Sentences with phrase «unhealthy puppies»

Sellers know this and use this to ensure that they end up with no responsibility whatever for unhealthy puppies.
The horrific breeding conditions of puppy mills produce unhealthy puppies that are poorly socialized to other dogs and humans.
A key to a seller avoiding responsibility for unhealthy puppies is requiring return of the puppy.
A federal court in Arizona has ruled to allow a lawsuit to proceed against Petland based on allegations that the retail chain routinely sells unhealthy puppy mill puppies to unsuspecting consumers.
The HSUS applauds the Illinois legislature for unanimously passing a bill to crack down on the sale of unhealthy puppy mill dogs in Illinois pet shops.
Some consumers unknowingly purchased unhealthy puppies and have filed complaints.
These are the breeders whose dogs are kept in deplorable conditions, given only enough food and water to remain alive long enough to breed a litter of unhealthy puppies, never receiving veterinary care, not feeling a loving human touch, or the joy of feeling the grass beneath their paws.
Some who sell these «Teacups» uses the runt of the litter while some use questionable breeding methods that result in a very unhealthy puppy plagued by various illnesses.
Pet shops offer to REPLACE unhealthy puppies — instead of trying to prevent those health problems in the first place.
KC registration doesn't necessarily mean that health tests and socialisation have taken place and we believe that the KC should not be registering unhealthy puppies.
Some consumers have bought unhealthy puppies that have been traced back to Pick Of The Litter, where Kathy Bauck has either bred the dog herself or brokered the animal (purchased from another breeder).
The breeder will provide you evidence that the parents of the puppy / dog has undertaken necessary health tests before breeding to help eliminate the risk of creating unhealthy puppies that could develop on going health conditions.
By doing so, we will also have a positive impact with helping to decrease the number of potential unhealthy puppy mill puppies purchased from for - profit and inhumane businesses.
Avoiding skittish or unhealthy puppies.
The positioning here isn't fluff or bolstering an ego it will honestly educate you and save you and your family from years of heartache having purchased an unhealthy puppy from unhealthy, un proven parents raised by less than experienced or dedicated people.
After all, the breeder has been taking care of the litter for 8 weeks or more now and they would know if one of the puppies wasn't healthy, and they definitely wouldn't try to knowingly sell you an unhealthy puppy.
If the customer didn't take the puppy to the Vet when they first received the yorkie, the customer might think the breeder knowingly sold them an unhealthy puppy.
-- We sent mystery shoppers to local pet stores, seeking information we could use should pet storeowners appear at the next committee meeting, and uncovering numerous code violations, unhealthy puppies, and shifty sales tactics in the process.
We would have never realized when we adopted him as a scared, unhealthy puppy that he would have become this beautiful and loving dog.
The unhealthiest puppies I have seen, have resulted from outcrossing (completely unrelated parents) and inbreeding (brother - sister.)
Although the book probably overstates the potential for purchasing an unhealthy puppy, the point is clear: don't buy a dog without careful consideration of the source.
As a result of poor care, unhealthy puppies and kittens are sold directly to consumers through the Internet or classified ads or to brokers / dealers who sell them to pet stores throughout the United States.
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