Sentences with phrase «union vote»

As well as MPs and members, he had over 50 % of trade union vote in a 3 - way contest.
But most public - school union votes took place years ago.
But the strength of individual union votes will be determined by the number of people who pay an affiliation fee.
Getting a new school up and running is tough enough without adding a mandatory and potentially divisive union vote in that fragile first year.
The share of the trade union vote at conference was 70 % in 1992, it is now 50 % and we have resisted moves to reduce it to 40 %.
The Seattle Times ran an important front page article today on the current election in the Seattle Education Association (SEA), «Politics plays role in teachers union vote for president».
Front Page Seattle Times Article on SEA election: «Politics plays role in teachers union vote for president»
At least what an account of Labour latest national policy forum revealed here on Left Futures in a piece headlined Trade unions vote against ending austerity in 2015.
Mr Miliband is keen to distance himself from the unions for fear of being branded «Red Ed» by the tabloid press, a particularly crucial political move given his reliance on union votes when he beat his brother to the Labour party leadership.
However, it also insisted that collective affiliation of the trade unions should continue alongside the opting - in of individual levy - payers and that there should be no diminution of trade union voting strength or representation within Labour party structures.
Go to Google and search «20 Truths about Mormonism» Not only will I not vote for Romney, I want Utah kicked out of the Union
Theresa May is facing calls to stake her political future on winning a crunch customs union vote as Brexiteers fear she is preparing to fudge her red line.
Its corollary would be state funding to allow Blair to eliminate the trade union vote within the Labour Party.
The Labour leader, who owes his job to union voting power, will laud their 6.5 million members as «the people who make Britain what it is».
The climate won a significant victory when 55 countries representing 55 % of global emissions ratified the Paris agreement, following a European Union vote earlier this month.
Ed Miliband's victory in the 2010 Labour leadership contest, delivered by union votes, marked the start of a new assertiveness in internal Labour affairs by the party's affiliated trade unions.
At the recent Progress conference, where he first attacked trade unions for wanting to influence the outcome of current selections, he also described union voting strength at conference as «disgraceful» — and this was in answer to a question inviting him to outline what united Progress and Unite!
On August 24, 2006, the International Astronomical Union voted at the end of its 26th General Assembly to establish a new class of substellar objects in the Solar System called «dwarf planets», which may eventually encompass many large and relatively round celestial objects such as inner Oort Cloud member Sedna.
But instead of asking why that is, and exploring why teachers compete for charter jobs with at - will agreements or one - year contracts, they write of union - busting tactics at several charters, see low rates of unionization as a «cause for concern,» and wind up recommending that state laws provide an automatic union vote in the first year of each charter.
Cooper Union votes to reintroduce free tuition The board of New York's Cooper Union has voted to bolster the arts and engineering school's finances with the aim of reintroducing free tuition for all, reports the New York Times.
Yesterday, elected delegates of the Chicago Teachers Union voted not to end the strike, opting instead to reconvene Tuesday after discussing a proposed contract deal with CTU's broader membership.
EU researchers working in the United Kingdom grapple with the uncertainty created by the vote to leave the union
Often these coincided with student unions voting on whether to support the boycott — and as Nestlé lost the debates and boycotts went ahead or continued, Nestlé eventually began refusing to attend again.
This means that we could have the odd situation where the big Unions vote against the McDonnell Amendment at the NEC but then issue instructions to delegates to vote for it when it comes to the conference hall.
The city's powerful teachers» union voted today to endorse Bill de Blasio for mayor — after snubbing him during the Democratic primary in favor of Bill Thompson.
The executive board for the state's second - largest public labor union voted Friday to overturn an ethics hearing panel's controversial decision to clear a downstate council leader of wrongdoing for spending union money at stores and restaurants.
Two of Britain's biggest unions have promised to go ahead with their plans to merge after members of a third union voted to remain a separate organisation.
While Vanessa Glushefski has racked up nine union endorsements so far, Republican incumbent Stefan Mychajliw isn't conceding union votes to his Democratic challenger.
For the first time in more than 50 years, Citizens Union voted to not endorse any of the candidates running for mayor — saying de Blasio's conduct had raised «many troubling ethical issues» and that Republican Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis isn't experienced enough.
Chaos for Labour as left wing unions vote to AXE the nuclear deterrent Trident TODAY Feb 15, 2016.
At its annual conference, the ATL section of the National Education Union voted in favour of a motion demanding action from government to prevent «selective» use of the right to withdrawal.
Previous Posts: «Parent Trigger «Doc in Final LA Showing With Director Q&A; Haddon Parents Abandon Trigger, Still Get Changes; Should the Teachers Union Vote Online?
In his reelection effort, Obama is courting union votes and has spoken out against GOP governors» efforts in Midwestern states to curb union power, particularly among public employee unions.
TU teachers have influenced the state ballot initiative that allows the operation of charter schools, swung union votes, and received calls during session from swing Democrats on controversial education policy issues.
CHICAGO — The nation's largest teachers union voted Monday to endorse President Barack Obama's 2012 re-election bid, despite teachers» widespread unhappiness with his education policies.
On August 24, 2006, the International Astronomical Union voted at the end of its 26th General Assembly to establish a new class of substellar objects in the Solar System called «dwarf planets», which may eventually encompass the largest, relatively round asteroids such as Ceres and perhaps eventually Vesta, Pallas, and Hygeia.
In April 2013, the European Union voted to temporarily ban the use of clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiamexotham in response to data that suggests these pesticides could be responsible for the collapse of bee colonies around the world.
Not to have a majority of your MPs or party members - and to depend on union votes - leaves Ed Miliband in a very exposed position.
Curiously, Smith appears to object to our policy recommendation «that state laws provide an automatic union vote in the first year of each charter.»
Plus: Cooper Union votes to reintroduce free tuition Convictions in Russian avant - garde forgery case French court dismisses case on Facebook «censorship» National Museum of Scotland to put entire collection online and recommended reading
Some have bemoaned the fact that David Miliband was ahead among party members and MPs but lost out because of union votes, the largest slice from Unite.
The Shadow Chancellor's comments to The Times reflect deep unease among party modernisers over a result in which David Miliband lost, even though he won more support from Labour members and MPs, because his younger brother was backed strongly by trade union votes.
The Chicago Teachers Union voted in favor of a one - day teacher walkout on April 1 in an effort to push Gov. Bruce Rauner and state lawmakers to provide a new funding plan for the district.
Continue reading Front Page Seattle Times Article on SEA election: «Politics plays role in teachers union vote for president»
The NDP needs to regain the union vote as it tacks back to the left and will likely oppose much of the deal unless it is radically changed to protect Canadian jobs, something no one here has signalled.
Over the past few months, the NLRB received at least 100 similarly worded submissions urging it to throw out a policy pertaining to union votes.
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