Sentences with phrase «unknown mechanism»

The study found several genes that are associated with resistance to antibiotics, including new genes that might point to previously unknown mechanisms of drug resistance.
But the acupuncture proponents among them have argued that acupuncture itself might still work, albeit by an as yet unknown mechanism.
«We are dealing with a system that loses in this case bone tissues and, in some still unknown mechanism,» he says.
Danish researchers have just published findings that explain a previously unknown mechanism used by cells to communicate with one another.
This previously unknown mechanism may lead to new ways to combat viral infections.
His work recording and analyzing groups of thousands of birds reveals previously unknown mechanisms by which network structure influences the ability of winter flocks of great tits to identify novel food patches.
They have now presented this previously unknown mechanism in the scientific journal PNAS.
The research indicates that there is a surprising and previously unknown mechanism at play in the geomagnetic storms.
For the first time, through the use of human embryonic stem cells (hES) sourced from pre-implantation diagnosis, researchers from Inserm's Institute for Stem Cell Therapy and Exploration of Monogenic Diseases (I - Stem) have successfully identified the previously unknown mechanisms involved in Steinert» disease, also known as type 1 myotonic dystrophy.
At the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences a material has been discovered with exceptionally high negative compressibility and a previously unknown mechanism responsible for it.
Moreover, by uncovering a hitherto unknown mechanism mediating neuronal differentiation, the study by Makeyev and co-authors should facilitate development of novel cell replacement therapies for neurological and neurodegenerative diseases.
Mei's study outlines a previously unknown mechanism found in neurons affected by schizophrenia.
My honours project was centred upon exploring mechanisms that allow for the progression of Inflammatory Breast Cancer, a highly rare and aggressive form of advanced breast cancer, and whether we could target these previously unknown mechanisms with novel therapeutics.
The exclusive recognition of CD1a by the TCR represents a previously unknown mechanism whereby αβ T cells indirectly sense self antigens that are bound to an antigen - presenting molecule.
Positing endless unknown mechanisms of varying characteristics to explain the data is not science.
It is also possible that by some completely unknown mechanism that the senstivity of the climate to CO2 is much more positive than you'd expect in this case and something will happen that will give us warming much larger than predicted.
There could also be other unknown mechanisms driven by solar changes that exaggerate the effect of small variations in total solar irradiance.
Every «warmer» or «alarmist» who had the opportunity up through 1998 - 2002 (say) to predict a leveling off by whatever known or unknown mechanism did not do so.
Just as flu season swings into full gear, researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder and University of Texas at Austin have uncovered a previously unknown mechanism by which the human immune system tries to battle the influenza A virus.
A study published by Cell Press on October 27 in Developmental Cell reveals that a fractured arm bone in newborn mice can rapidly realign through a previously unknown mechanism involving bone growth and muscle contraction.
The discovery of a previously unknown mechanism responsible for negative compressibility opens up interesting avenues in the search for new materials with similarly exotic physical properties.
This work builds on previous studies by the Miller lab in dissecting previously unknown mechanisms of immune suppression in pancreatic cancer with the goal of developing new immunotherapies.
New research from DTU Space and University of New Brunswick, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and University of Illinois shows that, apparently, there is a surprising and unknown mechanism in play during solar storms.
A previously unknown mechanism through which the brain produces new nerve cells after a stroke has been discovered at Lund University and Karolinska Institutet in Sweden.
However, other studies have hinted that taking antioxidants may hasten death through an unknown mechanism.
This initiates signaling which, by unknown mechanisms, regulates vertebrate developmental processes.
However, this latest research found that turbulence does not exist, suggesting new, unknown mechanisms are actually responsible for outages on GNSS signals.
The results also indicate that existing heart failure therapies, including beta - blockers and nitrates, which have long been thought to benefit the heart primarily through vasodilation (widening of blood vessels, a process controlled by NO), might exert their most significant effects in part by blocking GRK2 activity — a previously unknown mechanism.
By following the DNA - transfer, scientists for the very first time showed an unknown mechanism called carry back in which pathogens were able to snatch genes from far - related bacteria via the carry back mechanism.
There must be another alternative and as yet unknown mechanism, and the fly wing is an ideal model to answer this question,» says Marco Milán.
Analysis of multifractals, conducted by the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków, Poland, suggest the existence of an unknown mechanism on the Sun, influenced by changes in the number of sunspots.
Through an unknown mechanism, the mixed pairs produced more male than female offspring, and males are more likely to survive.
But the researchers discovered that Bcl - 2's regenerative powers seem to reside in a different, unknown mechanism.
Partly as a result of the unknown mechanism, there are few novel therapeutics, said Dawson.
«Our study reveals a previously unknown mechanism that we might be able to block to make tumors «visible» again to attacking immune cells, perhaps in combination with other immunotherapies,» says Miller, also an associate professor in the Department of Cell Biology.
Linda Geddes reports that the long - term use of selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in people with depression and panic disorder actually decreases serotonin levels through an unknown mechanism, rather than increasing them as traditionally thought (24 July, p 12).
They found that DOCK7 activates ErbB4 through a previously unknown mechanism; this activation must occur if chandelier cells are to develop their characteristic architecture.
«Opioid drugs have been link to degranulation also, but it was through an unknown mechanism.
The research team, led by Dr. Michael Shiloh, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine and Microbiology at UT Southwestern, found that microfold cell (M - cell) translocation is a new and previously unknown mechanism by which Mtb enters the body.
The team eliminated three of the four known starch synthases by inserting backward copies of the genes for each one into the potato genome, which, through an unknown mechanism, interferes with the translation of the nearby normal gene.
And a study in mice shows that the chemical works through a previously unknown mechanism to halt harmful blood vessel growth in the retina.
Researchers from the Institut Pasteur, CNRS and Inserm, in collaboration with a team from Switzerland, have discovered a previously unknown mechanism by which L. pneumophila targets mitochondria to modulate mitochondrial dynamics and thereby impairs mitochondrial respiration which in turn leads to a change in the cellular metabolism.
The study, co-authored by Dr Thomas Stevens, from the Department of Geography at Royal Holloway, University of London, found a previously unknown mechanism by which the joining of North and South America changed the salinity of the Pacific Ocean and caused major ice sheet growth across the Northern Hemisphere.
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