Sentences with phrase «unlikely choice»

His way always proves to be the best, even if it looks like the most unlikely choice.
They enjoyed a «privileged place» that allowed them the resources and emotional space to explore new adventures, imagine different scenarios, and make unlikely choices they might never have anticipated in their first two chapters of life.
One thing I always like about these lists are that they are all different and Amazon has made some obvious and very unlikely choices, I never expected to see Octodad on a list like this but it is a good game so it is nice to see one place give it some attention.
The curators — Bennett Simpson of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles and Chrissie Iles at the Whitney, with the artist Glenn Ligon as a consultant — have made even the most unlikely choices (Martin Kippenberger) for well - argued reasons.
Khamenei was an unlikely choice to hold Iran's most powerful post but endured by holding fast to the anti-Western rhetoric of the revolution while empowering the military and neutralizing potential rivals in the clerical establishment.
When Vikram Pandit took over Citigroup in 2007, he was seen as an unlikely choice.
As a child my favourite salad dressing was the smelliest blue cheese a restaurant could provide, albeit an unlikely choice for a six year old.
After voting for President Obama in 2008 and proclaiming his support for abortion rights, Carvin seems an unlikely choice for the Conservatives, and even, perhaps the GOP.
He admits he is an unlikely choice.
However, he was an unlikely choice as leader of the team assembled to build the first nuclear weapons since he was not an experimental physicist, nor had he led any kind of project before.
With the whey there's the complete lack of nutrients, making it a unlikely choice as a meal replacement shake.
Jack Tanner, celebrated radical thinker and rich bachelor, seems an unlikely choice as guardian to the alluring heiress, Ann.
Their unlikely choice is a naive tourism director named Marty Huggins (Zach Galifianakis).
Coming to the series late, Black seemed an unlikely choice to follow Jon Favreau, but his direction deftly handles the bombastic action sequences, while giving room for his excellent cast, which includes Guy Pearce, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ben Kingsley and Don Cheadle, to build their characters.
Downey seemed an unlikely choice to play the austere sleuth, but in fact the film was a lot of fun, cleverly written and full of high - kicking action.
Oldman, an unlikely choice to portray Churchill, inhabits the role snugly, as he does the prosthetics, transforming him into the paunchy, growling, jowly Churchill.
Although Bill Pullman seems an unlikely choice to play as a romantic lead, somehow he manages to fit into the part just fine.
The director Gabriele Muccino, who helmed «The Pursuit of Happyness,» seems an unlikely choice to overcome sentimentality with true sentiment.
Flyers garb - it may seem like an unlikely choice for a North Philly guy, two - time MVP of the NBA celebrity all - star game and co-star with LeBron James in the forthcoming comedy «Ballers.»
It's a striking still, to be sure, but an unlikely choice: Who'd have thought the first studio - approved photo from the 50th - anniversary Bond movie would be of star Daniel Craig in a Speedo, his back turned to the camera, lounging at a pool?
After «Zombieland» and «30 Seconds or Less,» Fleischer seems like an unlikely choice to direct «Gangster Squad.»
And speaking of Ross, he may seem an unlikely choice to direct a movie about a futuristic, fascist world in which teenagers must fight each other to the death in an exploitative display of national loyalty and pride.
Although Dreyfuss and Estevez would seem an unlikely choice in casting, especially when thinking of two actors who would have natural screen chemistry together, they perform their roles with complete competence.
Among our Four Seasons cars, the sporty Charger is an unlikely choice for a camping outing, but that's exactly where associate web editor Jake Holmes took our Dodge for a long weekend in August.
The BMW 7 Series is an unlikely choice for towing a trailer or caravan, but the capability is there should you need it.
An esteemed critic and founder of the literary blog Bookslut, Crispin might seem an unlikely choice to take on mystical subject matter, but don't underestimate her range.
Yield is slightly higher than the market's, but the highly cyclical nature of the stocks in the materials group makes the sector an unlikely choice for income seekers.
Although it seems like an unlikely choice, think again.
Snake was an unlikely choice given Nintendo (and lead Smash Bros. designer Sakurai) had an aversion to putting realistic guns in the series.
Sachs — known for his witty cultural appropriations, his interest in precision engineering, and his boyish fascinations — might seem an unlikely choice for this project.
Through the unlikely choice of abstract painting, Moffett continues to ruminate on death, desire, power and scandal.
The Museum of Arts and Design might seem an unlikely choice of venue for this event, one of the first museum surveys of Mr. Estes» work to appear in the city in many years, and the first MAD exhibition devoted to a painter.
MacColl was perhaps an unlikely choice in that he was known for his open criticism of the art establishment, including Henry Tate's collection.
Moffett's practice has also been described as «using the unlikely choice of abstract painting to ruminate on death, desire, power, and scandal.»
The 12th artist to take on the Turbine Hall at Tate Modern, Tacita Dean seems an unlikely choice.
The one I finally picked may seem like an unlikely choice but I haven't regretted it for a moment.
The vendor in this case had an easily discoverable history that would have made him an unlikely choice.
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