Sentences with phrase «union representation»

"Union representation" refers to the presence of a labor union that represents and advocates for the rights and interests of workers in a workplace. It means that employees have a unified organization that speaks on their behalf during discussions with the employer, negotiating for safer working conditions, better pay, benefits, and other important matters concerning their employment rights. Full definition
I never felt that I needed union representation in order to explore learning opportunities beyond my contracted hours.
What workers need are real enforceable rights which provide greater security and protection, backed up by trade union representation.
A successful transition to clean energy will bring American workers along, ensuring hope for those who have been employed in the fossil fuel industry to move to better jobs with union representation.
The unions argue that because all workers benefit from union representation, all workers should bear the costs.
Many of the teachers who work in these schools are seeking union representation for precisely this reason.
M / C workers who do not have formal union representation haven't seen a pay hike since the 2008 financial crisis.
She said there was greater equality in areas of the economy where there is a greater union representation.
If the employee is in a bargaining unit, the employee may request union representation throughout the interactive process.
Indeed, supervisors who refuse to participate in the company's campaign against union representation for the employees may be discharged for their refusal.
Employer successfully argued that a suspension imposed upon an employee should not be entirely voided just because the employee was not provided with union representation at the time the discipline was imposed.
«The American workers right to a free and fair election by secret ballot of choosing union representation or not will be made null and void.»
The conservative majority on the high court is expected to rule to ban agency fee arrangements and allow nonmembers to receive union representation without paying their fair share of the costs.
Trade union representation on company and employing bodies boards should be introduced as a basic democratic right.
A related issue that surprises me locally is how little union representation there is within the renewable power industry - that feels like a missed opportunity locally, and maybe more broadly.
Party Bias in Union Representation Elections: Testing for Manipulation in the Regression Discontinuity Design When the Running Variable is Discrete
We represent businesses in all areas of NLRB jurisdiction, including union representation issues, unfair labor practice charges, injunction and representation hearings, and litigation in administrative trials before administrative law judges of the NLRB.
The NLRB is charged with conducting labor union representation elections and investigating unfair labor practices.
The complaint also alleges that the company, American Medical Response of Connecticut, Inc., illegally denied union representation to the employee during an investigatory interview, and maintained and enforced an overly broad blogging and internet posting policy.
2) National: The American Prospect takes a close look at the fight for union representation at charter schools.
«The cleaning staff at LSE have access to recognised trade union representation through Unison, which has a successful track record in campaigning for its members.
The event also drew strong union representation from the local AFL - CIO, New York State United Teachers and the Buffalo Teachers Federation.
Thurrock Council uses taxpayer's money to fund union representation.
But recently, Catholic Bishops and Catholic school teachers across the nation have been fighting over union representation.
Teachers at Mary Coghill Charter School chose union representation during a vote on May 19th.
Evers» longest job was as administrator of CESA 6 in Osh - kosh, a regional organization that provides services for schools, from 1992 to 2001, where he once discouraged his employees from unionizing, telling them that he and his fellow managers «do not believe that union representation serves the best interest of our employees.»
Speaking of the UAW, the union is in talks with Volkswagen about union representation at the company's plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
He routinely handles matters involving collective bargaining, arbitrations, unfair labor practices and union representation proceedings before the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).
In an election last Monday UCLA's TAs, readers, and tutors chose union representation by SAGE which is affiliated with the United Auto Workers Union (UAW).
Throughout his career, Hendricks has handled more than 300 union representation campaigns across the nation.
On May 27, International High employees voted 26 - 18 in favor of union representation.
Continued erosion in manufacturing industries in the United States and other nations, coupled with the rise in service industries in those countries, have changed the workplace, as has the decline in union representation in many industries (these two trends, in fact, are commonly viewed as interrelated).
He argued that with the anticipated Supreme Court ruling on Janus v. AFSCME, which will likely allow public sector workers to receive union representation and benefits without paying union dues, it is crucial to remain «united.»
In court documents, CSEA said the layoffs were intended to penalize its members for exercising their First and 14th Amendment rights to seek union representation and to join, support and participate in a union.
Activists had pushed to require a living wage and union representation there in exchange for approval.
A 2014 analysis published in the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics» Monthly Labor Review shows that the same goes for teachers: while there is a pay gap between teachers and other comparable professions, «the difference is mitigated if they are employed in the public sector — and more so if they have union representation as well.»
A joint steering committee, which includes union representation, administrators, faculty and community members, governs the school, which receives the standard district per - pupil allotment, but has flexibility in how it spends the money.
Jane concentrates in labor, employment, and employee benefits law and litigation and labor union representation.
The University and College Union (UCU) said staff employed at the university had been denied trade union representation at the organisation since it was set up five years ago.
Janus targets a 40 - year - old precedent set by Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, which permits allowing agency fees as a means to avoid a «free rider» problem: non-union members benefiting from union representation in contract negotiations, but not paying for that service.
On Dec. 15, the Toronto Star reported that an account manager for CHCH sent an e-mail to a prospective client indicating the restructuring would put an end to union representation at CHCH, freeing the station to bring on new talent.
The election this month marked the first time that teachers in Puerto Rico have been permitted to vote for union representation, under a new commonwealth law that allows public employees to bargain.
In at least some jurisdictions, union representation, for example, carries over to the new owners when a business is sold.
Moreover, there is an almost perfect correlation between the decline in union representation and the rise of income inequality.
Airport workers» fight for higher pay and union representation will be front and center Friday in Miami at the third - annual U.S. Conference of Mayors — courtesy of Bill de Blasio.
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