Sentences with phrase «unknown consequences»

This rate varies widely among physicians, with unknown consequences for the cost and benefits of screening programs, according to background information in the article.
If it is because you want to preserve the honesty and integrity of your relationship with him... then you may well go ahead... and be willing to carry the yet unknown consequences.
The trouble is, a gene drive is effectively a biological bomb that, once released, will explode with potentially unknown consequences.
Levels of CO2 will soon reach heights of 400 ppm and higher — levels not seen in millions of years, with unknown consequences for the planet.
Playing with species populations in this way can disrupt entire ecosystems with unknown consequences.
The presently unknown consequences of Brexit are also a cause for concern.
Wade Wilson's next outing will see him go head to head with future cyborg Cable as the latter attempts to kill a child with emerging powers who will have currently unknown consequences on the future.
For example abandoned nets that animals can get caught in, oil leakages cause huge amount of ecological damage and waste products from plastic production build up in food chains leading to as yet unknown consequences in humans.
Ocean acidification (OA) is known to affect marine biota from the organism to the ecosystem level but with largely unknown consequences for the cycling of key elements such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus.
For example, as the world awaits the still unknown consequences of the Brexit vote, many nervous investors may be tempted by the lure of gold — that mythic yellow element that has captured the psyche of mankind for millennia.
With growing concerns around the known and unknown consequences of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change on natural systems, food producers are experiencing greater consumer demand for environmental and social credentials as well as various decarbonisation initiatives from governments.
«The problem is that the degree of exposure becomes limited when you put a host in captivity, and this change has unknown consequences on health,» he said, «which is exactly why we're trying to learn more about it.»
Statin - induced decreases in blood cholesterol levels may have unknown consequences in these peripheral areas.
They conclude that anthropogenic activities alter genetic composition of native ranges, with unknown consequences for species» evolutionary trajectories.
Such debris doesn't really dissolve, but persists for many years, breaking down into micro-particles that further absorb toxic pollutants and enter the marine food web with unknown consequences for marine life.
By what authority do we run a global experiment that could have unknown consequences?
But there are unknown consequences.
But Pretlow said support for that idea seems to have faded because of the unknown consequences regarding NYRA's future.
Millions of New Yorkers who could bear the burden of unknown consequences have been left in the dark.
As a result, at higher elevations, the microbes and animals in the soil are becoming more diverse, with unknown consequences for the ecosystem.
Instead decisions have typically relied on surrogates with unknown consequences.
Genetic engineering, on the other hand, can introduce genes that have never been in the food supply, with unknown consequences.
This has unknown consequences for both native and invasive species.
By then, significant climate change is expected to permanently alter environmental cues that wildflowers rely upon and make community reassembly a more common phenomenon — with unknown consequences for species interactions in those communities.
This could have unknown consequences, he fears.
Genetic testing also can reveal many that have unknown consequences for the function of these genes, so their influence on cancer risk can't be predicted.
As the planet warms, scientists have observed a radical disruption in the geographic distribution of thousands of animals and plants, which has unknown consequences for species survival.
In laboratory studies, these chemical mixtures mimic estrogen and have unknown consequences on human health.
Then you will realize your hopeless feelings were an emotional response to your fear of the unknown consequences... [Read more...]
Like many innovations in finance that emerge from nowhere to explode in popularity with unknown consequences, exchange - traded funds (ETFs) have gone from obscurity when they were first invented in 1993 to making up more than half of all the daily trading volume on American stock exchanges today.
Though testing has been completed on the required numbers of cats, we all know that drugs can have unknown consequences, even when authorised.
The violence of gravity forcing impact onto an unknown material and with unknown consequences, suggesting a possibility of breakage.
The only way to make space for wonder is to accept the possibility of unknown consequences, perhaps even violent ones; the alien probe may be a precursor to invasion, or the only escape from reality may be a nightmare.
We are forcing the environement of this planet with unknown consequences.
So will we collectively use them, and take the unknown consequences of temperature rises?
Doubling the CO2 concentration has unknown consequences.
That includes the problem of adding large volumes of saltwater on top of a freshwater ice sheet, with unknown consequences.
These birds play an important role in the distribution of nutrients within wetland and coastal ecosystems, and their loss could have unknown consequences for the rest of the world.
The extra CO2 absorbed means a change in ocean chemistry: the oceans are becoming increasingly acidic at an unprecedented rate, with unknown consequences for corals, shellfish and juvenile fish.
I think the climate system is the exact same, and by having enormous forcings, we're going out of the «design parameters» of the control system, with unknown consequences.
The effects of this marked shift in westerly winds are already being seen today, triggering warm and salty water to be drawn up from the deep ocean, melting large sections of the Antarctic ice sheet with unknown consequences for future sea level rise while the ability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current to soak up heat and carbon from the atmosphere remains deeply uncertain.
The appearance of the iceberg has isolated Cape Denison from the rest of the world, with what was unknown consequences for wildlife, climate and ocean circulation.
Larger - scale projects such as iron fertilization in the oceans are far less likely due to their higher potential for failure (and unknown consequences) as well as their international nature.
Well - meaning people can move animals away from their natural habitat into deeper waters, with unknown consequences.
But neonicotinoids are poisons at the heart of the problem, underscoring not only the problem with the bees, but also with humans rushing to use a product with unknown consequences.
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