Sentences with phrase «union protections»

Being touted as the suit that could «reignite the battle over union protections for Minnesota teachers» by local publications such as the Star Tribune, this suit is being modeled after recent landmark cases in New York and California that seek to chip away outdated tenure provisions that many reformers contend degrade the professionalism of educators and hurt students.
The Bishop's decision caused an uproar in Scranton's heavily unionized Catholic community and reignited the national debate over union protection under state law for teachers in religious schools of all faiths.
Confirmation that both employees and dependent contractors are entitled to union protection under the Labour Relations Code.
We witnessed the damage when summary firings were the reform du jour of charter advocates, and teachers lost union protections in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, in Washington, D.C. under Michelle Rhee's stint as chancellor, and in Newark, NJ, during Cami Anderson's beleaguered tenure as the city's school chief.
Klein and Rhee have championed holding teachers and principals accountable for student performance, weakening union protections and closing down failing schools.
I agree that some of the tenure language should be changed to make it easier to dismiss teachers who are not doing their jobs, yet this lawsuit was an attempt to gut teacher union protections without really solving the problems of educational inequities.
CUNA Mutual Group's Credit Union Protection suite offers credit unions the ability to identify, manage, and control risks.
Fortunately, it was at a time when a man just out of high school could get a high - paying, semi-skilled job with union protection.
With minimal resistance from Labour, policies of the post-war consensus — public ownership of industries, serious redistributive taxation, meaningful trade union protections — are now seen as dangerously Leftist.
Curran said in a letter hand delivered to Mangano that providing union protection to some 26 community service representatives and other appointees who otherwise could be fired at will «were attempts to alter the terms of the collective bargaining agreement before upcoming negotiations.»
By reclassifying their titles, they have union protection against firing.
Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R): Like Scott Walker in Wisconsin, Ohio's Kasich is trying to balance his state's budget while also implementing broad conservative reforms, including eliminating the state's estate tax and curbing union protections.
State lawmakers failed twice Wednesday to add union protections to bills that would let employers reduce workers» hours without resorting to layoffs.
The contract also guarantees a three - step grievance procedure that includes union protections and union representation, yearly written evaluations, 3 - months» notice if a grant is not renewed, a «just cause» standard of dismissal and discipline following a 6 - month probationary period, and the right to be considered an internal applicant for other university positions in case of layoff or nonrenewal.
First, good teachers were laid off because union protections required districts to implement reductions in force via «last in, first out.»
When he accepted the job, he was part of a rising educational reform movement that drew lessons from the corporate world, like increasing parent choice through innovations like charter schools, weakening traditional union protections like tenure and bringing numbers - based accountability to schools to evaluate and rank them and to improve teaching.
Though new board member Rucker is essentially a spokeswoman for the California Teachers Association, she's always steered clear of absolute union protection for a clear and firm stance on the responsibility of teachers.
They look to hire the most qualified staff but will sometimes hire someone uncertified in a pinch when they can't find a certified person who is willing to lose union protection or wants to be paid like traditional public school teachers....
Hope for low - paid workers denied employment rights or union protection.
Throughout the cross examination, Berliner appeared to agree with a number of other plaintiffs» points, admitting that «there should be greater accountability of teachers in schools» and that union protections shouldn't be an obstacle to dismissing ineffective teachers.
While these changes can't match the pensions, union protections, and tenure provisions teachers have at many traditional schools, they mark a significant shift for charters.
Shanker envisioned that charter school teachers would have union protections but would receive waivers from certain elements of the collective bargaining agreement to give them greater flexibility.
If upheld, this decision will strike at the heart of the union protection racket for ineffective educators and begin to roll back the long standing laws and personnel rules in which this protection has been embedded, none more entrenched than in California.
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