Sentences with phrase «union influence»

"Union influence" refers to the power or impact that labor unions have on decisions, policies, and negotiations that affect workers' rights, working conditions, and wages. It refers to the ability of unions to advocate for and protect the interests of their members within the workplace and society. Full definition
It is obvious, however, that many aspects of union influence (not all) have negative consequences for kids and schools.
The extent of teachers union influence over education policy is widely known.
The rate of change in the degree of wage compression due to union influences also varied from one state to the next.
The most important source of union influence is financial and human resources.
But he made clear support for the changes would come at the price of increased union influence on Labour policy - to the extent that the party abandons its support of the bulk of the coalition's deficit reduction measures.
Yet Johnson, a former union leader himself, has curiously decided that now is the time to rake over the coals of Labour's recent leadership contest and called for union influence over the party to be further reduced, thus proving the old adage that former poachers make worse gamekeepers.
This week, former General Secretary of the CWU Alan Johnson has issued an unabashed attack on trade union influence within the Labour Party in an interview with Progress, part of an increasingly confrontational and destructive approach to dictating Labour Party policy from the Blairite wing.
Ironically, even the No Child Left Behind Act offers a telling example of union influence as the first federal law to recognize explicitly, and ultimately defer to, collective bargaining's role in education governance.
Continue reading «A week after Miliband's pledge to reduce union influence, the GMB boast of their Parliamentary power»»
What's especially pervasive about union influence on the political process is that the unions are essentially electing their negotiating partners.
«Right - to - work» laws, which limit union influence in the public sector, were already prevalent across the South.
On top of all that, several well - funded advocacy groups out to curb union influence are launching new efforts to mobilize parents to the cause.
How about help from union influenced federal government scientists who can not uphold their QA procedures, at least in press releases?
Despite benefiting from union support, Ed Miliband curtailed union influence when he was party leader.
Given that Corbyn is likely to win, the battle to advance union influence in his project for a radical left politics will then enter a new stage after the result is announced on September 24.
It is a measure of Miliband's determination to reduce organised union influence that he is also prepared to contemplate depriving Labour of funding from its biggest donors at a time when the party is cash - strapped and has a general election to fight in 2015.
Shadow chancellor Alan Johnson today denied he is rocking Labour's boat by urging new rules to weaken union influence.
Regarding union influence, Mr. Silver said: «My staff has met with C.S.E.A. a couple of days ago.
When Robert essentially hospitalises himself with stress, angered over strikes and union influence at his factory, Suzanne steps in to take over.
And because these and other variables are aggregated to the state level for analysis, there are dangers in drawing inferences about causal processes (like union influence) at the school level.
Union influence usually takes the form of rules that specify (in excruciating detail) what must or must not be done.
Trying to publicly oppose the weakening of teachers» union influence even your own agenda calls for exactly that is trying to have it both ways.
I suppose that's the Cooper Union influence, but I generally stay away from decorative, novelty, or of - the - moment types.
As for union influence the Blair government did accept funding but recognised they could not be beholden to the unions in such a way as the Miliband regime is.
Perhaps the biggest and most bitter fight within Labour is set to be that over the question of Trade Union influence.
At the same time, some reform camps, namely centrist and left - leaning Democrats, need to come to terms with the reality that the teacher quality reforms they espouse involve the same weakening of teachers» union influence as the efforts by conservative counterparts to abolish collective bargaining.
Allegations of union influence over Labour's selection of a new candidate for the Falkirk seat has prompted parties to review how they funded, and calls for a cap on donations.
In backing Tuck, most of the editorial boards specifically cited the urgent need to curb union influence.
Charter schools can only succeed if they stay removed from union influence.
In the longer term, Moe sees two trends that will reduce union influence.
The result of a decade's worth of scholarship, it assembles a wealth of data on teacher attitudes, collective bargaining, union influence on school board elections, NEA and AFT political activity, and so on.
These three states, which, along with Florida, have significantly outpaced the rest of the country in student - achievement gains since the early 1990s, are often viewed as bastions of union influence.
Tony Blair and his predecessors worked hard to get rid of that union influence, but they were not democratic crusaders.
Many figures like Lord Mandelson recognise the party was at its most successful when it watered down trade union influence.
So, when we have the debate about the Union influence within the Labour Party, let's remember that when Unions last played a real and major role in society on a national level, our country created the NHS, committed to full employment and a council house building programme.
The current row between Progress and Unite is really about class politics and union influence — not one parliamentary selection in Scotland.
It's not clear whether the union influence will continue or revert to past cycles of decline.
Douglas Alexander, the shadow development secretary, said the question of union influence was a distraction.
Since some leading trade union members of the NEC are known to favour circulating ballot papers to all levy papers — as was the previous practice — with votes being counted provided that levy - payers tick the box to opt into affiliated supporter status, the union influence may in fact not change so much from the process that selected Ken Livingstone.
Despairing senior MPs are planning a breakaway and have begun wooing donors to fund a new group free of union influence and the militant far - left.
One senior figure concerned over the proposed changes told me: «There is a real irony that what started out as a reform to diminish union influence could end up as a reform which diminishes MP influence and increases union influence.»
The opportunities for union influence are everywhere and virtually unobservable to outsiders unfamiliar with the byzantine world of government bureaucracy.
Later in this article, in fact, I'll discuss several basic conditions that place limits on union influence.
Rarely discussed is union influence over state and federal elections and over domestic policy, from fundamental issues such as taxation and health care to more esoteric ones, such as gay marriage and redistricting.
Nationwide, union influence «may be waning at the state level,» the study found, noting that in the past few years more states have adopted policies not in line with union priorities.
These three states, which, along with Florida, have significantly outpaced the rest of the country in student achievement gains since the early 1990s, are often viewed as bastions of union influence.
The four economic factors highlighted here are insufficient to explain what has happened in these states, as current tax and school finance policies, partisan divides, union influence, and many other state - level features contributed to the strikes that are now happening.
This week marked another slow decline in teachers» union influence.
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