Sentences with phrase «unlikely pairing»

"Unlikely pairing" refers to two people, things, or ideas that are not typically expected or thought to go together. Full definition
Lately, I've been wearing the somewhat unlikely pairing of a camouflage jacket with a silver sequin skirt.
They are a most unlikely pair and I'm having a lot of fun writing this one.
A very unlikely pair, but you know with style, anything goes!
Rules are meant to be broken, so go ahead and mix unlikely pairs such as florals with polka dots or stripes with dots.
They are the two most unlikely pair, and I couldn't love them more.
If you're a fan of even a small portion of its properties you'll find something you recognize here, and it doesn't shy away from mashing the most unlikely pairings together over the course of its seafaring adventure mode.
Favreau's performance is vulnerable, gruff and likeable enough to ground the movie through its various stages, including Carl's initial unlikely pairing with Scarlett Johansson (Her), until it finds its true home on the road.
However what I've loved is truly unlikely pairings being put together...
Anywhoooo, I'm loving the seemingly unlikely pairing of colors in this outfit.
Super Mario Maker and Monster Hunter seem like the most unlikely pair when it comes to crossovers, but it's actually happening!
Fascinated by Niebuhr since his undergraduate days at Stanford, where Robert McAfee Brown and Michael Novak — that now unlikely pair — introduced him to Niebuhr's work, he has employed the research methods of an American historian to dig out and interpret the data.
Like many of the notable comedians that lend their voice to Nerdland, Oswalt and Rudd don't alter their voice for their roles — they're each well - suited to the characters and make for an amusing, albeit unlikely pairing.
I presume that the joy of that particular film lies in the wholly unlikely pairing of the titular characters, with their against - all - odds «relationship» giving new meaning to life and love for both themselves and viewers, with the added uniqueness of the film's successful and cult - defining blending of multiple genres.
In this spellbinding saga of family bonds and unlikely pairings forged in Afghanistan by chance, choice, and necessity, Hosseini maps the damage wrought by betrayal, tyranny, and war.
Pals since they served together in World War II, Archie and Samad are a decidedly unlikely pair.
Grant examines history in a unique way, imagining unlikely pairings of artists and / or cultural figures.
These groupings of work reveal an artist whose keen sensitivity to colors and forms enables unlikely pairings and a unique ability to reinvent, refine and reimagine ideas across years of work.
-- Vali Chandrasekaran — Amusing charts aligning the development of unlikely pairs of phenomena.
March 23, 2012 • Hear a transcendent show by a very unlikely pairing from the aptly named Ecstatic Music Festival: Indie icons meet up with a crystal - pure classical vocal quartet.
However what I've loved is truly unlikely pairings being put together and working fabulously.
Beasley's installation transforms the space into an elaborate environment influenced by a seemingly unlikely pairing: Bernini's Baroque altarpiece in Saint Peter's Basilica and an influential image of Black Panther Huey P. Newton.
Cooking Class and Wine Pairing OR Opposites Attract... The Most Unlikely Pairings of Food and Wine; Grand Tasting; Valentine's Day Sparkling Brunch; and Meritage Blends, a Vino and Cioccolato Experience.
They seem an unlikely pair.
«A 100 - year - old health care provider and the platform powering 335 million blogs may seem like an unlikely pair,» Richards and Karp note.
They are an unlikely pair.
The deal would make an unlikely pairing.
Fifty Shades, which began as fan fiction for the Twilight series, explores the relationship between the unlikely pair, complete with a plethora of NC - 17 sexually violent sex scenes.
It takes the strange disappearance and possible murder of a local woman to bring this unlikely pair together.
Philadelphia (CNN)- An unlikely pairing took to the stage Saturday in front of a sold out audience at World Café Live to promote peace and ice cream.
Although they may seem like an unlikely pairing, these two foods combine to create truffles that are unapologetically rich, luxuriously chocolatey, and deliciously decadent.
It seems like an unlikely pairing but it is made in heaven.
They seem an unlikely pair — cottage cheese and pancakes — and no one would fault you for being skeptical.
A handout from the Federal Government has helped bring about an unlikely pairing between Italian oil and gas colossus Eni and a small cap Au...
This is how senior food editor Andy Baraghani creates a salad from an unlikely pair.
Watermelon and prosciutto may seem like an unlikely pair, but the salty - sweet mix will make this your new go - to fruit salad.
Steak and Brussels Sprout Stir - Fry with Carrot, Ginger, and Jasmine Rice Brussels sprouts and stir - fry may sound like an unlikely pair, but trust us, it more»
Can the pair prove an unlikely pair of heroes for England ahead of next summer's World Cup?
Under such turbulent, testing conditions, few of the observers present were surprised to find that the first two boats across the line, by a comfortable margin, were occupied by an unlikely pair of oil - rich Texas brothers, 50 - year - old Albert Fay, in his red - hulled Flame, and 49 - year - old Ernest Fay, in Yale - blue Pride (see cover).
The main reason that it is unlikely the pair will come to the Premier League is Financial Fair Play.
Even the early implosions of the club's traditional rivals such as Chelsea and Manchester United hasn't enabled the Gunners to take control of a competition that has instead become dominated by an unlikely pair of front - runners in Leicester City and Tottenham Hotspur.
The unlikely pairing will have you wondering why you never tried this peanut butter and jelly recipe before!
«We are an unlikely pair of friends,» he said.
Or perhaps it's because it is used to highlight his unlikely pairing with staunch atheist Hardy.
The unlikely pairing of an equine veterinarian and a burn surgeon is providing a second chance at a normal life for a horse that was doused in flammable liquid and set on fire late last summer.
A tempestuous relationship between an unlikely pair of stars may have created an oddly shaped gaseous nebula that resembles nesting hourglasses.
Steak and Brussels Sprout Stir - Fry with Carrot, Ginger, and Jasmine Rice Brussels sprouts and stir - fry may sound like an unlikely pair, but trust us, it more»
Although they may seem like an unlikely pairing, these two foods combine to create truffles that are unapologetically rich, luxuriously chocolatey, and deliciously decadent.
Possibly an unlikely pairing yet caramel melts into the icecream pink perfectly.
The three together are an unlikely pairing but it's one that I really love.
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