Sentences with phrase «unhealthy amount»

Many of us will spend unhealthy amounts of time worrying about outcomes that are unlikely and will probably never happen.
She has gained unhealthy amounts of weight over the last 2 years, and blood work shows triglycerides way too high.
If you find yourself heading to the office vending machine in the hours before lunch, you're probably consuming unhealthy amounts of fat and calories and not getting any valuable nutrients.
It is easy to consume foods that are dense with unhealthy amounts of calories, sodium, sugar, and unhealthy fat.
Although purchasing packaged foods means that you won't have to spend a long time preparing meals, it also means you may get unhealthy amounts of sodium.
While many humans can eat unhealthy amounts of salt for a few years without suffering negative health effects, our dogs are not so resilient.
As someone who enjoys an arguably unhealthy amount of video consumption on my smartphone, I greatly prefer front - facing speakers over rear - facing and slightly less over side - firing.
For people consuming unhealthy amounts of livestock products, moving down the food chain reduces water use.
These meats contain unhealthy amounts of saturated fats and sodium.
You know, the kind of kid that eats Chipotle too often, drinks unhealthy amounts of Diet Coke, gets giggly and jumps on the bed when excited, could go to Chuck - E-Cheese every weekend and play Ski - Ball till she drops, and gets a huge kick out of feel - good Disney flicks.
«We're looking for mission - driven founders» = We expect you to work unhealthy amounts of hours on this
If the predictions are right, protection from sun exposure is one of the best examples of primary prevention and this study proves all efforts to protect a population from unhealthy amounts of sun exposure are worthwhile.»
But even if you ditch the Country Crock and watch out for trans fats on food labels, you still could be ingesting unhealthy amounts of trans fats.
Most commercial egg farms are a disaster for the health of the hens, as they are crowded inside hen houses and never see the light of day, and are fed unhealthy amounts of grains and GMO soy.
This competition effect is troubling because among the many uses the body has for omega - 3s and -6 s, it converts them to signaling molecules called eicosanoids, which promote unhealthy amounts inflammation, blood coagulation, and blood vessel constriction.
When I say quick fixes, what I truly mean is any kind of crash diet plan which promises unhealthy amounts of weight loss in a short period of time - like losing 10 or 20 pounds in one week.
From fairs to backyard barbecues, we're constantly tempted with bad food choices that pack on unhealthy amounts of calories, fat and sugar.
I really did try to wear a different scarf and literally tried on all of the scarves I own (which is a rather unhealthy amount), but none went as well with this outfit as my peacock scarf.
Not only is he delivering gameplay code like a wizard, he's also hoarding unhealthy amounts of retro games!
Other studies have shown that kids in after - school programs make healthier choices: they're less likely to get into fights, have babies, use drugs, commit crimes, or even gain unhealthy amounts of weight.
Earlier this year the Institutes of Medicine issued a report on the nation's over-consumption of sodium and how it's negatively affecting our health: Americans consume unhealthy amounts of sodium in their food, far exceeding public health... [Continue reading]
Some of these additives put into processed foods include unhealthy amounts of extra salt, fat and sugar â $» and those are the ingredients we can pronounce!
Taking continuous birth control pills does not mean that you're stockpiling an unhealthy amount of hormones in your body.
I spend an unhealthy amount of time working on computers and staring at screens.
Maybe you're not having regular panic attacks, but you are feeling an unhealthy amount of stress you want some professional help navigating.
Plus, TABASCO ® offers substantially lower sodium than its competitors and helps processors personalize the flavor of products without adding an unhealthy amount of sodium.
TABASCO ® brand Original Red Sauce offers substantially lower sodium than its competitors and allows restaurateurs, chefs and customers to enhance and personalize the flavor of their dishes without adding an unhealthy amount of sodium.
I touch myself a little too much, but my doctor tells me it isn't an unhealthy amount so I have that going for me.
Abou Diaby is one player that Arsenal kept on the books for an unhealthy amount of time...
While most parents have sugar on their radar because they've heard about the negative health effects of eating too much sugar, such as increased risk of obesity and diabetes, they may not be aware that many kids are reportedly getting an unhealthy amount of salt in their diets.
Americans consume unhealthy amounts of sodium in their food, far exceeding public health recommendations.
• But not, like, an unhealthy amount of guilt: She told the magazine that if it hadn't been her in that Mayflower Hotel room, it would have been someone else.
The eat less / move more prescription has been widely disseminated for 40 years, and yet the prevalence of obesity, or the accumulation of unhealthy amounts of body fat, has climbed to unprecedented levels.
Diabetes can expose blood vessels to high levels of glucose and unhealthy amounts of lipids, which throws off the balance of nutrients that are transported throughout the body.
Some experts think lefties may be biologically predisposed to drinking an unhealthy amount or the stress of an unfriendly right - thinking world drives them to drink.
That means 3 out of 5 Americans carry an unhealthy amount of weight.
As special as this «juice» is, it can also develop an unhealthy amount of pressure in your body.
As we discussed earlier, you should never cut your calories to an unhealthy amount.
The fact of the matter is that 50 % of adults in the United States have an unhealthy amount of abdominal fat.
Before stumbling upon your website I checked the bottle in my fridge and it is a 2 % organic cow milk effervescent type plain / no added flavor kefir that has 8 grams sugar — do you think that is an unhealthy amount to have daily in order to lose weight?
Eating large amounts of junk food can cause you to gain an unhealthy amount of weight and increase your risk of chronic health problems.
If you eat a lot of sugar, you're more likely to gain an unhealthy amount of weight.

Phrases with «unhealthy amount»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z