Sentences with phrase «unfamiliar things»

They may develop a fear of unfamiliar things or people and can even become aggressive.
It might seem like a huge hurdle doing unfamiliar things like traveling solo, but once you get over it, your life becomes that much more amazing!
Part of my new year resolution to eat more unfamiliar things.
If you find it boring to do the same tasks each day at work, you might seek new, unfamiliar things in your personal life.
Puppies who miss out on these experiences may never learn to be comfortable around unfamiliar things, paving the way for anxiety, fear, and aggression later on in life.
If you are ready to get off that plateau, it is going to involve some discomfort as you do unfamiliar things and explore new territory in job search resources.
In order to live in these thriving relationships it is vital that we are willing to live with discomfort; exercise intentional decision making about how to spend time, energy, money, and relational capacity; seek to understand «the other» and myself; communicate a lot (mostly asking questions) in a posture of humility; willingness to experience unfamiliar things, and give up some non-essentials that get in the way.
I know how difficult this can be — heck, I know how hard I have to work to avoid glazing over when listening to my insurance broker explain unfamiliar things such as copays, benefits, indemnities, and liabilities.
I think definitely being born and raised for the first years of my life in a small town — I went to Oberlin, so that's also small town — it's not a completely unfamiliar thing for me.
If they're never exposed to a certain grittiness, they can be afraid of unfamiliar things and unfamiliar people.
At some point in our genetic history we learned that familiar things are usually better than unfamiliar things.
After that, your puppy is genetically pre-programmed to become wary of unfamiliar things and that makes it much harder to shape him into an easygoing, friendly adult dog.
Having the opportunity to let them get comfortable with these unfamiliar things will ensure that the dogs have the best chance possible at getting adopted and staying with their new family.
An adult wolf or coyote that happily walks up to unfamiliar things (like other predators, cars, or even humans) won't survive long.
Cats are both hunters and prey, and so they chase small animals and flee from frightening, unfamiliar things.
Intel, which is the world's leading chip manufacturer, attempts to get on with next - generation mobile connectivity technology which isn't an unfamiliar thing now.
The unfamiliar thing about it is the elongated shape, which has only just started finding popularity this year with the Samsung Galaxy S8, LG G6, Google Pixel 2 XL, iPhone X, and a few others moving to it.
Building children's strengths can encourage them to try new and unfamiliar things, can promote resilience for when things are hard and strengthen children's concept of themselves.
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