Sentences with phrase «unknown company»

This year, we expect to see some great innovations from the established brands, as well as from relatively unknown companies and start - ups.
Further, calls from unknown companies can be indicators there may be something improper on your credit report.
A large number of today's large - cap stocks started out as smaller, unknown companies with tremendous growth prospects.
There are smaller unknown companies, but I think there's a price point that has to be hit.
The lack of regulatory oversight has largely been the reason behind the success virtually unknown companies have had in raising millions — sometimes hundreds of millions — of dollars through ICOs.
Similarly, If you have had impressive titles at relatively unknown companies, you may want to bold - face your title.
Portfolios filled with unknown companies in boring but profitable industries... difficult to talk about at parties, but often more profitable.
Those devices — and their digital «brains» — are typically made by unknown companies, many in developing countries, without the funds or ability — or the brand - recognition need — to incorporate strong security features.
Even though it's the second largest company in the US, and it rakes in nearly $ 100 billion every year, it's still something of an unknown
But unwilling to hang around waiting to take his boss» job, McDonald jumped ship for Zimmer, a relatively unknown company struggling to stay afloat.
Avanti Feeds, a small cap unknown company from aquaculture sector was trading around Rs -130-200 during June - September last year (in 2013).
Particularly welcome is the publication in the past fortnight of one of the country's most controversial deals — the attribution of previously confiscated oil blocks to two previously unknown companies.
If you are receiving calls from unknown companies claiming you have an account with them or owe them money, you may have a claim under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) or Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).
Apps that help users lock other apps is a popular category on Android, where you can today find dozens of similar solutions — though largely from unknown companies save for a few, like Keepsafe or Norton, for example.
This is a relatively unknown company compared to the ones listed above and they're trying to reach the $ 75,000 goal in order to start producing their own Android Wear smartwatch, dubbed Com1.
Apple undoubtedly inflated the price of smartwatches with its pricing scheme, but it's unclear whether Android users are willing to pay that kind of premium for a smartwatch — especially from a relatively unknown company like Huawei.
What's unclear is how Samsung Galaxy S8 flagship phone will fare given the multiple unknowns the company is facing.
He notes that there are a lot of relatively unknown companies serving up new home technology products, and there's no guarantee how long they'll be around or how well their products will work.
The success of these all - but - unknown companies in raising millions — or hundreds of millions — of dollars is all the more striking given that many of these firms did not exist a year ago, while others do not even have a functioning prototype.
But the main focus of the new fund is to provide relatively unknown companies with early - stage infusions.
Despite growing its dividend every year since 1963, Lancaster Colony (LANC) is a relatively unknown company with most income investors.
Business editors can't resist passing judgment on new or unknown companies; reading about the then $ 2 million business I detected no seeds of greatness.
Waymoâ $ ™ s application, as well as the insufficient one from the unknown company, should be posted on the web so the public can see whatâ $ ™ s going on and comment, â $ he said.
And, when in unknown company, following sometimes: «Is the father from a different country...
Copies in Seconds: How a Lone Inventor and an Unknown Company Created the Biggest Communication Breakthrough Since Gutenberg David Owen (Simon & Schuster, $ 24)
Copies in Seconds: How a Lone Inventor and an Unknown Company Created the Biggest Communication Breakthrough Since Gutenberg
One is a relatively unknown company, CyThera, set up less than 2 years ago in San Diego, that claims to have nine embryonic stem cell lines and is currently trying to develop pancreatic islet cells for treatment of diabetes.
In his 20 minutes on stage, he quietly, confidently, even humbly announced that his small, unknown company was about to launch a revolutionary new rocket that would commercialize space for the first time in history.
«In a world where every email, every SMS and every data bit we ever created lives on forever in some computer server, owned by some unknown company, in some unknown location we believe impermanence should be an inalienable right», the app claims on its site.
For people who are concerned about giving such sensitive personal information to an unknown company, this can certainly help improve the likelihood of creating an account.
Bats spelled backwards is Stab, the Scream movie - in - movie... and it was from some unknown company with a suspiciously comic cast.
so why exactly should i (as a user) install this plugin and bloat my browser even further plus trust an unknown company that they'll won't mess with my (meta --RRB- data?
Please don't trust your data to an unknown company (even if the company is known, back it up).
In a few short years, Kobo went from an unknown company by the name of Short Covers to being one of the largest ebook stores in the world.
This device was not designed by the bookseller, but was outsourced to an unknown company.
Kakai is a unknown company myriad in secrecy in Silicon Valley.
«For my latest book cover, I took a chance on an unknown company - Graphicz X — but I needn't have worried.
It can be really confusing and scary to receive a threatening statement in the mail, especially from an unknown company, saying your debt has gone into collections.
Making a reservation with an unknown company in a far - away location requires a leap of faith.
When you have a niche game genre, when you're porting a keyboard control scheme to a console controller, and when you got a relatively unknown company, that usually spells disaster.
Sold for # 49.75 on pre order by an unknown company (the website was registered in secret with very little info provided about who operates it), the Amiiqo device lets you store data for up to 200 different Amiibos, and comes pre loaded with the data for 10 of them.
However, it appears that Microsoft Studios are working on yet another Halo - related project, this time a collaboration between 343 Industries and another as - yet - unknown company.
Not only was it being developed by a then - unknown company in the United States, the Texas - based Retro Studios, but its presentation as a first - person shooter led to accusations of being a complete departure from the Metroid fabric.
An unknown company called Huvr Corp suddenly began promoting a «real» hoverboard today through a number of convincing clips and testimonies.
These unknown companies are usually much more price competitive, and they typically offer much better underwriting.
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