Sentences with phrase «unfamiliar terminology»

The FAQ is difficult for me to understand for now (maybe not in the future) because of quite a few unfamiliar terminology.
A lot of unfamiliar terminology is thrown around in the credit card world, and it can be confusing.
A contract may take twice as long to review as unfamiliar terminology and concepts are translated.
The old guard tends to reject unfamiliar terminology and is therefore suspicious of church planters, so try to keep things simple and focused.
Again, this meant burying myself in the relevant literature, where again I found myself wrestling with unfamiliar terminology, and then identifying people to talk with.
Include keywords important to your industry, but don't use so many keywords that an average person has difficulty weeding through unfamiliar terminology.
Whitehead's success in recovering the problematic of the philosophy of nature has been the most considerable, but his writings unfortunately have been far from easy to understand, moving as they were not only in unfamiliar territory but in an unfamiliar terminology, the latter devised in an attempt to free himself from inherited presuppositions, at first epistemological and later also metaphysical.
Yoga is a practice that is adaptable to any personality and level of physical fitness, but newcomers often feel intimidated by the unfamiliar terminology (such as the use of Sanskrit names of poses) and conventions (such as taking off your shoes before entering a yoga studio).
With thousands of people all using an unfamiliar terminology, it's understandable to feel a little overwhelmed.
Countless loan documents, unfamiliar terminology and uncertainty serve to temper the joy of buying a new home.
If you have recently initiated a claim for injuries you sustained as the result of a motor vehicle accident, you will likely hear some unfamiliar terminology being thrown around.
Do not get befuddled by the unfamiliar terminologies or diversity of mediclaim policies available.
As you navigate your web hosting account, you may come across some unfamiliar terminology.
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