Sentences with phrase «unfamiliar ways»

Researchers must constantly do things never done before, build equipment no one has ever used, [and] combine processes in unfamiliar ways.
You'll interact in an entirely unfamiliar way than you have ever before in this game.
His work encourages playful interaction and an emotional connection with familiar things, often presented in unfamiliar ways.
While in some ways this is a new and unfamiliar way of thinking about God, it is consistent with one key part of the scriptural tradition: in the Bible, God is the one who makes things new.
These works allude to the body in unfamiliar ways that are often intimate and complex.
Do you respect that of God in everyone though it may be expressed in unfamiliar ways or be difficult to discern?
I heard the lectures and conversations as an outsider (and non-native speaker with a tenuous grasp of German), and so familiar phrases struck me in unfamiliar ways.
He'll start his maiden Indy 500 from the second row, in fifth place, and is refusing to play it safe despite the unfamiliar way of racing.
Vermont's only hip - hop dance studio is holding a performance this weekend, telling a familiar story in what might be an unfamiliar way.
Like those excruciatingly awkward teenage years, the British body - politic is growing in ways which see old norms rub against the new as we experiment in unfamiliar ways.
One big problem was that the HULC forced wearers to walk in an unfamiliar way, says Karen Gregorczyk, a biomechanical engineer at the Army's Natick center who led the tests.
Matter grows so hot that it interacts with radiation in unfamiliar ways, and photons of radiation can crash into each other and create new matter.
«This role change implies a shift for the professional designer from knowing what a future user would like to have towards knowing what a layperson would like to design, which is for most designers an unfamiliar way of thinking,» says Guido Hermans.
You might feel like everyone already knows what to do, or you may feel self - conscious about moving your body in an unfamiliar way.
The director, buy more about famous for bringing so many Shakespearean plays to the big screen, here brings an undeniable charm and elegance to the proceedings — making this familiar story come to life in an unfamiliar way.
That may sound like Behind The Music territory, but familiar ground is treaded in unfamiliar ways.
The film stars Daniel Radcliffe in a career - redefining performance as the college - age Ginsberg; casting director Laura Rosenthal filled the screen around him with unfamiliar faces and used the faces of familiar actors in unfamiliar ways.
Even elements that do make a return, like the active - time battle system, work in new and unfamiliar ways.
The director, unhealthy famous for bringing so many Shakespearean plays to the big screen, more about here brings an undeniable charm and elegance to the proceedings — making this familiar story come to life in an unfamiliar way.
Students must have the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills in familiar and unfamiliar ways to continue their learning and build their confidence.
It's fine to coin new terms and to use familiar words in unfamiliar ways, but make sure you can justify the choice.
Some fear Ayla's unfamiliar ways and abhor her relationship with those they call flatheads and she calls Clan.
Suddenly hallways twist and wind in unfamiliar ways.
Kurt Kauper is a painter whose work had, for the past fifteen years, been images of familiar cultural icons — opera divas, Cary Grant, hockey players, and Barack and Michelle Obama — seen in a variety of unfamiliar ways.
Taking a cue from Robert Mapplethorpe's portrait of Alice Neel, Opie tried to photograph familiar subjects in unfamiliar ways.
He moves away from fabric itself and manipulates the pattern in unfamiliar ways.
Uri Aran's (b. 1977 in Jerusalem, based in NY) paintings, videos, sculptures, performances and drawings are often composed of familiar objects and motifs in unfamiliar ways.
A lot of the materials I use are familiar but used in an unfamiliar way.
Al - Hadid is best known for creating work using traditional and contemporary sculpture materials and processes in unfamiliar ways that pivot amongst architecture, figuration, and abstraction.
Plensa is known for his monumental figural sculptures that often incorporate film, light, letters and unusual materials in order to present familiar objects (such as the human body) in unfamiliar ways.
In Jackson's emblematic collaging of pop culture and invented phrases, there's the sense of a deep relationship to hip hop (although his writing is not overtly similar to rapping) and consequently the incorporation of similar language devices in unfamiliar ways.
The first section of the show is the Introduction, and it shows us familiar work in unfamiliar ways.
They do so by using familiar words in an unfamiliar way, often injecting eloquence into an otherwise mundane sentence.
It is especially important for those who are traveling to a foreign country, because they will be exposed to higher risks of illnesses and injuries, which may result from their inability to adapt to the unfamiliar way of life in the country.
When placed in unfamiliar contexts, surrounded by people we don't usually see, and put under internal or external pressure to behave in unfamiliar ways, we feel stressed out.
Talking to children honestly about how life will be different while effectively listening to and addressing their fears can help in easing the transition to a unfamiliar way of life.
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