Sentences with phrase «union issues»

Many credit unions issue small business loans, and they approve requests at twice the rate of big banks.
The only actual talk of union issues at this meeting was by those claiming that there was some union conspiracy in the air.
The president of the state's second largest employee union issued a statement a short time ago, saying he remains hopeful his side will prevail.
It came as unions issued a warning over the merger saying that thousands of workers could be affected and that # 500 million of potential savings could mean job losses or cuts to pay.
Are there hot union issues to be dealt with?
Not only do credit unions issue cards, but if someone doesn't qualify, a credit union can offer pointers for improving that credit history.
Banks and credit unions issue short - term holiday loans — and because the loans are unsecured, you won't need to worry about collateral.
Our goal is to see the big picture — to help you face union issues fairly but without giving up your legal right to run your business as you see fit.
A short sale is when a bank or credit union issuing the mortgage agrees to the sale of a home for less than the current outstanding mortgage obligation.
Incredibly, the bill ended up passing both the Senate (62 - 0) and the Assembly (121 - 0) without a single dissenting vote — a disturbing sign of the Legislature's weak and pandering approach to public employee union issues in general.
There has to be greater prominence given to trade union issues at Party meetings.
The cap - and - trade emissions trading system (ETS) set up by the European Union issued so many free emissions allowances that the system had virtually no effect on climate.
The group Citizens Union issued a report regarding $ 3 billion in the state budget, in various pots of money, that they say operate as veritable slush funds for state lawmakers to distribute to projects with little oversight and accountability.
> Cooper Union will officially start charging its undergraduates tuition gothamist > Cooper Union Issues Statement on Tuition and Aid cooper
> Cooper Union, Committee to Save Cooper Union Agree to Settle Litigation cooper + 7.06.2015 > Cooper Union President to Resign observer + 14.06.2015 > Five Cooper Union Trustees Call It Quits hyperallergic + 12.01.2014 > Cooper Union Issues Statement on Tuition and Aid cooper + 10.12.2012 > Students set up barricade in Cooper Union, demand free education nyunews
The EU published its draft Brexit withdrawal treaty this week amid escalating confusion about the role of the European Court of Justice (ECJ), clamour over the transition period, a potentially game - changing move by the Labour Party on the customs union issue and news that the Scottish Government will publish its own Brexit Bill.
As the Chicago case shows, the obstacles to putting healthy foods in school cafeterias are many: the high cost of organic meals, long - standing contracts for frozen and pre-packaged food and labor union issues.
The Unite union issued threats to boycott the entire conference over the row.
While Carvalho's relationship with Miami's local teachers union has been mostly solid, he's sometimes strayed from the party line on bread - and - butter union issues.
At a June 17th hearing exploring our current bail system, the New York Civil Liberties Union issued these, among other findings, to the NYC Council Committee on Courts and Legal Services:
Lindsay and Anker, both supporters of police unions issues, were considered vulnerable because Republicans outnumber Democrats in their districts.
Included on the menu of possible changes could be pension and health benefits reform, a retirement age increase and overtime costs — the usual union issues that often drive up costs to the point that taxpayers must bear an unreasonable burden.
Even workers» rights divided liberals: with the rise of identity politics, and the shift of blue - collar voters to Nixon in protest of liberals» anti-Vietnam war and pro — affirmative action stance, trade union issues lost their pristine value to many liberals.
Civil rights groups and the teachers unions issued tepid statements, and the state chiefs would prefer it didn't force teacher evaluations onto states, but again, no one seems to be ready to fight for it.
In the same bargaining session, the district addressed another key union issue — reducing class size — by saying with limited money available, the district would keep class sizes at their current levels and spend what it can on salaries.
The statewide teachers union issued layoff notices to 42 employees Monday, about 40 percent of its staff, blaming Gov. Scott Walker's «union - busting» legislation.
As hopes for state intervention slowly faded away, and with those hopes the rationale for placing union issues directly before Dougco voters, DCFT has fallen back on further threats.
By James Hendricks, attorney, Litchfield Cavo LLP After the Great Recession of 2008, dealers who got involved in Asset Purchase Agreements may have unwittingly discovered that union issues p...
My credit union issued everyone new cards after the Target breach, I don't know who had and lost my info after that.
A few credit unions issue basic chip - and - PIN cards, but since you want to maximize rewards with your purchases, your best bet may be to make do for now with magnetic stripe cards — which still get you pretty far, rumors not withstanding — and avoid kiosks that insist on chip - and - PIN.
Several years ago, a MoMA employee told me there were union issues keeping the museum from using the Internet in shows.
3:26 p.m. Updated The American Geophysical Union issued a news release to stress that its new «Climate Q&A Service,» outlined last December in Copenhagen, is not a response to politics - tinged attacks on climate science and has no relationship to the rapid response team being formed by an independent cluster of researchers (as described below).
Provided strategic labor relations advice to several multi-national corporations concerning union issues in Canada, Mexico and Europe
Common union issues and tactics have emerged.
Union official duly arrives, bringing own union issue soap box on which to stand (he is very small union official), and duly addresses us all as his brothers and sisters, although he is not like any brother I ever had.
Developed a positive working relationship with unions leading to the successful resolution of approximately 50 union issues over nearly a three year period while significantly reducing grievances and eliminating legal costs resulting from arbitrations.
Letters to Congress - Credit Policy Letters to Congress - Credit Scoring Congressional testimonies - Credit Policy Letters to federal agencies - Credit Policy Letters to federal agencies - Credit Unions Issue summary - Credit Policy Issue summary - Credit Scoring NAR Federal Issues Tracker
Jonquille is no stranger to unionized workplaces and has exclusively represented and advised employers with regard to a variety of union issues, including grievance arbitration proceedings, interest arbitration proceedings, Ontario Labour Board proceedings, collective agreement interpretation and collective bargaining.
The fact is that the European Union issue is more important than any of that, because it's about the decision of whether you want your laws made in Brussels and that march towards ever - closer union, or whether you want our country to make its own laws, our politicians to make the laws in this country, for us to be able to determine our immigration policy, to decide how we're spending our public money.
Jo is also experienced in providing strategic advice on large scale restructurings, trade union issues, restrictive covenant disputes and board level disputes and on exits strategies for senior personnel.
«Citizens Union issues a preference for S.J. Jung... because of his clear and strong agenda for the district including [revitalization] of the Flushing waterfront and alleviating traffic issues within the district,» said Citizens Union Director Dick Dadey.
The EU published its draft Brexit withdrawal treaty this week amid escalating confusion about the role of the European Court of Justice (ECJ), clamour over the transition period, a potentially game - changing move by the Labour Party on the customs union issue and news that the Scottish Government
The candidate also attacked what he said was Mr. Grimm's poor voting history on union issues, but was still unable to provide details.
As the Senate Education Committee holds a lengthy discussion on educational assessment standards, the state United Teachers union issued a renewed call for ending the focus on standardized testing.
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