Sentences with phrase «union elections»

This gives union bosses extraordinary power, especially since there is no secret ballot in union elections.
In separate cases, the regional director found each charter to be a private nonprofit employer, and ruled union elections could move forward last month.
Similarly, grad students throughout universities that are further down the path of unionization remain mixed in their opinions on the subject — for example, Yale graduate students filed for union elections in only 10 departments across the university.
The All Progressives Congress (APC) on Thursday received a delegation of the 2015 European Union Election Observation Mission (EU EOM) to Nigeria, led by Chief Observer Santiago Fisas Ayxela (MEP).
At a Los Angeles teachers union election forum, presidential contenders portray charter schools as a disease that needs to be eradicated.
Unions in particular had been concerned about the impact of the commission's recommendations, but because of the delay any substantial changes that would require legislative action are likely to be easy on unions this election year.
After his election to parliament, his past period with the Health Services Union returned to haunt him, when a bitter internal union election produced accusations against him of misusing his union provided credit card.
Stanford Professor Michael Lovenheim, in an elaborately detailed 2009 study, The Effect of Teachers» Unions on Education Production: Evidence from Union Election Certifications in Three Midwestern States came to a similar conclusion, saying, «I find unions have no effect on teacher pay.»
In an elaborately detailed 2009 study, «The Effect of Teachers» Unions on Education Production: Evidence from Union Election Certifications in Three Midwestern States,» Stanford Professor Michael Lovenheim concluded, «I find unions have no effect on teacher pay.»
«The electoral process was marred with avoidable administrative and logistical failures», according to the European Union election observer team.
Darren Young Office: State Assembly, District 21 County: Morris, Somerset, Union Election date: November 8, 2011
The government's anti-sleaze bill, hastily announced in the wake of the lobbying scandals just over a month ago, which will already contain clauses on trade union election funding, is a potential candidate.
Although a recent union election cast doubt on the durability of the arrangement, Cincinnati has become the first public school district in the country to scrap the traditional salary schedule in favor of a system that pays teachers according to their classroom performance.
MORE challenged the UFT leadership in the Spring 2013 union election because we believe in democratic, rank and file led union.
Anyway, I mention «Frontrunners» because one of the campaign promises of the winner of the student union election was the establishment of a completely safe investment account for the student union.
At the conclusion of a bench trial, obtained a favorable settlement comprised of a new union election in which company prevailed.
New Members of the Board of the Network (2010 - 2012) Legal aid and appeals to the Supreme Courts of the European Union Election of a new Juge at the European Court of Humain Rights Launch of the first release of the e-Justice portal Editorial President Griss At this moment, when my colleagues - presidents of the supreme judicial courts of the European Union - have placed their trust in me for...
The United Teachers of New Orleans, an affiliate of American Federation of Teachers, petitioned the labor board for union elections on behalf of teachers groups at both International High and Lusher Charter School.
The manifesto also states: «Labour will legislate to permit secure online and workplace balloting for industrial action votes and internal union elections
Members of the European Union Election Observation Mission (EU - EOM) in a group photo with Commission members after the meeting
The Public Employees Federation's executive board earlier this month voted to bar former President Susan Kent and Secretary - Treasurer Carlos Garcia from engaging in any union activity — including running for office or voting in union elections — for four and five years, respectively.
Speaking at a meeting with members of the European Union Election Observation Mission (EU - EOM), who came to the Commission's headquarters in Abuja on 19th October to review the progress made on the recommendations contained in its Report on the 2015 General Elections, Yakubu said the countdown to 2019 had already begun, with preparations and careful planning in full gear.
The Union Election Commission, responding to claims of fiddled voter lists and wax covering the NLD box on the ballot papers, has vowed to investigate and prosecute electoral fraud.
While working for the New York Hotel Trades Council, she photographed HTC members on the job, participating in union elections, on the strike line, and at the Union hall.
Judge William Conley immediately stopped the state from enforcing the absolute majority requirement in union elections and set a deadline of May 31 to return automatic dues deduction from all members of public employee unions who so choose.
He also said he has a «sinister feeling» about union leaders who have been fighting tooth and nail to avoid layoffs, suggesting they are really interested in keeping workers around so they can vote in union elections.
Those issues played a significant role in the union elections, like they will in the November elections for Cuomo and lawmakers.
Union attorney Howard Wien said Valentin can't run because he didn't get enough valid signatures on his nominating petition after the union election committee, handpicked by Seabrook, rightfully tossed five signatures.
Mayor and council representatives, judicial candidates, sheriff candidates, school board candidates, local assessor candidates, county coroner candidates, local political committees, grassroots issue campaigns, union elections, non-profit organizations, citizen activists, lobbying groups, issue campaigns, referendums and more.
Also remember Slaughter has taken more than $ 1.9 million in campaign cash from big labor unions and cosponsored legislation to try and take away a worker's right to a secret ballot in union elections.
Chairman, Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Prof. Mahmood Yakubu (right), Team Leader, European Union Election Observation Mission (EU - EOM), Mr Santiago Fisas (middle) and the European Union Ambassador to Nigeria and West Africa, Mr Ketil Karlsen during the Mid-Term Review meeting at the Commission's headquarters, Abuja.
Doug understands the federal government needs to quit spending so much, will vote against tax increases, and protect key values like the right to vote in private in union elections
Top on the agenda were some 30 recommendations handed to INEC by the European Union Election Observation Mission (EU - EOM) after the 2015 general elections, for which the EU had dispatched its Electoral Follow - Up Mission to Nigeria, led by Mr. Santiago Fisas to ascertain what had happened since then.
SU's adjuncts have petitioned the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) for a union election.
Although UTLA members are not known for high turnout in union elections, more than 50 percent of them voted on the dues increase.
I don't know for sure if the late Albert Shanker actually did declare that «when kids vote in union elections, that's when I'll worry about them» or words to that effect.
On June 11, a union election ended in accusations of fraud, and in the weeks since, the incumbent president, Deborah Lynch, and her challenger, Marilyn Stewart, have bitterly disputed control of the 36,000 - member local.
Probationary (new - to - the - district) teachers make up a small minority of any district's workforce, and so don't have any clout in union elections.
We'd argue the former — the unions currently do little to encourage participation among active teachers and in fact, the UFT recently increased the influence of retirees in union elections.
We the members were forced to finance his campaign through our dues monies without our consent because we had no vote in our Union elections.
The weekend also kicked off campaigning for the union election early next year.
In the last two union elections, less than a quarter of active teachers voted in union elections, but nearly half of retired UFT members cast ballots.
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