Sentences with phrase «unfamiliar waters»

First - time business owners starting a venture in unfamiliar waters face a special set of challenges.
We are heading into unfamiliar waters and that could be intimidating for some people.
We are all trying to navigate through unfamiliar waters.
In unfamiliar water, the depth might not be known, there might not be easy access to jump into the water, and so on.
Trained guides must accompany divers into unfamiliar waters and a backup team should be on standby at all times.
Risking his family and his own life, this intense thriller explores every parent's worst nightmare, as an ordinary man navigates the murky and unfamiliar waters of the dark underworld that is the drug trade.
You could find yourself navigating unfamiliar waters where you're not aware of the locations of rocks and sandbars.
You could find yourself navigating unfamiliar waters where you're not aware of the locations of rocks and sandbars.
Also on view at Pavel Zoubok, the monumental Let Sixteen Cowboys Sing Me a Song — a sculptural installation seemingly emerged from unfamiliar waters, perhaps with some tinkering by an aquatic Robert Rauschenberg on the way up — is truly not to be missed.
I floated, toes up, head back, the sun setting above us, and Amber kept imploring us to remember this, to mark the moment, to look at the salmon pink sky, but dragonflies the size of hub caps kept buzzing into our hair, Joy was a free - spirit mermaid with seaweed coloured hair, we surfaced on the beach, dripping and free and cool, streaming with unfamiliar water, feet of mud and clay.
17 That is probably why loggerhead turtles can migrate 8,000 miles in unfamiliar waters while humans can get lost looking for the restroom at Olive Garden.
But while most seem content temporarily trying out life in the director's chair, there are a few that like to tread into more unfamiliar waters — even if that involves leaving the movie business altogether.
We get no connect with the people inhabiting the story, except Neeson, and no feel of the dangers as they tread unfamiliar waters.
Changing food can cause the same stomach upsets that drinking unfamiliar water does
Few lawyers have the discipine and confidence to keep from wading into unfamiliar waters until they're over their head.
You can mitigate your risks on the water by following posted speeds and waterway rules, driving cautiously on unfamiliar waters, and carrying Fort Worth boat insurance.
You're in unfamiliar waters now, treading along while you parent alone.
However, aside from the usual risks associated with taking a new job, a career change has its own challenges that job seekers need to consider before jumping into unfamiliar waters.
Perhaps this is unfamiliar water to you, nursing momma; awake at dawn with baited hope that you'll leave a charted water in the past.
Perhaps this is unfamiliar water to you, nursing momma; awake at dawn with baited hope that -LSB-...]
When I first decided to navigate the unfamiliar waters of Gluten Free living over 10 years ago, I didn't have many of the resources that you all have at your finger tips today.
Don't feel like you have to reinvent the wheel, simply place your toes in the cold, unfamiliar water.
This will help prevent upset stomachs due to unfamiliar water.
Speaking of water, it is a good idea to bring a jug of water from home, both for on the road use and also because some dogs don't get used to other water easily and can develop vomiting or diarrhea from an unfamiliar water supply.
If you have been injured in a car accident, or if a loved one has died because of a fatal auto accident, you need a guide to navigate these unfamiliar waters.
Some boaters also become members of Sea Tow or some other similar organization for those times they take their boat to unfamiliar waters.
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