.
Shadows forming creatures skulking past, unfamiliar noises of beasts around the corner and the odd times being trapped in small spaces with them is where the horror aspect of The Evil Within 2 makes your heart pump.
Pets can become frightened by unfamiliar noises.
When an unfamiliar noise prevents Owl from falling asleep, his desperate efforts to find its source escalate to comedic effect.
When you are gone it might be a good idea to leave the radio on, this will drowned out any unfamiliar noises that might cause him to get excited.
Even if you expect your dog to handle a plane ride with minimum distress, you can not be certain how the unfamiliar location, unfamiliar handlers, separation from the owners, pressure and temperature changes, unfamiliar noises and the presence of other animals may affect your pet.
Santa Clarita, Calif., October 27, 2017 — Unfamiliar noises, ringing doorbells, loud screams and kids in costumes.
Despite their small size, they are alert watchdogs and are sure to bark at strangers, intruders, or unfamiliar noises.
A dog with extreme hearing loss will not typically respond if you snap your fingers next to its ears or make an unfamiliar noise that typically warrants a reaction.
Prepare the traps away from the trap site to prevent unfamiliar noises and commotion that could frighten the cats away.
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