Sentences with phrase «union supporters»

"Union supporters" refers to individuals who advocate for and stand in favor of labor unions. These people believe in the importance of unions, which are organizations that represent and protect the interests and rights of workers in negotiations with employers. Union supporters believe that unions help safeguard fair wages, working conditions, benefits, and overall worker protection. Full definition
One union supporter said those who teach evolution would be fired.
I remain a strong union supporter and a supporter of a society in which all persons have access to a real, living income.
Today's strikes enable ministers to turn up the heat on Labour by pressing them to condemn the industrial action being carried out by their big union supporters.
I can hear the response from union supporters now: But school boards and administrators signed off on these policies.
On to this accusation of «working directly with union supporters»: Our story was done completely independent of any unionization efforts.
Chicago Teachers Union supporters march in front of City Hall on July 2, 2015, in protest of cuts coming to Chicago Public Schools.
In 2014, Labour changed the rules for future contests to move to a «one member, one vote» system of party members, affiliated trade union supporters and registered supporters.
PolitiFact National, «Labor union supporters say Wisconsin test scores vastly outpace those in five states without collective bargaining for teachers,» (False) Feb. 23, 2011
When even union supporters are telling AFT and its fellow teacher unions that fixes to the tenure system are needed, how long can Randi and her radical allies continue their trench warfare against America's schoolchildren?
To that end, I have asked many union supporters in non-right to work states over the years the following question:
People are once again speculating Gov. Andrew Cuomo may run for president in 2020 after he ended a raucous speech in front of union supporters with a spin on President Trump's signature 2016 catchphrase.
They will mean that only party members, affiliated union supporters and registered supporters can vote in Labour leadership contests.
Tesla said employees were terminated en masse due to performance issues, though some workers have argued they were cost - cutting layoffs or used to punish union supporters.
Union supporters need to take a look at Walmart and ask themselves why the retailer is a successful as it is.
Union members who are signed up as a registered union supporter have one vote, which carries the same weight as any other member.
They could anger union supporters, however, given they are already wary of the new Labour leader after he mooted plans to reduce their voting influence at party conferences.
Union supporters describe Baldor Foods as vehemently anti-union.
If union supporters carry the day, the world's wealthiest university will become home to the newest chapter of the United Auto Workers (UAW), marking one of the first instances of a private university being forced to accept a union of students against its will.
He voiced an argument made by union supporters through the fight over Senate Bill 5 (and the similar battle in Wisconsin over public sector union rights): All employees want is the right to bargain; they are more than willing to make concessions during these difficult times.
Nowadays, few, including union supporters and labor advocates, would side with the Luddites, who insisted that technology was the problem.
And President Obama, an outspoken union supporter, has uttered some mistruths (if unintentional) or lies (if they are not).
Like Randi, who has dedicated a significant portion of her career to whipping would - be reformist Democrats into line, radical teachers union supporters opened fire on Goldberg's Twitter page.
Hired by some of the country's wealthiest citizens in America's Gilded Age, members of the Pinkerton National Detective Agency infiltrated unions, protected strikebreakers, and worked to keep union supporters out of plants and mines.
Okay, so you're at a cocktail party sipping brandy, and some rabid teacher union supporter starts mouthing off about Trump, DeVos, the evils of vouchers and, at the same time, waxing ecstatic about the glories of our traditional zip - code monopoly education system (Z MES).
Union supporters often say that members can opt out the union's political activities.
Union supporters know jobs will just go to China, to whom Obama's «deal» just gave a free pass.
The Elon Musk - led company went a step further as well, stating that the piece was an «ideologically motivated attack by an extremist organization working directly with union supporters to create a calculated disinformation campaign against Tesla.»
While Sadiq Khan was not the organised Labour left's first choice in the process to select Labour's candidate, he was elected on the wave of «Corbynmania» and the left's second preference votes, receiving a strong mandate from Labour members, registered supporters and trade union supporters, beating the Blairite candidate in each section.
The action, according to even some of Mr. de Blasio's strongest union supporters, violated longstanding labor protections and threatened to set a precedent that could give the city more leverage during negotiations, at a time when more than half of the union contracts have expired.
Union supporters say organized labor has not been given enough credit for its own efforts to reform education — for instance, efforts by UTLA to establish charter - like «pilot schools.»
The reaction: Union supporters were dismayed to learn the products on offer are not, as a rule, made by unionized labour.
He's spoken positively about the energy sector while also endorsing lower taxes and distancing himself from the party's union supporters.
At 8:30 a.m., Broadway casting directors and union supporters will rally in the heart of the theater district and then march through Times Square to the offices of the Broadway League, calling for a union contract.
In the weeks leading up to the result I conducted some polling to compare the views of Labour members and union supporters with those of voters who moved away from the party at the last election.
Burnham, Cooper and Kendall's teams are also pushing for a breakdown of voting by each section of the Labour electorate, so they can see whether the eventual winner is backed separately by the membership, union supporters and registered supporters.
They were fighting with each other,» Cuomo told the crowd of 450 union supporters.
Stanley, who describes himself as a union supporter, says the union punished him by eliminating a renter in his building.
Media and union supporters, such as Owen Jones and Dave Prentis, general secretary of Unison, who were enthusiastic backers last year were notably cooler this summer, even if they ultimately voted Corbyn.
Instead, the only $ 5,000 checks came from Crowleyâ $ ™ s union supporters.
That is exactly how the party needs to reconnect with its activists, its union supporters and its voters.
The universities must take responsibility for making that happen rather than leaving it to vulnerable individual postdocs and their union supporters.
The case for reforming the collective bargaining process has become so strong that even some union supporters have sought to persuade union locals to abandon an industrial model of contract negotiations for a more collaborative «new unionism.»
In language their union supporters will appreciate, they can also criticize the current tests and pledge funding for the development of superior, sophisticated exams that measure higher - level thinking skills.
As I stated in my previous post on State of the Unions [21]: «As long as the anti-union message revolves around the symbol of children's rights, union supporters are destined to fail.
He really is,» said Lois Weiner, a teacher - union supporter and education professor at New Jersey City University in Jersey City.
A.P. was a Union supporter and the Employer was aware of his support from at least August 27, 2010.
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