Sentences with phrase «unknown reasons»

"Unknown reasons" refers to something that is not known or understood why it happened or why someone did something. Full definition
6 - Are clear night skies warmer for still unknown reasons?
For an as of yet unknown reason, it affects the download bandwidth much more than the upload bandwidth on longer distances.
Possibly as a result of the swelling or for other unknown reasons, the silicon fractures and breaks down.
She was perfectly healthy when I left, but when I got home she had passed on for currently unknown reasons.
For unknown reasons breastfed babies experience significantly fewer of them.
We see that this product is not now out of stock and unavailable for purchase for unknown reasons along with the rest of the product line.
There are several known causes of cracked foot pads and unfortunately unknown reasons of this disorder.
That of course didn't happen, and the Essential Phone was delayed for unknown reasons.
6 - Are clear night skies warmer for still unknown reasons?
There, Thor (Chris Hemsworth, still ruggedly charming and perhaps even more so this time) is trying to bring back peace to the nine realms by fighting a group of bad guys for unknown reasons on another planet.
Macadamia nuts are toxic for unknown reasons in dogs.
Progressive Conservative activist Jamie Lall was unexpectedly disqualified for unknown reasons before his party's April 1 nomination meeting in Chestermere - Rockyview, allowing Wildrose PC MLA Bruce McAllister to be acclaimed.
The virus replicates rapidly but for unknown reasons doesn't spread to the beetle's brain until just before the larva emerges from her belly.
Multiple hard inquiries may mean that you failed to get money on the first try because of unknown reasons, and they make you look less creditworthy.
Marshmallows are on my bucket list of things to make this year and I've totally been putting it off for some weird unknown reason.
This game was screaming for a striker which wenger for unknown reasons doesent want to buy....
Their is no objective reason to believe there has been any power shift in any of the recent stats but popular opinion suggests the team that have been performing worse are doing better for some completely unknown reason.
No threatening scenario must first be presented; rather, a person can simply be standing in a quiet, uniform line and deserve the fury of a mama bear's primal rage for some nondescript and potentially unknown reason.
And our Joey Skylor was born into heaven in December 2009 for unknown reasons early in the second trimester.
His research built on the insights of 19th - century surgeon and cancer researcher William Coley, who noticed that for then unknown reasons, postoperative cancer patients with severe bacterial infections often experienced complete remission.
«For hitherto unknown reasons, some 35 % of older cats suffer from chronic kidney disease,» says Ellen Kienzle.
For unknown reasons ichthyosaurs and large pliosaurs had died out by 90 million years ago, but it didn't take long for their ecological roles to be refilled.
Lipoedema is a fat disorder in which, for unknown reasons fat cells grow and multiply abnormally.
In it he plays a distraught widower, whose wife killed herself for seemingly unknown reasons.
The trilogy was delisted from the Wii Virtual Console in November 2012 for unknown reasons until it was re-released again in Europe and Oceania on October 30, 2014.
Not to mention the fact that she was clearly very interested in playing the Scarlet Witch in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON but for unknown reasons ended up losing the part to Elizabeth Olsen.
He discovers that few people have ever seen Crater, and for unknown reasons continues to search him out even after Crater's minions begin trying in earnest to murder him.
Dream Home Minimum Requirements: For whatever unknown reason (s), I am painfully shy.
After several millennia of existence, the civilization began to break apart for unknown reasons between 600 to 900 A.D., leaving the once - mighty cities to be swallowed up by the jungle.
So, the idea is that you take control of a small group of humans looking to populate some distance part of the galaxy for entirely unknown reasons.
[Update] All Youtube videos have disappeared from Embers» Channel listing for unknown reasons since this article was originally posted.
On the shores of Lake Titicaca, located between Peru and Bolivia, the artist witnessed the large building stones that were abandoned there for unknown reasons more than a thousand years ago.
To be clear, the first sentence here is a quotation which, for unknown reasons Mosher doesn't bother to indicate is a quotation.
The roof of a gas station on the A58 highway in Zeeland collapsed for unknown reasons during the early hours of Monday morning, ANP reports.
For mostly unknown reasons however, it's taken forever to officially pair the Gear S2 smartwatch with select iOS phones.
it's much more reasonable to conclude that our solar system is receiving more radiation, either from the sun or nearby stars, for whatever as yet unknown reason.
The train sped up for unknown reasons on September 29th before it collided into the station causing massive damage.
This discovery is superior to the current redshift — hence the Doppler Effect — approach of detecting the expansion of the universe, since some scientists speculate that other unknown reasons can cause the redshift while Gravitational Waves are unique to the Inflation of the Universe — expansion at faster than the speed of light at the beginning.
It can be caused or aggravated by definite, treatable health issues or it may «just happen» for currently unknown reasons.
The operator of the 60MW German offshore wind test field Alpha Ventus is preparing to exchange the nacelle of an Adwen AD 5 - 116 turbine, part of which for still unknown reasons fell into the North Sea in early April.
For those of you who are so bitter at life for a myriad of unknown reasons, please seek guidance in whatever method you choose to free yourself from the lonely prison in which you are locked... from the inside.
A: Prozac is an SSRI antidepressant, which for unknown reasons are commonly associated with increased leg kicks at night as well as the four symptom criteria needed for an RLS diagnosis.
And yesterday, in a sad reinforcement of that argument, a Georgia high school teacher was arrested for firing a handgun out the window of a classroom where he'd barricaded himself, for unknown reasons, and causing yet another panic among frightened kids — a case that's hardly as rare as one might think (see here and here).
People have speculated that the plane was shot down or hijacked, and some wondered if the aircraft had landed on some remote runway for unknown reasons.
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