Sentences with phrase «unlikely outcome»

But preparing in advance, even for a highly unlikely outcome, can save you at least some inner turmoil if it should ever come to pass.
But that is as unlikely an outcome as is the idea of removing CO2 from the atmosphere.
That sounds like the most unlikely outcome of all.
The general thrust of the article seems to be that one should plan for unlikely outcomes.
Focusing on these equally unlikely outcomes has distracted the conversation from the very real societal effects already brought about by the increasing pace of technological change.
It is to this rather unlikely outcome that most of the groups we have studied, at least the most flexible and open of them, would have most to contribute.
Everybody is looking for that big one - time payout, so they're willing to take bad numbers on unlikely outcomes.
No matter how unlikely this outcome is, it is quite possible.
NEW YORK (Reuters)- Allergan Plc (AGN.N) Chief Executive Brent Saunders said on Monday that while the company is considering large, transformational deals as part of a strategic review, they are a «very low priority and a very unlikely outcome» of the process.
A former World Champion AHRA Super Street and NHRA Super Gas drag racer with time on his hands and wanderlust led to the most unlikely outcome of road tripping through Europe in a 1973 Plymouth Roadrunner.
«The question, as Dave put it one night, was, who would be willing to put his energy into the West Ridge, with failure as a not unlikely outcome, when reaching the summit by the South Col seemed so much more assured?»
Because a U.S. treasury bill or U.S. government bond is essentially a loan you make to the government, the government would have to default on those bills or bonds for you to not get your money back plus interest, which is a pretty unlikely outcome.
The latest polls suggest that an independent Scotland — until recently dismissed as a highly unlikely outcome — could become a possibility as the independence campaign gains momentum.
NEW YORK Allergan Plc Chief Executive Brent Saunders said on Monday that while the company is considering large, transformational deals as part of a strategic review, they are a «very low priority and a very unlikely outcome» of the process.
Net net, if you are going to concern yourself with the outlier scenarios on the down side, you should also balance them out with the other equally unlikely outcomes.
The results of Stanford's model should be seen as a mathematically possible but highly unlikely outcome.
The best way forward to reducing congestion would be for the NDP to work with the Mayors» Council (and the BC Green Party) to move forward with a comprehensive system of congestion pricing (like in London and Stockholm); however, the government's current «Toll Free BC» rhetoric makes this an unlikely outcome.
However, the reports states that tariff elimination is an unlikely outcome, as the UK would probably seek to retain some level of tariffs to protect its livestock sector from low price import competition.
«If Metcash can regain momentum in this part of the business, we see scope for the stock to be a market performer, albeit execution and pressure from Coles, Woolworths, Aldi and Costco make this an unlikely outcome in our view.»
I have no problem with Tulowitzki ending the inning rather than running around like a fool, exposing himself to tweaks and pulls to chase after an unlikely outcome that's unlikely to matter.
Relegation is a highly unlikely outcome.
Smith admits it's an unlikely outcome, but believes if Richards is drafted by this grassroots movement he'll be compelled to stick around.
As long as the conflict is framed by other parties as a conflict between the ruling - AKP and the PKK, civil war remains an unlikely outcome.
But even if Democrats win every race listed as currently competitive (a highly unlikely outcome), the party would still fall four seats short of a majority.
The attorney general pointed to recent polls showing 90 percent of New Yorkers regard corruption in government as a major problem, and demanded that the bill pass before the end of next month — a highly unlikely outcome.
But finding a consensus might be an unlikely outcome of the meeting — and that could extinguish expectations for a straightforward recommendation to quit or continue.
Optimal performance is an unlikely outcome if a player hates his or her programme, regardless of how scientific it is!
The dialogue often feels artificial and contrived, an undesirable and unlikely outcome for someone whose career has been based on turning life's lessons into witty, poignant perspective on the human experience.
You can no doubt predict the unlikely outcome.
His was the third - billed character in that movie, so that seemed an unlikely outcome.
In the markets, this is called variant perception — what the crowd (and the money they bet) betting thinks is an unlikely outcome, but is actually a higher probability result than most realize.
Even if B of A's common stocks plunges, and the warrants expire worthless (an unlikely outcome), the preferreds would still be a decent use of Berkshire's capital.
However, contrast this unlikely outcome with the 50:50 chance that the terminal value of the low cost fund would be about 38 % greater, and the approximately 10 % chance that the terminal value of the low cost, passively managed fund would be about 70 % greater!
While an unlikely outcome, the three countries have much to gain from increased cooperation and alignment.
RCP8.5, despite it often being called «business - as usual», has been criticized as an unlikely outcome.
By taking an unlikely outcome as the null hypothesis, it becomes trivial to «disprove» it.
While Parker and Irvine still consider sudden termination an unlikely outcome in this scenario, they note that it could have «significant justice implications,» especially if «those suffering were poor and vulnerable.»
This is an unlikely outcome — the government is far more likely to (a) approve your claim in part and deny your claim in part or (b) deny your claim in full.
I think this is an unlikely outcome.
There was always the possibility of the sentence being suspended, but it was seen as an unlikely outcome due to new president Moon Jae - in taking a hard stance on crimes of this nature.
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