Sentences with phrase «universe beyond»

There is an entire universe beyond the atmosphere of this planet but a heaven?
The instrument is so sensitive that scientists hope it will be able to test many of the theories that seek to explain what happened before the Big Bang and probe for the existence of universes beyond our own.
These include a «preferred» direction in the way the temperature of the light varies, dubbed the cosmic «axis of evil», as well as an inexplicably cold spot that could be evidence for universes beyond our own (see image, top).
The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head, and is our gateway to the expanded universe beyond our bodies.
Unlike the enterprising investor he or she will not expand their potential universe beyond stable conservative choices.
No; if we were there we should find 10,000 mighty island universes beyond, whose suns must be at least 1000 millions.»
In directions roughly perpendicular to the plane of the Milky Way, such as toward the Big Dipper, we look through much less obscuring material and get an open window to the larger universe beyond.
I was seven years old: too young to fully appreciate the thrill many people felt that the mysterious universe beyond Earth had suddenly been conquered and that the adventures of the swashbuckling Flash Gordon were now one step closer to reality.
Marvel has demonstrated the ability to deftly expand its cinematic universe beyond the signature heroes with movies like «Ant - Man» and «Doctor Strange.»
Its central characters were confident seniors, big fish in a little liberal arts pond, loath to leave this mastered domain for the unknown universe beyond.
Gazing at the creatures within the watery depths, Caitlin accesses a shimmering universe beyond her own.
Lionhead Studios» third installment in the series will stretch the Fable universe beyond Albion's fictional borders, adding a whole new continent, revealed creator Peter Molyneux in an interview with IncGamers.
A bag of anime tropes After years of teasing a sprawling sci - fi anime universe beyond the races in the games,...
A quirk of our leading theory of cosmic history could mean that black holes were once portals to a multitude of universes beyond our own
The good news is that there is a universe beyond the S&P 500 and Barclay's Agg, and there are sensible strategies outside of buying and holding.
Bill, I feel sorry for you, you being a scientist and yet unable to create anything close to a human, or a constellation system, or a brain to think really logically with is amazing to me... if you want to believe that there was a big explosion somewhere in the universe beyond this world and that is how you came to be you can keep that theory but don't tell parents what to do with there children.
there is one creator whose name is truth creative being without fear without hate timeless whose spirit is throughout the universe beyond the cycle of death and rebirth self - existent by the grace of the guru God is made known to humanity.
The whole thrust of his work appears to revolve around the question: Is there order in the universe beyond my experience, and if not, what is it that gives me the impression of orderliness?
Peace is the sense that indeed there are aims in the universe beyond our own and that our aims can be harmonious with them and contribute to them.
But even if we acknowledge a cause of the universe beyond the universe, what can we know of it?
Air connects us to the most distant reaches of this planet, to all the life that has ever lived, even to the universe beyond.
In urban and suburban skies a milky atmosphere, rather than ocular insensitivity, closes the curtains on the universe beyond.
With luck it will be able to look far back into the history the universe beyond the formation of the cosmic microwave background radiation, when the universe was opaque to electromagnetic rays.
Like a forensic scientist sifting for clues before it is even clear whether a crime has been committed, Kleban and his colleagues are figuring out exactly what kinds of patterns, hidden within observable astronomical features, might expose the existence of universes beyond our own.
Planck has also confirmed WMAP's detection of a large unexplained cold spot in the CMB, which some cosmologists took as a sign that there are universes beyond our own.
Sharing the story, the science, and the adventure of NASA's scientific explorations of our home planet, the solar system, and the universe beyond!
The Science How atoms form different elements tells us about the nature of our world and the universe beyond.
In truth we probably know more about the universe beyond our Earth than about that which lies between our ears.
This portfolio of activities engages audiences in the story, the science, and the adventure of NASA's scientific explorations of our home planet, the solar system, and the universe beyond.
The X-Men universe is in the midst of a renewed push to expand the universe beyond just the main team and Wolverine.
The wildest and most wildly talent - exuding movie I saw was Boots Riley's debut feature, Sorry to Bother You, a title so misleading that it's a universe beyond irony.
The XTS is a far better handler than the MKS Ecoboost and a universe beyond the ES.
«Destiny promised a universe beyond the sky; slowly it begins to deliver upon that promise.»
PvZ: As PopCap saw the popularity of PvZ explode a few years back, they recognized that there was a lot of potential for the universe beyond just tower defense games.
Mum's the word on details for now, but if it doesn't have a massive selection of outlandish guns, that's probably a sign we've finally broken the universe beyond repair.
Beyond Good & Evil 2 is a prequel, and it seeks to explore the universe beyond Hillys.
Katie Paterson manipulates two basic human sensesof sight and smell to unbind viewers from the reality of geography and allow them to voyage into outer space and experience the universe beyond the ordinary reaches of our spatial perception.
For the author they arouse primitive feelings associated with such sonorous phrases as «the deep» or «the starry firmament,» identifying a universe beyond the human.
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