Sentences with phrase «union rules»

But that should also be the focus of the next generation of research on charters: what is the impact of union rules on academic performance?
However, during the disciplinary process I was informed that union rules require a regional secretary to be «the general secretary's representative in the region».
Answer: Sorry, but it is «not possible» to eliminate positions under union rules.
Problems in public schools do not need to be solved by creating a bunch of charter schools, publicly funded schools with less regulations, like teachers unions rules and school board mandates.
Not the corporate way or within company rules or within union rules.
«Parmesan» becomes «Sarmesan'to comply with European Union rules in some countries, while customers wonder, «What sort of cheese is it?»
Some Trivia: Because of Union rules in 1982, Spielberg wasn't allowed to direct 2 movies in one year.
Charter schools, our experimental cohort, handle ELL student needs differently because they are free from union rules like seniority - based job security.
An ethics panel for the state's second - largest public labor union ruled over the weekend that a downstate council leader's misuse of union funds at grocery stores, restaurants and home - improvement outlets «did not meet the legal definition of misappropriation of funds.»
Charter schools don't play by union rules.
Yet even government ministers have gripes: Agriculture Minister Asylzhan Mamytbekov complained this week that Russia and Belarus were breaking Customs Union rules to support their agricultural sectors.
And there's nothing that anyone, from Mayor Bloomberg on down, can do to stop this menace, so long as union rules protect him.
The income is probably similar to what you can make as a professional in Romania and in fact the drain on qualified workers is a huge problem from the perspective of the «sending countries» (just for context: Romanian citizens can come and go and work in Germany completely legally without any visa or permit under European Union rules so their situation is quite different than that of illegal immigrants in the US).
Local teachers» unions, though, particularly the Buffalo Teachers Federation and some outspoken groups on Long Island, broke union rules that required them to remain neutral by campaigning for Zephyr Teachout, Cuomo's opponent in the Democratic primary, and then later for Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate in the general.
Thanks to the passing of occupational castes, Mr. Smith can now be a banker and Mr. Carpenter can even be a mason, union rules permitting.
But NBA players» union rules ensure Duffy would get paid on a deal he negotiated.
But the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled last December that the UK's «general and indiscriminate» retention of citizens» data communications was unlawful where it wasn't being scooped up for serious crime cases.
Britain looks to have won a key concession as European leaders agree new banking union rules in Brussels today.
Waste and the feather - bedding union rules that drive up the cost of new construction to as much as $ 3.5 billion per track mile don't leave enough money for basic maintenance and services.
European Union rules set a maximum hourly concentration of nitrogen dioxide, which, in towns and cities, mainly comes from road traffic.
In terms of the nitty gritty — once you're on a show, you may have the opportunity to join the union, ATPAM (the Association of Theatrical Press Agents and Managers) by taking this intense test on all the different union rules.
This model, in which principals are no longer hog - tied by elaborate bureaucratic or confining union rules, proved attractive to teachers eager to take over campuses, but who equate charters with privatization of school management.
In 1999, the charter - school movement began in New York City with a handful of schools given independence from years of encrusted union rules and city regulations that made real learning virtually impossible in the city's chaotic schools.
Union rules about seniority and other work - related issues can be a barrier, unless the union decides to work with the district on reform, as has happened in San Diego and the Mapleton School District, near Denver.
And importantly, charters can compensate teachers based on merit, not according to antiquated union rules.
But what is truly a shame is that L.A.'s union rules oblige teachers to serve only two years on probation before being granted tenure, the practical equivalent of lifetime employment.
Dane County judge keeps Wisconsin right - to - work union ruling in place Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Walker's plan would likely eliminate the heavy bias against younger teachers that current union rules have.
One principal decried the process as «not about the best - qualified [teacher] but rather satisfying union rules
Teachers have a lot at stake: during budget shortfalls, union rules generally require that the least - experienced teachers be laid off first, a policy know as «last in, first out,» or LIFO.
Charter schools are public schools — but they're mostly free of burdensome union rules.
«It's an incredibly difficult job, one of the most difficult jobs there is, but union rules often make it impossible to fire bad teachers, and that means disadvantaged kids are sometimes taught by the least qualified.
For 1 year contract, you could continue using your UK limited company while dispatching yourself to the other country, as per European union rules e101.
Despite the fact that Wintory wrote and recorded the music in Texas, a state that has right - to - work laws that would allow even union musicians to do non-union work, the AFM is threatening to fine Wintory up to $ 50,000, claiming he violated union rules.
European Union rules call for Poland, which generates most of its electricity from highly polluting coal, to produce 15 percent of it from renewable sources by 2020 versus around 12 percent currently.
The highest court in the European Union ruled today (PDF) that goods manufactured in the Israeli occupied territories of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are not covered by the trade agreement between the European Community and Israel, and thus may be subject to import duties when shipped into a member state.
The Rewe / Comet doctrine establishes that in the absence Union rules on procedural law, it is the responsibility of the Member States» legal systems to provide for remedies stemming from EU law subject to the principle of effectiveness (national procedural rules may not make it impossible to exercise EU rights) and equivalence (national procedural law may not discriminate between EU remedies and similar domestic actions).
Although he continues to work as a personal injury lawyer, he added pensions, industrial action ballots, trade union rules and other specialisms to his portfolio from 1998 onwards.
but for some reason, against union rules maybe..
She had only this to say about charter schools, which are free from union rules: «When schools get it right, whether...
The ever - growing number of charter schools, often privately subsidized and rarely bound by union rules, that Klein unleashed on the city skims off the neighborhood's more ambitious, motivated families.
Some language on «alignment» with Single Market and Customs Union rules had many commentators hailing the advent of Soft Brexit by default.
Couey should have been removed from the classroom years ago, but teachers» union rules protected his job at the expense of students» safety.
The second reason Democrats oppose Mrs. DeVos is that she supports charter schools — public schools with fewer government and union rules so that teachers have more freedom to teach and parents have more freedom to choose the schools.
European Union rules on financial advice will be amended to promote «green» investments, with asset managers forced to show how they consider sustainable growth in their decisions, an EU document showed.
The only apparent hangup is that union rules require that a building engineer be in any school every hour that it is open.
With the grant came good things: extra cash — as much as $ 2 million per school per year — as well as the flexibility to try new things often restricted under union rules, like an extended school year.
Naughton said a $ 100 million cut in spending would force the county to eliminate needed services and force Mangano to terminate hundreds of employees — predominantly recent hires making low - level salaries because of union rules that protect veteran staffers from layoffs.
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