Sentences with phrase «unhealthy meals»

Students are bringing weapons into the schools and we have individuals checking lunch bags for unhealthy meals.
Instead, turn your favorite unhealthy meals into healthy ones.
For example, a partner who continues to make unhealthy meals or fill the kitchen with tempting foods can cause a lot of problems.
One unhealthy meal did not cause you to gain fat, just like one healthy meal will not cause you to become leaner.
Feel free to share this page with your friends and family... they will love this idea to turn a normally unhealthy meal into a super healthy option.
After being traded, Wade indulges in his last unhealthy meal of the season with LeBron James, and upon arriving in Miami, gives a chunk of his personal wine collection to Spoelstra.
With her school lunch meal plans, you'll save a lot of prep time, no longer worry about getting a variety of foods into your child's diet, and stop wasting money on unhealthy meals and tossed food.
If anything, restricting unhealthy meals to certain events is better than placing them in the «grab whenever we're in a rush» category or normalizing them as an authentic substitute for a home cooked meal.
Many people use HercuLean as a convenient way to swap out their most unhealthy meal of the day — often lunch while at work — and benefit by consistently having one of our meals per day.
These can be found in carbonated beverages, unhealthy snack choices, and unhealthy meal options.
Pitch a holiday potluck idea to co-workers, family and friends — instead of ordering pizza or other unhealthy meals.
In their daily life participants should avoid risks like unhealthy meals or unbalanced sleep.
And there you have it... the nine unhealthiest meals of 2014.
• A healthy meal plan can be the same amount of calories as an unhealthy meal plan.
If I'm craving an unhealthy meal, chances are it's gonna be pizza.
You're tired of being out of energy, bothered with that nagging extra weight and exhausted with long, drawn - out unhealthy meals.
I GET IT... but the tired days, unhealthy meals, and quick fixes don't have to be a part of your journey.
Moreover, whereas in the past parents could purchase the Happy Meal toy apart from a meal, the SF Weekly blog reports that this option will no longer be available — now parents must purchase the still - unhealthy meal to placate toy - collecting kids.
Students tell me they think more clearly, study better and have way more energy since substituting the green smoothie for an unhealthy meal loaded with animal products and processed, packaged food.
For shift workers, odd hours usually mean strange sleeping habits and unhealthy meals.
With a life like that, it's easy to see why these stressed - out, drugged - up, poorly fed creatures make an unhealthy meal — even more so when the fish is then processed, battered, fried, rolled in breadcrumbs, frozen and shipped to market.
The Center for Science in the Public Interest has released its annual Xtreme Eating Awards, which features nine of the unhealthiest meals from American chain restaurants.
Plan and prepare: the fitness champs ensure their balanced meals are pre-prepped to avoid getting hungry and reaching for an unhealthy meal.
After my first fast I went out and ate a giant and unhealthy meal to celebrate, which left me feeling like garbage for the rest of the day.
Of course having unhealthy meals on occasion is both acceptable and inevitable (I, for one, am not prepared to say goodbye to deep - dish pizza for the rest of my life), but the concept of restricting your diet all week with the intention of going crazy on the weekend is never a good idea.
When was the last time you had an unhealthy meal, i.e. double - cheese burger, super fries, chocolate milk shake?
Baked potatoes are often bogged down with cheese, sour cream, and bacon, quickly transforming them into an unhealthy meal choice.
Within hours of eating an unhealthy meal, we can get a spike in inflammation, crippling our artery function, thickening our blood, and causing a fight - or - flight nerve response.
2018 doesn't have to be the year of food waste, sky - high grocery bills, unhealthy meals, and last - minute takeout.
In total, the researchers measured four inflammatory markers and all four were higher in the women who ate the unhealthy meal.
Eventually, I would get so hungry, I'd drag myself (still in my pajamas) to the nearest drive thru and eat an unhealthy meal.
The good news is that your Thanksgiving menu doesn't have to be laden with carbs and unhealthy meals.
You can get a jump on your unhealthy meal these days with a variety of unhealthy appetizers.
A diet routine can include many facets of weight reduction including maintaining a healthy diet, staying away from unhealthy meals and substances, and working out regularly.
To ensure it's only grabbing the bad stuff, it's recommended to take charcoal before eating an unhealthy meal or overindulging in alcohol.
Whether or not you take advantage of intermittent fasting, you can time your workouts to coincide with your unhealthy meals.
In order to reduce the number of children growing up to be overweight and unhealthy, children must know what makes a healthy and unhealthy meal and the best way to do this is by teaching them early.
It's easy to stop at one of the many fast - food chains and snag a quick, unhealthy meal.
While Deen obviously did not plan to get diabetes (though others may disagree with that), she continued to cook up sugary, unhealthy meals and only began promoting a healthier image when she became a paid spokesperson.
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