Sentences with phrase «unknown history»

Be aware that dogs with unknown histories might come with illnesses, so you may spend a bit extra on veterinary care at first if you adopt from a «questionable» shelter.
Please please please do not advise people to buy used seats with unknown history because it can be deadly in the event of a crash.
It is our usual policy not to adopt dogs with unknown histories to a home with young children under 5 years of age.
A unique combination of factors comes together in a shelter environment: high population density, admission of animals with unknown history of disease exposure, lack of protective immunity, stress, parasites, inadequate facilities, and improper infection control procedures.
For her defense of Ms. Smith, long hours of interviews in county lockup revealed a previously unknown history of family molestation and suicide, personal suicide attempts and infidelities with her husband.
Math classes are designed to dissuade; they are weed - out classes.4 Weed - out classes have a long yet unknown history in the U.S., which I uncovered when writing my book Save Our Science.
Brilliantly structured as a contemporary chamber drama about loving your neighbours in the first part and, in the second, as a dreamy silent film re-imagining of their heretofore unknown histories, this is the rare critical darling that's as warm as it is intelligent.
recorded after a screening at last year's AFI Fest (with sub-par sound quality) where he again discusses the process of adapting known and unknown history as well as attitudes towards the Holocaust inside contemporary Germany and the «bad vibrations» he got while shooting outside a real concentration camp.
In 2012 the Anne Frank House provided advice on a number of activities aimed at calling greater attention to the largely unknown history of the genocide of the Roma and Sinti.
Dinco's Finisterre works are an opening night performance and, for the course of the exhibition, the objects, as an installation, that remain after the performers have departed; the works use towels from the Baños Finisterre, Mexico City as focal points in considering unknown histories and the bathhouse's male guests as social catalysts.
... there is a long and relatively unknown history of deliberate subjugation of Haiti by government and corporate leaders whose actions and inaction have resulted in the effects of the recent earthquake being exponentially greater than they ever should have been.
Chief Littlechild helped to lead a seven - year investigation by Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission into the country's «saddest, darkest, most unknown history», to unveil the truth and hear the stories of the survivors, many of whom were subject to abuse in the government - funded church - run boarding schools.
We take in many cats with unknown histories that may be harboring disease and who can pass along illness to other cats housed in the same ward.
It's a pain in the airport to drag the car seat but not worth the safety issue on the other end with a seat that has an unknown history!
Used car seats with an unknown history (from a consignment store) should not be bought!!!
They are anxious about new spaces, new humans, and new routines, and they bring months or years of instincts and unknown history to their new homes.
You could try the advanced search facility in our site and find Russian brides who Russian Women Overview & 5 Dating Tips - Overview Russian women, culture, history, and even politics — all mysterious and present somewhat of an unknown
Russian Women Overview & 5 Dating Tips - Overview Russian women, culture, history, and even politics — all mysterious and present somewhat of an unknown
Andrew J. Coulson directs the Cato Institute's Center for Educational Freedom and is author of the study: Comparing Public, Private, and Market Schools: The International Evidence, and the book Market Education: The Unknown History.
Andrew Coulson directs the Cato Institute's Center for Educational Freedom and is author of «Market Education: The Unknown History».
That is precisely the argument I have been making for a very long time (last Friday, at a conference in Berkeley; last year in a blog post, here; a dozen years ago, in my book Market Education: The Unknown History).
Coulson was author of Market Education: The Unknown History, the only book to address contemporary education policy questions by drawing on case studies from across the entire span of recorded human history.
-- Andrew J. Coulson is the director of the Cato Institute's Center for Educational Freedom and author of Market Education: The Unknown History.
At the same time, are you uncomfortable with the idea of purchasing a used car with an unknown history and little - to - no promise of support after whatever is left of the manufacturer warranty expires?
Despite vast differences in their upbringing, culture and circumstances, each of the women is drawn to discover the meaning of the painting and the unknown histories of their mothers.
Levin said in addition to preventing over-vaccination, VacciCheck can help determine the vaccination status of a dog with unknown history.
You could possibly put yourself at risk of being bitten when dealing with dogs of an unknown history.
Most of the animals we take in were abandoned and have unknown histories.
They have unknown histories and it's quite possible they haven't had their medical needs properly met.
Recommended for cats who spend any time outdoors or who may interact with cats with an unknown history.
Internal Parasites If your bird has an unknown history and has not been tested for parasites, signs of general ill health — diarrhea, lethargy, stunted growth and inability to gain weight — can all be symptomatic of an internal parasitic infestation.
When kittens or adult cats of unknown history are introduced into a household already with a cat or cats we strongly recommend testing the new individual for FIV and FeLV to protect those already present.
However, when adopting a dog with an unknown history,...
However, if you choose to adopt a dog with an unknown history (whether it is a pit bull - type or not), the dog should have temperament testing done first.
If a dog has always soiled in the home, has lived outside or in a kennel, or has an unknown history, it's likely that she simply has never been house trained.
Many dogs that enter the shelter come in as strays and therefore have an unknown history.
Often these dogs from animal shelters are believed to have an unknown history.
For puppies vaccinated early, with an unknown history or who have tested negative for antibodies here is an alternative vaccination protocol.
Our dogs often have unknown histories and we do our very best to evaluate each dog with kids, cats, and other dogs as well as determine how they behave in a home.
Moreover, those with multiple dogs or those involved with dog rescue, who house adult dogs with unknown histories and scant training, often may find themselves trying to correct the dog for eliminating in the house — while missing opportunities to praise him for doing the right thing outside.
A lot of people won't get rescue dogs because of their unknown history and they'd rather buy a puppy or an older dog that has been «run on» (to see if it is up to show or breeding standard) from a good breeder — because that breeder will know the temperaments of the parents and can also usually tell the character of the pup by the time they are ready to go to their new homes — and most certainly not at 8 weeks — mine NEVER leave until at least 12 weeks!
The key phrase here is «unknown history
This article describes how to house train an adult dog, whether newly adopted with an unknown history or your own adult dog who has suddenly and inexplicably started to make mistakes, this is the article for you.
Keep in mind that most shelter and rescue dogs have unknown histories and therefore are relatively unpredictable in behavior.
Mumbles was adopted first with an unknown history.
This strategy has been especially effective when training older dogs with unknown histories.
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