Sentences with phrase «universe someone see»

In one universe you see result A on the measuring device, but in another universe, a parallel version of you reads off result B.
If you took random screen captures of Battlefront II gameplay, you'd have the best looking Star Wars universe seen in video games.
In the past decade an extraordinary claim has captivated cosmologists: that the expanding universe we see around us is not the only one; that billions of other universes are out there, too.
So it's an opportunity to really study how the universe has evolved from shortly after the big bang to the observable universe we see around us today.
In likely the most action packed trailer yet shown within the Assassins Creed universe we see shooting, jumping and plenty of stabbing.
Suggesting that, eons earlier, all matter could have come from an infinitely small and super-dense point which exploded, yielding the universe we see.
As we view back in our universe we see untold billions of years before Zeus yet still we can not reach or comprehend beginning.
The Big Bang was the expansion of EVERYTHING from a singularity to the universe we see today.
The universe we see now expanded out of an even we know as the Big Bang.
Science describes the universe we see, you can choose to reject it, but that's rejecting the universe in favor of faith.
When I spend more time studying Science, walking the earth and looking at our universe I see myself as this tiny speck of sand.
Yes, the universe that we see might have a causation that is outside of the universe we see.
But the universe saw all of this coming.
Since light from distant objects takes time to reach Earth, the deeper you look into the sky, the further back into the history of the universe you see.
In the process, an extremely small patch of space inflated to enormous size, evening out any irregularities and giving rise to the universe we see today.
Nevertheless, over the years we have developed a strong intuition for what counts as «natural» — and the universe we see does not qualify.
Galaxies and clusters formed in denser regions while voids emerged between them, creating the large - scale structure of the universe seen in galaxy surveys like the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS).
What you see on these pages is the universe seen through the eyes of Chandra.
Each universe sees one state only, which is why we never observe the block in two states at once.
Shortly after the Big Bang, the universe we see today was still very small, dense, and hot.
Eventually, that gas coalesced into stars and those stars into galaxies, giving us the universe we see today.
Weinberg spoke with Quanta Magazine about the past and future of physics, the role of philosophy within science, and the startling possibility that the universe we see around us is a tiny sliver of a much larger multiverse.
Einstein's theories of matter and space - time, which depend upon more familiar benchmarks, can not explain what caused the hot primordial pinpoint of the universe to inflate into the universe we see today.
The universe we see is just one possible outcome among many.
Many of these other universes could be chock - full of conscious creatures early in their histories when, like the universe we see today, the past is distinct from the future.
The hope is that by looking deeply enough inside matter — by pulling it apart and making new forms of it — we will better understand the machinery behind the universe we see every day.
In particular, physicists have been checking if the model correctly describes the universe we see today.
Physicists tend to recoil from Kauffman's notion of a universe that emerges from countless arbitrary laws because the universe we see seems to be remarkably regular in structure and behavior.
Expansion of the universe seen by Hubble.
«The universe we see when we look out to its furthest horizons contains a hundred billion galaxies.
Matter and radiation fell into these valleys, which eventually evolved into the first galaxies; the valleys explain how the chunky stew of a universe we see today emerged out of its brothlike past.
If the universe sees you are overwhelmed, it might protect you by not sending more into your life.
Once there's one, the universe sees to it that the number multiplies.
Those REITs as a universe saw their stock prices fall by 23 % during 1999, says Keith Honnold, director of acquisitions in the Boston office of Chattanooga, Tenn. - based CBL & Associates.
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