Sentences with phrase «union delegates»

Union delegates are individuals who represent a group of workers known as a union. They are chosen by the union members to speak and negotiate on their behalf with employers regarding things like wages, benefits, and working conditions. Full definition
She will tell union delegates that social class stands above other personal circumstances in determining how long a person lives and how much they are paid.
The 800 Chicago Teachers Union delegates representing rank - and - file membership opted last year not to endorse President Obama's re-election since he and his education secretary, former Chicago schools chief Arne Duncan, are seen as promoting the business reform agenda.
During a question and answer session with union delegates following the speech, Mr Miliband was regularly heckled by delegates, particularly over his stance on public sector pensions and academy schools.
Nearly 3,000 union delegates for New York State United Teachers voted this weekend to oust president Richard Iannuzzi, electing instead a slate of challengers supported by New York City's United Federation of Teachers.
«We are at war with the reformers,» Mulgrew said bluntly in an extraordinary admission during a gathering of 3,400 union delegates who voted for a new labor contract Wednesday night.
Speaking with passion to a packed room of union delegates from all over the country, Weingarten commended teachers on their deep commitment to education and to the children they serve.
According to NYSUT's Website, Kennedy urged union delegates to «speak truth to power» (also the name of her book) by standing up for children and «decried the demonization of teachers.»
As the unions» most powerful figure he is understood to be trying to strong - arm all 13 trade union delegates on the NEC into backing Mr Corbyn.
If you are worried about the health and safety conditions in your workplace, you should either contact officials, trade union delegate or a team of solicitors.
Shanker thundered at union delegates: «It is as much your duty to preserve public education as it is to negotiate a good contract.»
United Federation of Teachers President Mike Mulgrew referred to Klein and the Department of Education as acting «nuts» and doing «nutty» things while addressing Big Apple union delegates Friday at a meeting in Washington, DC, attendees said.
However, he apparently forgot to include a pre-briefed section in his speech in which he was to have warned union delegates: «For the Tories, you are still the enemy within.»
During an «open mike» session near the end of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association's monthly meeting, one union delegate said that what cops really needed were new patrol cars, better computers, updated bulletproof vests and more manpower, sources told The Post.
Addressing union delegates on the final day of their conference in Bridlington Ronnie Draper — General Secretary of the Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union, urged the trade union movement to launch a robust campaign equivalent to the anti-poll tax demonstrations in the early nineties which helped force former Tory Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher from power.
One GMB member is said to have been absent from the meeting citing illness while Aslef and TSSA union delegates have already declared their support for Mr Corbyn.
In broad outline, it's a remake of a 1948 Fred Zinnemann picture (which I haven't seen), starring Montgomery Clift; the action has been shifted from World War II to the outset of the Second Chechen War in 1999, and Clift's character is now a female European Union delegate, Carole, played by Hazanavicius» wife, Bérénice Bejo.
Chicago Teachers Union delegates endorsed a merger with organized charter school teachers on Wednesday, setting up a vote by the CTU's full membership late next month.
Union delegates talk of schools being on a «war footing» and of teachers being in a «climate of fear», dreading the arrival of inspectors.
On Good Day New York, E4E - New York special education teacher and union delegate Susan Keyock discussed the teacher evaluation deadline with Wall Street Journal education reporter Lisa Fleisher.
The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) kicks off its annual convention in downtown Los Angeles tomorrow bringing more 3,500 national union delegates to the home of LA Unified, the second largest school district in the country.
Last Wednesday, union delegates approved a resolution demanding that Emanuel resign from office.
That's the new motto coming from teachers union delegates after a surprising turn of events in Chicago's first teachers strike in a generation.
According to the New York Post, UFT President Michael Mulgrew declared «war» on education reformers at a Wednesday - night meeting with union delegates.
Capital reported on December 18 that Pat Lynch, president of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, urged union delegates that week to use «extreme discretion» and work rules to «protect» police officers.
Each day, the convention center was filled with passionate workers from all over our country, and most notably the red - shirt wearing Chicago Teachers Union delegates!
The Wednesday night meeting of union delegates was closed to the press — but Mulgrew's comments were forwarded to the website Chalkbeat.
Union delegates were concerned that the arbitrator's report did not address recall policies for tenured teachers who are laid off, class sizes and other workplace issues.
She was soon elected as a Union delegate by the co-workers in her department.
The first - time candidate picked up a formal endorsement over the weekend from Scott van Laer, a state Forest Ranger who also serves as a union delegate for PBA of New York State.
I urge everyone who believes in the need to improve internal Labour Party democracy to support these rules changes and to persuade their CLP and union delegates to Conference to support them.
UFT President Michael Mulgrew likes to tell union delegates that it's either money or class size, not both... But neither?
However, their most important accomplishment was building a structure within the union through which most schools in Chicago now have a union delegate and a committee to address professional problems inside their buildings.
At Robert Emmet Elementary, a school in the high - crime Austin neighborhood that's slated to be closed, special education teacher Tammie Vinson considers herself fortunate: «None of my students have actually been killed,» said Vinson, 55, a union delegate who has taught at the school for the past three years and lives in the neighborhood.
«I was allowed to be a professional,» said Eric Drumma, who has taught for 19 years at Lockwood, has two children attending the school and is also the teachers union delegate.
According to the New York Post, UFT President Michael Mulgrew declared «war» on education reformers at a Wednesday - night meeting with union delegates.
This could be your teacher union delegate, school counselor, LSC members, student representatives, or PAC / BAC representatives.
In the event an agreement can not be reached among special education teachers / clinicians or between teachers and the principal, the choices shall be put to a secret ballot vote by special education teachers and clinicians only, which shall be conducted in the same manner as a contract waiver vote (i.e., conducted by the Union delegate and certified by the delegate and principal).
Union delegates will meet this afternoon to determine whether to accept a tentative agreement struck this weekend between the union's and city's leaders.
«The more I've read, the more discussions I've had, the more I'm able to see not only a teacher's point of view, but also a union delegate's point of view and administrator's point of view, and realize most of the time, these issues are more complex than one - or two - line sound bites,» Mr. Seeskin said of his participation with Teach Plus and the CTU.
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