Sentences with phrase «unhealthy conditions»

Instead, it delivered sick dogs housed in unhealthy conditions at a large - scale commercial breeding company, also known as a puppy mill.
Outdoor feeding also attracts rats and other wildlife and creates unhealthy conditions for other residents and animals in your community.
The exhaust from the gas - powered equipment sends tiny particles into the air, quickly creating unhealthy conditions.
Too much body fat means there are unhealthy conditions affecting the body.
Perhaps unhealthy conditions decrease the effectiveness of this system against the organisms of kennel cough, making an infection more likely when your pet is exposed to respiratory tract disease.
Many of the animals arrive in pet stores in unhealthy condition, their report says.
There is also some evidence that olive leaf extracts can reverse metabolic syndrome, a linked constellation of unhealthy conditions that leads to diabetes if unchecked.
If not, it can lead to problems like obesity, clogged arteries and a host of other unhealthy conditions.
File a complaint if you have purchased an unhealthy pet from a pet store or have witnessed unhealthy conditions: Report It
That's because the cows are given hormones and antibiotics, fed GMO corn instead of grass, and live in unhealthy conditions.
It can also trigger a wide range of unhealthy conditions: cataracts, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue, and asthma, immune dysfunction and hormonal balance, and promote pain.
Smartphones seem to be everywhere these days, and although they can be handy tools for both work and for play, they're also fraught with both environmental and social issues, from their use of conflict minerals to the poor or unhealthy conditions for the workers who make them.
In addition to stress, injury, chronic illness and other unhealthy conditions can often impair sleep.
The hard physical labor and the unhealthy conditions lead many miners to spend their paychecks on liquor and drugs for escape.
Well, the truth is, the cow industry is inhumane, (the overcrowded transportation conditions alone lead to to great suffering, severe cruelty and broken limbs), unhealthy (cows are pumped full of hormones, adrenalin from the fear from when they know they will be killed and anti-biotics — because the unhealthy conditions they live in promote infection and disease) and inefficient (cows must be fed 3 times the edible human grain than their bodies produce in meat).
Meanwhile, they are working in boring tedious dead - end jobs, with low pay, in smelly factories, probably in unhealthy conditions, making junk.
In addition, the order asked the health department to provide «all documents reflecting complaints of unsafe, unsanitary, or unhealthy conditions in NYCHA Public Housing or DHS Homeless Shelters,» including any complaints about leaks, water damage, lead paint, rodents or insects, as well as any documents showing whether or not any city or state agency responded to, investigated, or evaluated the complaints.
The governor first drew attention to the agency's shortcomings last month, when he visited a housing complex in the Bronx and hinted he might declare a state of emergency to address the unhealthy conditions he found.
Such protective mechanisms could one day help better understand how heart and skeletal muscle function under both healthy and unhealthy conditions, such as with heart disease, mitochondrial diseases, and muscular dystrophy, the researchers say.
In most major dairy farms, cows are given hormones and antibiotics, live in unhealthy conditions, and are fed GMO corn instead of grass.
(NaturalHealth365) According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a full third of the adult population of the United States suffers from metabolic syndrome — a constellation of unhealthy conditions that often includes insulin resistance, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, overweight, high triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol.
A shortage in sleep leads to cranky, sleepy people who are at risk for a host of unfavorable and unhealthy conditions.
Animal products are a central part of the standard American diet and appear to be linked to a range of unhealthy conditions.
When toxins are not removed from your body, they rot and get reabsorbed, which leads to ill health and may contribute to, or be the root cause of unhealthy conditions.
Unfortunately, the majority of cows that reside on major dairy farms are given hormones and antibiotics, live in unhealthy conditions and are fed genetically modified corn and wheat, instead of the grass they were meant to eat.
After reading an article in Dr. Mercola's e-mail, I find that the supplement «magnesium stearate» may precipitate an unhealthy condition, when I should be supplementing with «magnesium citrate».
There are plenty of things one has to take care of and most of the single moms are pumped and dumped into welfare, live in unhealthy conditions and therefore many of them desperately opt for sugar lifestyle.
Drawing from surveys of 1,000 teachers nationwide, the report from the 1.3 million - member American Federation of Teachers offers photographs and firsthand descriptions of the unhealthy conditions found in some school buildings.
Since your companion is suffering from liver damage I would consider that an unhealthy condition.
If you find any unhealthy condition of them then you should immediately consult to a vet doctor.
The puppies are born in unhealthy conditions, live with their mothers in filth and are transported similarly.
These levels can indicate healthy or unhealthy conditions of the organs.
The coat of an unkempt dog is a trap for dust, debris, fecal matter, urine and moisture - an unhealthy condition for both you and the dog.
Three months later, Wilson County officials seized 28 of the Williamses» dogs, a majority of them in «poor» condition, suffering from illnesses, injuries and living in «unhealthy conditions,» according to court documents.
Occasionally animals are removed from a home because of unsafe or unhealthy conditions.
These animals are forced to live in the most filthy, deplorable, and unhealthy conditions, many for their entire lives.
Klamath law enforcement officers are seeking to charge the owner with 98 counts of felony animal neglect related to the unsanitary and unhealthy conditions in which the cats were living.
Much of it comes from Congo, where men, women, and children endure dangerous and unhealthy conditions to satisfy our hunger for new devices.
Even if the source of the problem — keeping animals in unhealthy conditions and then having to give them all sorts of antibiotics to keep them remotely healthy — is stopped in one place, it can still be spread due to the global movement of goods and people.
Administering antibiotics allows farmers to raise animals in «concentrated animal feeding operations» (CAFOs), which is synonymous with cramped, filthy, and unhealthy conditions.
(Indeed, the trial judge had described the wife has having a «long - standing psychiatric disorder», and «an unhealthy condition of the mind.»)
The organization exposed the unhealthy conditions at a Catcher Technology factory that manufacturers iPhone frames and MacBook components.
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