Sentences with phrase «union activities»

I believe this poor leadership style was one of the reasons for the rise in union activity.
The poor whose incomes were earlier related to such subsidies suffer much with these cuts, and due to inflation and control of trade union activities.
Generally, you can't be fired for union activities or for filing a complaint under labour standards.
In reality, the more important focus of union activity is workplace and productivity improvement.
This new right will give every union member a guaranteed three days for time off to get involved with union activities.
The ruling could also pave the way for more union activity in your business.
It means raising questions about the connections between union activities and education reform again and again until they are answered.
Initially he focused on traditional union activities: building the membership and securing better salaries, benefits, and protections for teachers.
One of these was for interference in union activities.
Kent and Garcia in 2016 were banned from union activities for four and five years respectively after the executive board found them to be in dereliction of duy.
This attitude was even more prevalent in the 1890 - 1950 era than it is today, having been somewhat eroded by various socialist & labor union activities.
Bargaining and related union activity... have introduced practices into the education system that are counterproductive.
It is difficult enough to teach and conduct union activity under the above outlined circumstances, but what has made the situation more challenging is the silence, aloofness, and non-response of the UFT leadership in addressing these matters.
MPS permits access to district email and school mailboxes for certain union activities.
As recently as the 1950s the parents of today's middle - class baby boomers had the benefit of welfare supports like the GI Bill, government - protected union activity, and various checks on corporate greed as they provided a stable economic foundation for the family.
strengthen union activities in developing sustainable workplaces, through engagement with union members, employers and the wider community
Crow first became involved in union activities when working as a London Transport tree - feller in East London.
The Public Employees Federation's former President Susan Kent and ex - Secretary / Treasurer Carlos Garcia have gone to federal court seeking compensation of at least $ 1 million, contending they were unfairly banned from union activities due to their handling of an alleged embezzlement by a regional official.
If we are going to challenge the Tories at any level we need committed Labour supporters at the forefront of the battles not just followers of organised union activities.
The Ohio Union Activities Board (OUAB) provides programs and events for the students of Ohio States Columbus campus that are educational,.
Los Angeles teachers who are not members of the local teachers» union can avoid paying for union activities unrelated to collective bargaining only if they object in writing, a federal appeals court has ruled.
-- affect how much and how well students learn, so postulating a relationship between state - level union activity and student achievement would be an oversimplification.
• Unions will be forced to spend larger amounts of time and money on membership maintenance instead of other more progressive union activities.
The Supreme Court recently heard arguments in Janus v. AFSCME, a case involving «agency fees» that unions impose on workers who aren't members to cover union activities with the exception of political action.
The consequence of the focus on NEA and AFT leaders on Baby Boomers (and retirees) has a consequence, especially on participation in union activity by younger teachers.
While I'm sure that most teachers are not in accord with thuggish union activities, it is not enough to stand on the sidelines and wish the problem away.
Annuities are not (a) insured by the FDIC or any federal government agency, (b) deposits of or guaranteed by any bank or credit union and (c) a provision or condition of any bank or credit union activity.
Except for actions protected under state or federal law or the institutional governances, a student may not willfully obstruct or disrupt any authorized activities on college premises or other Cooper Union activities, including its public service functions.
British Columbia and Manitoba have privacy statutes that also regulate union activity.
Although the laws criminalising union activity were outdated and had already been abolished in Great Britain, they were still on the books in Canada and police arrested 24 leaders of the Typographical Union.
Furthermore, and something which Francis Maude in the Cabinet Office is considering, Raab recommends that the government should not subsidise the unions by paying staff for working full or part - time on union activities.
The EU Commission, along with the other members of the troika, have attacked the right to collective bargaining and trade union activity in several EU member states.
(There are other exceptions for process - servers, surveyors, and labor union activities).
«Their arguments were that Wal - Mart didn't pay good wages, treat employees fairly, or support union activities
From observing conditions there and in other cities, we believe that bargaining and related union activity have not only hampered urban public schools with such things as cumbersome contracts, but have introduced practices into the education system that are counterproductive, fomenting a demoralizing pattern of acrimony between teachers and administrators that is fundamentally at odds with effective education.
Mike Antonucci, a prominent analyst of teacher union activity, explains how the current system puts the general public at a disadvantage: «The «closed door» nature of contract negotiations applies equally to both sides, [so] it seems like an equitable (if less than sensible) restriction.
The shrinkage comes after a rocky 2007, the blog notes, «marked by a host of 3 - 2 decisions divided down party lines, a complaint issued against it by the AFL - CIO which claimed the board was systematically destroying the right of employees to unionize and conduct union activities, and a congressional hearing where members of the Board were called before U.S. lawmakers to explain the situation.»
The bear market continued throughout 1947, which also saw the enactment of the Taft - Hartley Labor Act, restricting certain union activities.
It comes as another suit, by former PEF President Susan Kent and Secretary Treasurer Carlo Garcia, is in federal court contending that they have been unfairly banned from union activities.
His initial review of the matter, Reilly tells Fortune, suggests «it'd be impossible to prove that it had anything to do with union activity
Management settled with the NLRB and has posted signs on the property promising to not «suggest that bodily harm, even in jest, will be done to union representatives in order to discourage you from engaging in union activities,» amongst other promises for non-interference with the union's organizing.
Still, it's a more expensive location to assemble automobiles due to union activity and higher wages, and the concern of Canadian jobs heading south is real.
Now we have undeniable evidence that employers are using covert information to blacklist workers for legitimate trade union activities.

Phrases with «union activities»

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