Sentences with phrase «universe someone live in»

I find it very hard to believe that the rational and ordered universe we live in came from nowhere and is heading nowhere.
I love studying evolution and the universe and I am in wonder and awe of this magnificent universe we live in.
Will someone out there, in the vast open universe we live in, enjoy this game?
Each person's position on that question necessarily depends on his presuppositions, his understanding of the kind of universe we live in and God's relation to it.
Since then, it has not only captured an unimaginable number of truly spectacular nebulae and galaxies, it has also peered back over 13 billion years to look at our cosmos in its infancy, giving us, as NASA aptly put in an earlier statement, «a front row seat to the awe inspiring universe we live in
Every spectrum of science points to an intelligent designer — not a series of mishaps that brought us into the infinitely complex universe we live in today!
The odds of the finely tuned universe we live in coming about by chance are so unlikely that it's difficult to conceive of the astronomically large numbers involved.
Look for Google to eventually offer Sky users the ability to go beyond conventional video and photo images and view ultraviolet and infrared images of the celestial universe, something that will help people «appreciate the astrophysical universe they live in,» she says.
Once you've done all you can DO, this amazing universe we live in takes care of the rest and we sink into synchronicity with its infinite beauty.
Comics would have to live or die according to their own merits, not according to how intricately they're tied into the past of whatever universe they live in.
I just can't wait for the adventure of fending for ourselves and exploring new possibilities in this awesome universe we live in.
Like, he's just chewing the scenery and having a great time, but if you really think about his behavior for even a second, it becomes impossible to fathom — especially in the context of the hard, dark universe he lives in — why someone hasn't simply shot him in the face.
But until Perelman came along, nobody had proved that the same technique would work in our three - dimensional universe and allow us to tell from the inside what kind of universe we live in.
Since then, it has not only captured an unimaginable number of truly spectacular nebulae and galaxies, it has also peered back over 13 billion years to look at our cosmos in its infancy, giving us, as Grunsfeld explains, «a front row seat to the awe inspiring universe we live in
We know that nothing comes from nothing, so life must come from something and that something must be at least powerful and intelligent enough to start something (i.e., the complex universe we live in).
What's more, he takes religious questions seriously, although he's never personally been able to be convinced there is anything beyond the universe we live in.
But his less - known work, a trilogy of science fiction novels, contains some of his most profound, thrilling and decidedly adult notions of the universe we live in, the reality - shifting nature of grace and the Creator who rules over it all.
But none that I have heard come close to challenging the overall conclusion that the universe we live in is far more consistent with theism than atheism.
And I too share your wonder at this universe we live in.
So although I believe in creation, that doesn't mean I'm going to stop asking questions about the world and universe we live in.
At one point as we dwell in the past we might find a point in our evolution where something put us on the path of where we are today or created us out of nowhere but until then creationism is simply a dream wished up by those who refuse to be more open minded about the universe we live in.
The only beauty He will show us is the beauty of the universe we live in, which is more than enough for me.
~ To the likes of Rubio: Get your minds off planet Earth, look at the «blue marble» and think about the physics, chemistry and uncomprehendable amount of energy needed for the creation of the universe we live in and also the universes we have not discovered yet and then compare your energy to that.
the bible is truth god and jesus are real the bible warned of the false profits the bible is not a science book but it explained science before there was sciece and if john discounts god being responsable for sciense or the universe we live in he is dissalusioned
God (or whatever power created this universe we live in) gave us a brain more complicated than any other creature on the planet to THINK for ourselves and to REASON.
Even Hawking says there is no such thing as a god and is not necessary to create this universe we live in... since time and space were created with the big bang... logic dictates that before that there was no time or space where any god could create this universe.
i guess they do nt take into account that those folks will have kids of their own, who will more than likely be taught logical / critical thinking and how to evaluate tangible evidence of the universe we live in.
This is so out of left field,» says Joe Grenvicz, Bironas» friend and financial manager, «so out of the universe we all lived in with Rob.
This is so out of left field, so out of the universe we all lived in with Rob.»
Even Newton's law of gravity turned out to be just a good mathematical explanation; the absolute space and invariable flow of time he believed in just aren't an accurate representation of the universe we live in.
The universe we live in appears to have four dimensions.
The great explainer of the universe lived in a time when researchers rapidly developed technology to assist people with physical limitations in achieving increased independence
«For our understanding of the universe we live in.
Some physicists suspect inflation is still happening, starting up in some regions while stopping in others, such as the part of the universe we live in.
He had expected quantum cosmology to tell him exactly why the universe we live in looks the way it does.
It's probable that the universe we live in is not the way I think it is or the way the Big Bang people think it is.
Without compromising science and the search for a clearer understanding of the universe we live in, scientists will be forced to become frontline fighters in political wars and learn a whole new vocabulary and style to defend themselves and the important ideas and knowledge they are attempting to communicate.
Dark matter — the mysterious and ever so elusive stuff that makes up 85 percent of the total mass of the universe we live in.
Since then, it has not only captured an unimaginable number of truly spectacular nebulae and galaxies, it has also peered back over 13 billion years to look at our cosmos in its infancy, giving us, in the words of NASA's associate administrator for Science Mission Directorate John Grunsfeld, «a front row seat to the awe - inspiring universe we live in
As tiny creatures inhabiting a pale blue dot lost in the cosmic void, the true size of the universe we live in was, for the longest time, beyond our grasp, until, in 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope was launched.
Currently, the universe we live in obeys two seemingly incompatible laws — quantum mechanics, which governs the behavior of subatomic particles; and relativity, which describes how clumps of atoms, such as humans, stars and galaxies, behave.
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