Sentences with phrase «unfamiliar sights»

In laboratory experiments, two groups of mice explored a new environment filled with unfamiliar sights, smells and textures.
Dogs that are not socialized well as puppies are often more fearful of unfamiliar sights and smells than puppies who are well socialized.
The setting offers a different vibe to the genre too, with the Eastern European country the home of many unfamiliar sights.
Some dogs bark or howl in response to various triggers in their environments, like unfamiliar sights and sounds.
They make good watchdogs, more than willing to bark at unfamiliar sights and sounds.
Having a defined homework area helps students focus on the task at hand — working in a quiet, comfortable space minimizes potential distractions from unfamiliar sights or sounds.
Be especially attentive to the sensibilities of former «outside» cats, who may never have walked on wooden floors, carpets or tiles, or been exposed to so many unfamiliar sights before.
Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, it was still a hauntingly unfamiliar sight.
As well, boarding your pets while you travel can cause anxiety with unfamiliar sights, sound and smells.
Excessive Barking or Howling Some dogs bark or howl in response to various triggers in their environments, like unfamiliar sights and sounds.
They bark at unfamiliar sights, sounds and even smells.
The sound of rustling leaves or wind may remind him of the sounds he heard when in the womb and unfamiliar sights may distract him.
They also watched as the infants interacted with their blind parent and with an unfamiliar sighted adult.
As well, boarding your pets while you travel and grooming can cause anxiety with unfamiliar sights, sound and smells.
As well, boarding your pets while you travel can cause anxiety when they are in a new place with unfamiliar sights, sound and smells.
All the unfamiliar sights, sounds and smells, perhaps combined with some not - so - great vet experiences in the past, can result in anxiety, stress and fear.
But for your cat, a trip to the veterinarian involves getting put in a carrier, riding in a car, and then spending time in a veterinary hospital surrounded by other animals and unfamiliar sights, sounds, and smells.
We continue to walk around the market, taking in the unfamiliar sights, sounds and smells, as we are used to buying our produce from big name supermarkets.
Many travelers like to try new things; whether it's new exotic foods, unusual activities, unfamiliar sights, and various other «foreign - land» adventures.
Nowadays China - made smartphones are not an unfamiliar sight in Malaysia.
Offers expertise in planning training exercises, breaking horses to saddle and bridle, and desensitizing horses to unfamiliar sights and sounds.
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